I have been searching for this porn for 20+ years

I'm hoping one of you guys are old enough to remember this. It was a VHS porn. Kind of based on Beverly Hills Cop. I don't enjoy interracial porn, but vividly remember the scene where an Asian girl with braces says "I was I had a man. Any man would do." The black guy comes out of a closet and says "Just answering your wish, baby. Just answering your wish." Great lesbian scenes and the first porn I ever saw. Please help. Pic unrelated.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Come on, someone knows.

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One of you knows.

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come on, guys

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Help me remember!

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You seem to be the only one around the internet to remember such a thing, and it seems you've been posting that same paragraph on /b/ and some other forum too, wtf. Take a chill.

was it this girl?

sorry pic related

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never posted it before.
This was straight 80s. Big teased up hair.

So so close, but not it. If there is one I have faith in it's the depths of Jow Forums's degeneracy. One of you knows this.

Don't fucking lie to me google.com/search?q="Just answering your wish, baby. Just answering your wish."

Jesus, how drunk was I? Did you find the movie? Dude, all I WANT is a title at this point.


Guys, please.

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Wish I could help you user, as I'm in a similar boat, but my Google skills are shit.

Fucking bummer. Someone knows.

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