Could someone remove her bikini top please/

could someone remove her bikini top please/

Attached: 4b4e1229106eaf668081efedc6fe3522bd09176e_s2_n2.jpg (2160x2160, 516K)

bump pls


well... shes hot af so my shop doesnt do it justice.
but its an attempt.

Attached: i tried.png (2160x2160, 3.17M)

tried a different technique... turned out a bit better
any others of her?

Attached: itriedagain.png (2160x1454, 3.19M)

nice thanks, too bad isnt little bigger like her original boobs, but its great

nudeshop pls

Attached: 2rZuGKq8ePw.jpg (688x1033, 110K)

Great work user. Think you could try these girls?

Attached: E9589B0A-3358-40E0-9315-532D68CF6CB5.jpg (922x1129, 227K)

nudeshop pls


create your own thread


so bump


so bump

le bump

any other pics of her with a larger bust? i can try again...

the same girl, can you or someone else photoshop her naked?

Can someone also remove her bra?

Attached: Bra.png (962x840, 827K)

think im getting not terrible at this... made her bust bigger this time as well

Attached: Untitled-2.png (688x1033, 789K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180524-034021_Facebook.jpg (395x687, 123K)

Her please

Attached: Screenshot_20180524-034002_Facebook.jpg (393x697, 156K)

Attached: 1527022516723.jpg (2160x1446, 1.02M)

Editing yours just cuz.

Attached: 1527022516723b.jpg (2160x1454, 370K)

came out real nice... howd ya do it if you dont mind me asking-- this is day 2 of me trying haha

Can u get that tongue cum or cock covered and other one dress removed

Attached: 31518648_1687012061391719_8368071261183183020_n.jpg (540x960, 36K)

Tongue Cum Covered

Attached: 29694965_104424357074709_1758843605073870414_n.jpg (720x960, 45K)

Thanks. Used the healing brush to remove the bikini and fixed the rest with clone stamp.
Cut out and overlayed pic related as the donor. Adjust brightness and color to match the
skin tone. Finally used eraser with soft brush to blend in the edges of the donor pic.

I'd say finding the right donor is the most important cause the less you have to mess with
it the better it will look.

Attached: czech-casting-74ee0.jpg (1067x1600, 294K)

its perfect thank you very much, can you do more white under her boob who has some shadows and remove the mole pls?

Attached: 1527154983801.jpg (2160x1446, 1.09M)

Can you shop this one please?

thank you its perfect

Wow, that was a great job and size looks realistic. To OP: Are you tricking your gf with this?