Could some PS god please bubble or fake this?

Could some PS god please bubble or fake this?

Attached: IMG_7078.jpg (2048x1367, 347K)

or this

Attached: IMG_7089.jpg (872x1134, 275K)

or anything with this

Attached: 1186079_10151773964393010_1068992062_n.jpg (960x720, 72K)

Got kik?

r u around? can try if you are? shopper here

Please try!
My kik is funguy990

Attached: asdf099.jpg (2048x1367, 871K)

I try nude. Wait a moment

Just admiring your great work ps wiz. If OP doesn’t mind, could I get a nudeshop or see through bubble on this?

Attached: 11BC3881-16C7-40E3-BEF6-FBF42FF477E5.jpg (1124x1375, 417K)


Bro we’re all just on here trying to get the same thing. Not trying to hijack

not why i was calling you a creep
>Just admiring your great work ps wiz

Hey...if the guys good at what he does, I’ll give him the credit

hope you like

Attached: 1526420438405.jpg (872x1134, 597K)

Awesome shop! I know I’m not the OP but do you think you can shop the one of the blonde and brunette I posted? It would be greatly appreciated

This is the one. A nudeshop on this one would be awesome

wow dude thanks so much i love it! both so so hot. can you do anything with this?

Attached: IMG_7079.jpg (1080x1080, 215K)

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Attached: IMG_7093.jpg (960x958, 115K)

Attached: IMG_7087.jpg (1045x1214, 328K)

Add breasts and puss guys thnx;)

Attached: 20180322_173058.png (720x1280, 1.16M)


At least clean shaven puss


Wow user who did this, may I request your services please?

Attached: 20180516_235413.jpg (1318x2709, 1.23M)

Can I please please get a shop on this one? Thanks user!

Not op but this is impressive as fuck, nice work

Awful source material, but can anyone assist?

Hijacking thread because I saw a good shop above

Attached: jk2.jpg (960x960, 112K)


This guy is a total bummer

Bumping this, though

Bummer? Dude we’re trying to ge the same thing. If a shoppers working, why wouldn’t I ask?

You are just all over this board, is all, in every thread, being "creepy" as another user put it

I, on the otherhand, am merely being "pervy"

Right lol I’ve tried for one picture and only asked in active threads. Just trying to get something done on that one. Don’t see how that’s any more “creepy” than the entire board is in general.

Good point

Bumping for interest