Tribute or cumshop?

Tribute or cumshop? I'll dump pic your fav

Attached: 236_1000.jpg (480x640, 49K)

Best cum of the day

glad to hear it, tribute it next time

here's more

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fucking LOVE your tributes btw Thick god amongst men.

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could do more later
kik: maybesteve

cheers, added you

Attached: 252_1000.jpg (480x640, 37K)

so this dude on kik got this weird idea.. can't compete tho

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Yeah, execution just isn't there..

Attached: 500f5904-72f8-479c-9a78-a97333de78fd.png (960x1280, 984K)

So there's yet another dude on kik, pretty creative guy, who couldn't display or print and suggested this instead

Attached: d3ad4211-a3d3-4b95-8ed5-f5f573debcfd.webm (368x640, 2.89M)

And he keeps delivering, bless you user

Attached: 9a16c7e9-d05f-4421-afb7-6ad63061e510.webm (368x640, 1.33M)

new user blowing load on tablet

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thanks, share more user and you might get her tributed

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moar user

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