Hey boys, give me some boobs and asses you need enlarged or shrunk. I'm bored

Hey boys, give me some boobs and asses you need enlarged or shrunk. I'm bored.

Attached: 806124551_84799.jpg (920x690, 80K)


Attached: 997ED810-8B15-4192-91C9-C2F3EAAE58E6.jpg (960x960, 189K)

Please and thank you!

Attached: E2D1123F-94E2-4739-9E79-48D9421628F4.jpg (960x586, 100K)

OP is ded?

bump if another user wants to take on this job!

Could use an upgrade!

Attached: sar 28.jpg (960x960, 54K)



Attached: unnamed.jpg (720x960, 83K)

enlarge plz

Attached: 1486612569349.jpg (708x960, 564K)

enlarge ass

Attached: 10732048.jpg (612x612, 91K)

sorry boys, made the thread too late and went to sleep after no one posted for a half hour. I'll try to keep up.

Attached: 1525513996475.jpg (960x960, 175K)

Booty boost?

Attached: jay 41.jpg (540x960, 80K)

Attached: img3425.jpg (540x960, 21K)

Attached: 1525537364739.jpg (960x960, 91K)

Thank you user!

works way better with visible cleavage bro. but I tried.

Attached: 1525551359625.jpg (720x960, 126K)

this chick is a real dog.

Attached: 1525551666595.jpg (708x960, 506K)

Bigger please

Attached: 21861516-48B6-4C56-BEC4-E1FAB9DBF43F.jpg (750x750, 152K)

pretty much just made her thighs thiccer, hope you like it.

Attached: 1525551736244.jpg (612x612, 101K)


Attached: 1525554587054.jpg (540x960, 99K)


my pleasure, she's stacked now ;)

Attached: 1525554603415.jpg (540x960, 38K)

Good work, thanks a lot user

Attached: 1525555235735.jpg (750x750, 130K)

didn't know which one you wanted (be more specific), so I did both.

no sweat

Attached: 1525515244966.jpg (960x586, 136K)

bigger tits?

Attached: IMG_0446.png (1242x2208, 6.7M)

Upgraded ass plz

Attached: received_10153532631706258.jpg (1080x720, 466K)

bigger tits pls (obv)

Attached: 20180422-190935.png (1440x2560, 454K)

Attached: 288dsj199sh1l9sl6.png (1440x2560, 443K)

Attached: 213_853.png (389x661, 321K)

Attached: 1525556328984.png (1242x2208, 1.66M)

Attached: 1525556405051.jpg (1080x720, 699K)

Attached: 1525557316698.png (1440x2560, 505K)

Attached: 1525557354809.png (1440x2560, 499K)

this one was hardest because the picture is so small, it becomes very easy to distort while also difficult to see drastic enough changes. enjoy though.

Attached: 1525557504427.png (389x661, 310K)

Some bigger boobies for her?

Attached: em 6.jpg (542x542, 60K)

Attached: em 7.jpg (536x536, 46K)

could you make them even bigger?

Attached: 1525562463131.jpg (542x542, 42K)

Attached: 1525562481129.jpg (536x536, 70K)

Attached: 1525561857950.png (1242x2208, 1.64M)

Enlarge ass, please and thank you? :))

Attached: IMG_0954.jpg (750x1124, 173K)

Thank you very much!

Attached: 1525567355484.jpg (750x1124, 193K)

Bigger booty?

Attached: image 3452.png (432x879, 605K)

Attached: 1525568209168.png (432x879, 370K)

Bigger ass?

Attached: BA2E9777-CB72-4103-ACE9-383DA9FC9622.jpg (3264x2448, 1.12M)

Any potential to do this?

limited amount to work with here

Attached: 1525569169779.jpg (2448x3264, 3.28M)

Can you do anything with this?

Attached: 3FB64D84-FBC3-42A5-90F3-DFE7F9F952EC.jpg (640x832, 225K)


Attached: 1525572011227.jpg (640x832, 234K)

I shrunk it all. If you want to retain girth, lmk.

Attached: 806120462_89050.jpg (847x1280, 104K)

If I don't reapond immediately don't get discouraged. I can assure you I will see it eventually. I will be here until 404 or full.

Have u got kik user?

Enlarge/shop top out pls

Attached: 6EB7183E-E8A3-451B-ADD9-BE5DDC6A614E.png (1242x2208, 3.59M)

I don't even know what kik is

the top piece? or top of the image (sky). can't remove clothes yet, sorry.

Can you email me at [email protected]
For a private request?

dude you're anonymous. no one cares about your secret fetishes, ne included. post here. I'm not willing to waiver this.

If you could just enlarge then that’s fine man

Make them even bigger on the girl on the right?

Attached: ne198.jpg (483x598, 71K)

If it includes you or your crushes face, post it, wait 15 minutes and then delete your post. I get it, concerned of friends lurking. I'll scoop up the image in that time and fulfill.


Attached: ACA774F0-119B-489B-9518-CE054D80D864.png (1242x2208, 4.21M)

Both of them bigger, please

Attached: 20067008_331333340632340_2532147662128414720_n.jpg (1080x1080, 1.22M)

And/or this

Attached: 1292A910-B1F6-404E-95E0-58BBB9D21808.png (1242x2208, 2.72M)

Expand the size or remove the top if possible

Attached: 1342964705.jpg (600x800, 44K)

Attached: 1525573770947.png (1242x2208, 1.6M)

fuckin ace titties here

Attached: 1525574169161.jpg (483x598, 53K)

i need these wayyyy bigger

Attached: image13.jpg (612x816, 57K)

be more specific next time. I did both. right was easier. left's barely look different.

Attached: 1525574183791.png (1242x2208, 1.92M)

That's looking really good! Very thankful for that! Now maybe with similar girth?

disgusting degenerate sleazebags. I did them anyway because I love you.

Attached: 1525574216305.jpg (1080x1080, 1.21M)

why not both? desu

Attached: 1525574257033.png (1242x2208, 1.19M)

ahhhh, love me some blonde bimbos. excellent taste, user. enjoy

Attached: 1525574303865.jpg (600x800, 59K)

Attached: 1525575426756.jpg (612x816, 66K)

I've got a few more of her

Attached: 200.jpg (482x602, 66K)

Attached: 805513697_143581.jpg (847x1280, 104K)

Really good!

Boobs enlarged

Attached: C5C6ACB2-9080-4518-86EB-3FC743AA9F34.jpg (1242x2208, 286K)


thanks OP

Attached: 1525576445827.jpg (482x602, 47K)

kinda difficult

Attached: 1525576746377.jpg (1242x2208, 361K)

enlarge her?

Attached: CeXY8UYe.jpg (1000x667, 201K)

Attached: 806119073_89685.jpg (847x1280, 104K)


what is this for anyway? If I may ask.

Attached: 1525581917753 copy.jpg (1000x667, 217K)

thanks for stealing my work. you fucked up the right boob at the top btw. now it looks unnatural.

Attached: ne251.jpg (483x601, 77K)

Attached: 1525576445827 copy.jpg (482x602, 58K)

Same treatment for


Attached: 762052F7-F5B0-4E99-AFC2-4A2C0C130525.jpg (1242x1225, 277K)

nice six head

Attached: 1525576445827 copy2.jpg (482x602, 60K)


Attached: 1525586579659.jpg (1242x1225, 299K)

not me

Attached: 1525585489720.jpg (483x601, 58K)

Attached: 13912700_10209999071242271_455444003931gggggggg4174724_n (1).jpg (436x960, 82K)

Do you fake tits onto any pics or just enlarge existing pics? Just curious

Attached: 185118_4116567365473_1876703235_n.jpg (960x640, 73K)

Attached: 1525590704482.jpg (436x960, 80K)