Xrays for a while

Big titties get pref

Attached: 1.jpg (874x768, 61K)

X-ray her

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don't think thats a nip bud, try a dif pic, she's got a nice body

Attached: 2.jpg (305x819, 219K)


Attached: A796135D-78DC-4EE2-9040-1A1C4F866101.jpg (839x2048, 470K)

Attached: 3.jpg (540x960, 245K)

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material is too thick mate


Attached: Screenshot_20180523-215619.jpg (805x1431, 368K)

now that's some nice titty. whats her insta?

with the pic this time

Attached: 4.jpg (839x2048, 853K)

please bro

Attached: 31960925_10212248986721796_5678301052869279744_o.jpg (1080x1350, 136K)

a non b&w one might work better

Attached: 5.jpg (1152x2048, 638K)

Attached: Charli-XCX.jpg (790x395, 48K)

Attached: 6.jpg (805x1431, 449K)

wont work mate, need a better pic

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Attached: 8.jpg (303x742, 169K)

I mean you can pretty much see her pussy already

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she got a name?

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Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-26-12-38-09-2.png (720x805, 626K)

Yea I’ll share her with you on kik if you put your username in the thread

Attached: Xray.jpg (1080x810, 55K)

ain't no seeing through that one. Got any more? Great tits

Attached: 11.jpg (697x434, 221K)

Bless you sir

Need this OP, thanks

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don't you just want to cum all over her face

sure mate its avalancheone

Attached: 12.jpg (720x540, 183K)

Attached: 58210355-6E0C-4643-AE2C-58EDE85752CD.jpg (386x960, 157K)

Oh yeah, I work with her and its torture every day.

Sorry to spam you with another of her, better view though, also thank you for the last one!

Attached: FB_IMG_1529704147447.jpg (453x604, 26K)

Attached: 13.jpg (720x805, 308K)

Bumping this

Attached: FB_IMG_1529429945300.jpg (720x405, 36K)

sexy lips

Attached: 14.jpg (706x1291, 504K)


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she already did half the work for you

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Attached: FB_IMG_1529942426799.jpg (720x720, 64K)

it's okay user, i can only imagine how hard it is not to drag her into the store room and force her down on your cock

Attached: 15.jpg (453x604, 147K)

Attached: szdfxgcf.png (756x824, 1.33M)

Possible to see her big tits OP ?

Couldn’t find your kik username doesn’t exist

Attached: 1528696383029.jpg (1080x1341, 301K)

god damn she is sexy. What's her name man?

Attached: 16.jpg (845x730, 492K)

whats yours ill just add you

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Attached: Screenshot_20180626-110747.jpg (978x1223, 826K)

sure is buddy

Attached: 17.jpg (978x1080, 569K)

Can you post your xray methods OP?

Attached: IMG_2592.png (750x1334, 4.47M)


Attached: 1508572578241.jpg (720x960, 92K)

sure mate,
open in photoshop,
quick select what you want to xray
click the channels tab and select red
go to the adjustments drop down and click shadows/highlights,
adjust to liking
use doge/highlight tool to help
repeat for each channel color
go back to RGB
then sometimes i adjust the color mix

Attached: IMG_2589.jpg (750x509, 356K)

Thanks, this is the same girl if you want to do some more of her

she got a social?

too thick, didn't work

Thanks for trying, is possible ?

Possible ??

Attached: Screenshot_20180626-110810.jpg (770x1348, 821K)

very fit, love the way her tits are squashed together in that too

Attached: 18.jpg (813x1078, 577K)

Attached: IMG_2593.jpg (506x932, 713K)

whoops! had an extra letter its avalachone

Attached: IMG_2595.jpg (400x400, 46K)

Try these sisters ?

Attached: Screenshot_20180626-111423.jpg (979x762, 261K)

got any more, doesn't work on that one

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Attached: IMG_2587.png (750x1334, 4.19M)

thankd for trying

Attached: 1508517590227.jpg (960x720, 120K)

Think you could give this a shot ? Not sure how well itll work with the pattern but thanks

Attached: 20170720_005959.png (688x904, 716K)

she kinda looks like dillion harper. Very sexy gal, kik me

Attached: 19.jpg (386x960, 308K)

Maybe this one ?

Attached: Screenshot_20180625-113344.jpg (458x795, 264K)

it's the fabric on that one mate, need a diff outfit

Is she possible?

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Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 2.02.31 AM.png (392x778, 509K)

If you think you can, it'd be appreciated.

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fucking her in the ass would be a joy

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Attached: 22.jpg (979x1346, 652K)

third times a charm, avalancheone. Add me, might be able to do a fake of her


Attached: 23.jpg (978x1223, 898K)

that's all I've got time for unfortunately. so other user can take over if they like. Good posts alround

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Do this one, please, thanks!

Attached: no name.png (1366x768, 1.52M)

they're not huge but i'd love to see them lmao

Attached: kmijnbhuvgyc.jpg (731x683, 66K)

and/or this

Attached: scxvn fht.jpg (1183x735, 91K)

ded thred?

looks like...