Could someone shop this angel's face over the lewd girl in the next pic
Shop request
Over this girl
That would fit her well.
If it's not possible or done already, you can use a different pic to shop her on too
Not OP, but damn that's hot!
If op has more of her that can be faked, feel free to do so
This is really great! Thanks user!
Brilliant thanks! Would user be open to shopping her here? I'll post a couple source pics
Hopefully some of these might work. This one especially (she has a nice smile lol)
WoW, this must be the most realistic fake i’ve ever seen.thanks
This looks damn good user!
Here is another one of you made by Tehe3. Sent you an email btw
This picture of her is great for a fake too.
Anyone able to do anything with this?
Btw, if any faker is here and willing to do one of her, what kind of angle do you want?
forgot attachment
Thanks user this is fantastic!