I am looking for someone who can nude shop very well and who likes a challenge. I will pay well for a good job
Nudeshop request
I cant nudeshop, but will bubble pictures for fun. what do you have, OP?
Do u do for other girls.? Do u have Kik cause I don’t want to steal he’s tread..
u know, this is like a super hard shop to pull off? right? it would take me atleast 2 hours lol :D. If noone does it, i might take on the challenge tomorrow
Post the thread then. And fuck Kick.
Op here. I know it’s gonna be hard but that’s why I’m gonna pay very well
If you think you might give this a shot, leave your kik or email and I’ll hit you up
Kik Karthik_Muthaliar
I can perfect nudeshop it.
fakechan80@ gmail
Someone could help me with this nudeshop
Here u go
Thank you so much, she looks fantastic!
Could you nudeshop her please
did OP get it shopped already?
its all i can do
Can u try her.?
Lifted shirt fake. Pencil eraser nips
Thank you
Nudeshop plz