Take this template of my cock and shoop it into pics of qt women and sexy women of your choosing and post results. Don’t let me down
Take this template of my cock and shoop it into pics of qt women and sexy women of your choosing and post results...
Nice, more pls
Queer, why do you want to see me fuck dudes? Deep in the closet?
Keep delivering anons, I do like thicker women and very feminine bodies if you’re wondering. But any woman of age would do that’s hot
OP here, come on anons. I know you can do much better with this
Offer an actual tribute for each shop and you might get more!
I was giving it to other anons, your choice. any woman you want, that is what the deal is. any woman you want that is of age and sexy
Tribute that
Are u ever not thinking about sex lol
Why can't we see you actuall tits anyway
OP here, shoop me into Emily’s mouth
Post more of this slut I could shop one
I really like this one
And ok
whats emily's last name
Why do you ask?
id like to find her social media for better workable pics rather than have u post them all
Oh, it isn’t her real name. But on Facebook she is emily rose, went to Michigan state university
This one, her mouth is wide open. It’s why I put it up
Hope something comes up and produced
Where’d you go?
these r the best ones here
yes, dump women for anons to shoop my cock into the pic. this is exactly what I was thinking, anons dumping women of their choice for cock
So... where is the tribute?
absolutely nothing about tributes was said, go back and read the intent of thread
Oh! I thought the rules on this board was "get a favor, do a favor"? Apparently that doesn't apply to you!
I could do tributes, but you are being a little shit stain cunt. so none for you, since you clearly have the inability to read the thread before entering. twatbucket baby dick
I’m upset this guy just fuckin up and left
Lol ur so mad at that guy u permavirgin
samefagin queer
this one is super well done, wonder where this user went
Op, interested in getting one done (of age) privately and text chat about the girl I'll be putting you together with. I think you'll love it. Interested?
100%, thank you user. can't wait to see the woman you paired it with. hope she is really hot
Here, let's text chat while I do this for you. You know vola, right?
no i do not, I do not have vola or kik. I have noticed those two a lot of people use on here. I do not have those
I'd suspect that this guy fucks himself, but his dick is too short to accomplish that feat.
bump for life
life happened bro
Holy fuck you are the best, thanks user
theres is not enough leg or stomach to make these any bigger sorry
could do them?
Would love more if you’re able to user
i didn't realize how small the image was i used, here is a 2x of it, its not great stretched but it works
dude i'm about done working on other mens cock to be honest, i didn't actually think i'd be this involved
i don't work on girls that look younger that 21
also i don't do shops for magpies trying to steal other peoples threads
You’re an angel user, OP here, highly appreciate you
Your work is amazing, I would love you to keep going, but I can’t make you. Thank you for what you’ve done. OP here
last one bro
and i mean it this time lol
Nice, thanks buddy
Bump for life
Hope the guy comes back to do this one that he said, a different user