
Im going to do a few faceswaps.
drop high res pics only,
ill probably ignore the crappy res ones

ill do as many as i can

Attached: sssss.jpg (675x854, 477K)


Attached: Capture2.png (495x599, 756K)


Attached: dac1fdab6a557eacb1b9e61baadca08b.jpg (540x798, 53K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 1.13.59 PM.png (776x1280, 1.68M)


just choose whatever one works best for u. if none of them work let me know.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 1.13.00 PM.png (1268x698, 1.02M)


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 1.14.20 PM.png (750x882, 1.22M)

2nd one isnt too great other 2 are perfect

thanks for letting me know, you can do whichever one works best for you.

Attached: 427DE147-362C-46B3-8658-BE6400477CB4.jpg (450x974, 416K)

Maybe this one?

Attached: B4A3DD19-FCB3-4379-8114-F4F0F4F161A4.png (750x1334, 1.97M)

Maybe this one is better

Attached: AF98C57F-693A-452D-850B-1D6662019918.png (750x1334, 1.42M)

please be patient im just trying to find the perfect donor pic

Anything you wanna do with this
Pic is okay by me

Attached: 6137A520-E0F8-47AC-80A3-68BB5B41D679.png (750x1334, 1.89M)

Attached: 0106EDBE-8C3C-44FE-9B8B-7DE7ABBBF0B2.jpg (750x833, 569K)

Attached: C2C75258-FC5F-4E3F-99FF-463E6917FE01.png (750x1334, 1.58M)

take your time, no worries

Any of these three

Attached: 037CCD74-9310-4E41-8E51-C6B1D08F6BF9.png (750x1334, 2.23M)

Attached: 460AB40F-6142-4C5F-A632-3818493BAADE.png (750x1334, 1.63M)

Attached: ED3FB39F-45EB-40E8-9DEE-5DBD074CC746.png (750x1334, 2.12M)

Attached: 4AA8A24D-3055-4BF5-AE4C-42645C2F0668.png (750x1334, 1.97M)

This might work I hope

Attached: E2462970-632B-40A3-9EBD-CAAE6D48B4B4.jpg (750x978, 558K)

Attached: 21462466_10212629262939342_6552586268009752283_n.jpg (960x720, 51K)

Attached: 9.jpg (562x800, 122K)

are you the same user as yestarday? I thought you will take a break

Can you do this one and maybe add a little more cum!??

not done any for a few weeks to be honest.
sorry its taking so long mrs has been bugging me lol

Can you do this one and maybe add a little more cumshop!??

Attached: 1530860060835.png (680x617, 422K)

Could this pic work?

Attached: 20171117_112348.jpg (3264x1836, 2.18M)

No need to rush you or anything but are these pictures good enough for you to fake or do you need more?

left... cheers

Attached: FB_IMG_1531162421350.jpg (960x720, 62K)

What makes you think that they are any good?

This is a swap thread learn to read but if OP know how to do it then lest see

Attached: 1B540A4D-BC81-43C2-A51C-85AEBC34664C.jpg (639x650, 130K)

Attached: 12523861_986866748027463_2295407802761804312_n.jpg (956x960, 190K)

Attached: 9ECACC8E-5975-48EA-862A-4B99649B574F.jpg (640x627, 117K)

Hi OP. Loved your last thread

Attached: fgcgvb.jpg (540x960, 58K)

could you do claudia please (on left)?

Attached: uoyi.png (921x799, 1.35M)

Sorry for the glasses

Attached: received_1030159630392260 (1).jpg (1072x1920, 180K)

This one, plz, OP?

Attached: FB_IMG_1531162911538.jpg (720x960, 49K)

Anything to left plz

Attached: lauaid.jpg (1355x1224, 365K)

>same fake as yestarday
>42 min with no respond
Is this a bait thread?


Attached: received_250600582359192-1.jpg (1550x3226, 679K)

Attached: DSC00159_custom-cut.jpg (3049x2736, 4.25M)


Attached: BrendaSue123.jpg (2369x3488, 1.65M)

Thanks for nothing then faggot

Attached: 1529197505690.jpg (685x474, 62K)


Attached: GE4C.jpg (800x533, 210K)

Attached: 15094231_10154929347717240_1776797324532425562_n.jpg (720x960, 51K)

Attached: A5399AD6-30BA-4300-BD5E-9A9FD4E628A4.jpg (1333x2048, 316K)

Attached: 250C93AE-4E4E-4867-B0AD-E5019ADB1974.jpg (720x960, 144K)

Plz this one, op.

Attached: FB_IMG_1531162911538.jpg (720x960, 49K)

Attached: D4B9CDC8-E733-411C-87DD-5FEDB89B7445.png (640x1136, 1.42M)

Swap this...

Attached: 4a844368-7e81-46a6-8e85-a89e9b6594cd.png (960x958, 664K)

...with this?

Attached: 2B.jpg (1280x857, 206K)

Do this one PLEASE!!!

Attached: FB_IMG_1531165475979.jpg (720x1080, 61K)

Attached: 15875087_942500602552696_1458632755231338307_o.jpg (1278x720, 58K)

Thanks that there are still good fakers and anons like you to help on the requests when asshole like this OP make bait threads, so thank you even thought this was not my request

Attached: downloadfile-4.png (332x443, 218K)

Attached: 20180613_190708.jpg (401x408, 115K)

If you can please

Attached: 4301.jpg (1944x2592, 472K)


Attached: 20180622_141622.png (694x719, 677K)

Attached: 20180619_000132.jpg (501x1080, 434K)

Attached: 20180616_053343.jpg (633x1229, 417K)

Attached: 31047_401991591500_6139282_n.jpg (478x526, 67K)

Attached: AC56D7C0-1903-4E42-86F9-CF9B7052AB4A.jpg (1242x1548, 1.55M)


Attached: 417_1000.jpg (1000x1333, 537K)

Attached: lorbas2.jpg (349x844, 97K)

Attached: zohra.ysf~1531085753~1819201608678176629_6866914575.jpg (1080x1080, 61K)

Middle girl with the long hair, if possible a tall girl posing

Attached: 2e7da752_fc4f_4bfd_bd96_41d8b061ce2c.jpg (1080x608, 58K)

Attached: fk01.jpg (1000x750, 358K)

Do this one PLEASE?!!!

Attached: FB_IMG_1530855311564.jpg (720x719, 31K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1531175179752.jpg (540x960, 44K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1531175156064.jpg (960x960, 74K)

Attached: 156824_10151563682165973_1523118591_n.jpg (538x990, 115K)

any chance with this one?

Attached: 36818966_231625900992037_54410750239703040_n.jpg (768x960, 98K)

Please Fake? Thanks

Attached: 533732_10151890485172059_1854829271_n.jpg (496x999, 135K)

Attached: 21272849_1443881782394550_7203385188424208785_o.jpg (1199x1208, 238K)

im doin this

Attached: 17972069_1167547180039627_7369999039427428582_o.jpg (2048x1356, 137K)

high qual enough?

Attached: 14549919_267652433630196_4398470196742848512_n.jpg (1080x1080, 234K)


Attached: BNT.jpg (547x820, 188K)

Attached: 9k=.jpg (750x937, 71K)

Attached: imgsrc.ru_53887904wMw.jpg (430x745, 115K)

High enough?

Attached: 26230689_10209321523630163_1546341598647159043_n.jpg (960x960, 60K)

Attached: Z.jpg (640x800, 68K)

before you ask, she is 19 lol

Attached: karlita.jpg (750x904, 152K)

Hargraven from skyrim

Attached: FB_IMG_1531178477336.jpg (720x960, 52K)

FACT: If you don't think she's hot you're gay



Haha says the bloke who can't even fuck a Hagraven so he has to get some poor editor to look at that shit for an extended period of time

The Hagraven obviously means something to whoever posted, he is getting upset

You'd be the man!

Attached: IMG_0408.jpg (960x720, 114K)

Please o pleased

Attached: FB_IMG_1531178090406.jpg (720x960, 87K)

you are homosexual


Attached: received_246210269464890-1.jpg (687x1560, 69K)

she is a breton, faggot

Attached: 9881f6204289b09d153f794fad234f63.jpg (1080x1345, 1.84M)


Attached: BFL.jpg (2132x3197, 1.57M)