Looking for full video

There is a video sample which has 26 seconds. I'm looking for the original video. I believe this is on live me or something. Thanks in advance!

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-06-17-08h05m26s362.png (640x368, 209K)

Too bad we can't see the rest of the LiveMe watermark or whatever.

This one is more clear

Attached: vlcsnap-2018-06-17-09h09m32s129.png (640x368, 181K)

Video file name = sassy_8307



Anyone good guy out there?

Jajaja sex

Let's find the treasure Anons!


Post the video sample

There u go, it sure is a perfect video if it was original length

Attached: ezgif-5-1d0757781f.gif (640x368, 7.03M)

Videosample too big and I've got no time to optimize it etc.

someone do the right thing



So no one willing to share a link?

fbi bait

And it’s people like you as to why we don’t get to enjoy it why would this even be fbi bait arnt they legal?





No they aren't legal you fucking untermensch

Of course it's legal, they are both 21 1/2


How do you use liveme ids?

I had to create a live.me account to search the ID up and search came up as "sassy_carma"

Liveme replays?

vid still up?

no replays but she had a group and I requested to join so I'll be waiting for that

damn good luck

turns out she has a instagram it's "carmelluhhhh"

How tf do you search on liveme?

yes I wish she posted it there though

Attached: Screenshot_20180618-020830~2.png (720x642, 85K)

you have to make an account

This might help ur search

Attached: 20180618_112340.png (1080x1836, 329K)

>Video file name = sassy_8307
how do I find this?

just tell me

finally found it. The video was not worth the search but here it is. r/kgcaf960


what's worse is that the chick who strips and teases is her friend, not the liveme chick


do you mind sharing the link?

Wasn't that disappointed

thats a volafile link. so volafile org/r/kgcaf960 just add the . in the space

you kidding? thanks dude, was great.

I would be considering that there a better version without lag in the video out there.


Yeah but who the hell has that

people who enjoy "trading". Hopefully someone gave him something he'll trade for

>80 fags in the vola
>No one is talking

everyone waiting for more cheese


sassy_sasa liveme