I'm hoping one of you guys are old enough to remember this. It was a VHS porn. Kind of based on Beverly Hills Cop. I don't enjoy interracial porn, but vividly remember the scene where an Asian girl with braces says "I was I had a man. Any man would do." The black guy comes out of a closet and says "Just answering your wish, baby. Just answering your wish." Great lesbian scenes and the first porn I ever saw. Please help. Pic unrelated.
I have been searching for this porn for 20+ years
Come on, someone knows.
One of you knows.
come on, guys
Help me remember!
You seem to be the only one around the internet to remember such a thing, and it seems you've been posting that same paragraph on /b/ and some other forum too, wtf. Take a chill.
was it this girl?
sorry pic related
never posted it before.
This was straight 80s. Big teased up hair.
So so close, but not it. If there is one I have faith in it's the depths of Jow Forums's degeneracy. One of you knows this.
Don't fucking lie to me google.com
Jesus, how drunk was I? Did you find the movie? Dude, all I WANT is a title at this point.
Guys, please.
Wish I could help you user, as I'm in a similar boat, but my Google skills are shit.
Fucking bummer. Someone knows.