So i found this shoop someone made a few days ago while browsing. Wanted to know if it was possible to keep the body + mouth/cigar but change the face and hair to a different girl?
I'll attach those next.
So i found this shoop someone made a few days ago while browsing. Wanted to know if it was possible to keep the body + mouth/cigar but change the face and hair to a different girl?
I'll attach those next.
Other urls found in this thread:
Here'-s a few examples.
Here'-s another shot.
Throwin up a bump
Would have tried for fun if chick was hot. Pass
Appreciate the consideration at least man. I could post a few other girls if youd like?
Not op but... Is this better user?
Do you have any more pics of her op?
No, just grabbed this from a thread a day or so ago.its someone elses fake request. I just liked the idea and asked for a headswap
I mean of your girl you want swapped into the pic.
Oh the blonde one? Yeah heres another one. And i got one more.
Any more on blondie?
Those 2 help?
Op here again. Confused. What is going on?
Can someone do this one with cigar girl?
How about my friend? Would she work instead of ops girl?
Not op but bump because i wanna see this happen.
Op here. Its late but one final bumpo as i pass out.
>Huh. CAO gold. I smoked one of those yesterday.
Can't shop, but here's a free bump
They any good?
The gold are pretty cheap stogies. Mild, pretty good taste but I like much stronger cigars. Actually the gold cigar was reworked into a blend for Christmas, something like Nutcracker or something. That was a great cigar.
CAO has much better ones like amazon, flatheads and their different region blends like this America here. Brazil is great too.
Not the original guy but i wanna say thanks for being informative. I wonder where op went.
You're welcome. I like cigars way too much.
The CAO gold reworked blend was called Nasty Nutcracker BTW.
Maybe the OP is where I should be - working...
You know if anyone has that? It sounds good. Im new to cigars
It's an old blend from 2014 I think.
Looks like small batch cigar and cigar reserve still have some in stock according to their website. Small Batch is highly recommended from reddit's cigar group. They have great samplers for different strengths.
I found some a couple years ago in a small pipe tobacco store in Baltimore. That pic was my last one around Christmas last year. I might have to get some too now.
Not going to lie I love how this threads gone from a fake request to Cigar aficionados it's kind of hilarious
I feel kind of bad for the OP requesting fakes too.
Found a nice review of the nutcracker.
Op here. I dont mind. I guess no one wants to do it.
There really could be a fakes or photoshop board around here I feel.
Op again thats what Jow Forums is supposed to be. Glad someone got something out of it
Come on.. someone do this girl at least. Op hasnt been a problem he even provided source and donor!
Bump because i like the blonde fat chick
bump because I want to see this happen.
For Science. For Humanity.
For porn! After all, thats what the net is good for!
Op here. This is still alive? Bump