Your wife

I want to abuse your wife. Send me hi-res nudes to
[email protected]/viewtopic.php?f=28& or use Pm here :

Attached: Uten navn-7.jpg (1920x480, 603K)

That got fucked up. Send mail to [email protected] or pm me here:

So is this new COPP better than the old one was?

The old one really went to shit and kept having dude's posting CP tier stuff and then it was taken down.

I don't want to sign up for more cancer.

I might Even do A tribute of the hottest. Pic or gif

Attached: post-1250778-0-34134500-1477074192b – Kopi.jpg (425x603, 188K)

Attached: tribute.gif (320x565, 3.83M)

you're not taking requests from here ?

I dont Know the old one, but this is ok for my use

Youre amazing Nero

Did u get my email? From louis


Yes, ill have a look when i gett time

Cool thank u

Sent some stuff

I got it

Plz state in the request if you want me to keep it private

Thank u - louis

Attached: Uten navn-1.jpg (1364x1032, 341K)

Attached: Uten navn-1.jpg (2916x1134, 975K)

Email sent my man

Attached: Uten navn-2.jpg (1569x653, 356K)

At the moment im only doing hi-res pics of wifes/girlfriends

I sent you some wife pics on the 29th. I imagine your inbox stays pretty full.