This is a friend of mine who has the most awesome tits. Is there any summerfag who could shoop some tits, replacing her bikinitop?
Dolly tits
Here's some more picture of her while someone shoops the first image
she's my type of slut. can u post some more bikini pics?
i'll try to find some. Sadly there is no nudes, 'cus she is well aware that ppl want to see her tits :/
i have a photoshoped nude that someone made for me tho. I'll post it after this one
>pic related
almost a nipple on this one
no the best but bikinitop atleast
i don't care if your edit looks like shit or if it takes a while to do. I'd appreciate it anyways!
btw here's the fake nude someone made. Forgot to post it
Here she looks a bit like a pornstar
this woman looks like absolute trash, user. get better taste. she's too good to show her tits? lol. Those eyebrows of hers are dumb as you.
what makes her trash then, user?
I think she's beautiful. We have very different taste, but i knew her personally, so i grew to love this woman.
imagine having her THICC lips around your cock
Them jugs tho
Anyone want to help a faggot out with the first image?
Wot, m8? She has terrible tattoos, piercings, her skin looks like old leather, and her make-up game is way off. lol. If it wasn't for her saggy tits, no one would pay her any attention.
Terrible tattoos? You can't really judge that much from like 2 images showing her tattoos, man. Also, the quality of these images are not that great, meaning that her tattoos look kinda poor with that camera. Nothing wrong with her piercings, just a standard septum nose piercing and gauge piercings. What picture does it look like she has old leather skin, kek? Sure her makeup is a bit too much sometimes, but usually she doesn't put that much on (she has like 1000 pictures uploaded).
One final note. Look at the first picture; her tit's aren't saggy, you fucking virgin. Have a look at some porn and you'll know how big tits look with and without a bikinitop.
>mfw you say her tits are saggy showing you haven't watched any porn
lol, you are one asshurt nigga.
Terrible tattoos? You can't really judge that much from like 2 images showing her tattoos, man.
>implying shitty tattoos done right, negate the fact people get overdone dogshit designs
Nothing wrong with her piercings, just a standard septum nose piercing and gauge piercings.
>insinuating shitty piercings don't automatically deduct beauty. Bitch looks like she's stuck in 2004 listening to Green Day
What picture does it look like she has old leather skin
>all of them lol
Sure her makeup is a bit too much
> yea to hide her hideousness
One final note. Look at the first picture; her tit's aren't saggy, you fucking virgin. Have a look at some porn and you'll know how big tits look with and without a bikinitop.
>on Jow Forums, user implies person has not indulged in any porn and/or is virgin over the fact his cancerous woman is not attractive and has yet to receive what he has asked for literally/physically/metaphorically.
Bitch is gross, user. Kys.
>"overdone dogshit designs"
She's had those tattoos for many years. It has become more popular in the later years, but she has had it for many years.. Your argument is invalid. Imagine getting a tattoo that you like and years later you find out everyone else is getting that one; is your tattoo shit all the sudden?
>"Bitch looks like she's stuck in 2004 listening to Green Day"
not sure wtf kind of girls you've been with but piercing are very common and it's becoming a very normal thing to have. The actual piercings vary from person to person and some look better than others lul
Get your eyes checked man. You must have fucked too many pigs, so all you see is pigskin when you look at humans. Such a weird fucking comment
>"yea to hide her hideousness"
It feels like you're trying to hurt me or something? you wont make an impact, pal. I've seen her with and without makeup. Alot and very small amounts. She looks good either way. And if you have a different thought about it, then sure, be happy with your goats n shit.
And last comment, i do believe you hide all threads with women and look at all the gay/trap/furry/scat boards on /b/ cus you complain about tits being huge. There's no sign of her damn tits being saggy; just big. Therefore you obviously haven't seen proper big tits before.
Please user, do something useful with your life
>do an hero, fgt
I can hook you up later just busy at the moment
kek, learn to take an L, nigga. No one finds this ashy leather bag of a 'woman' attractive except you. lol. Let people work on attractive women, pls. trolololol.
hahah you're not really good at this "triggering" you're trying, kek
I don't really give a fuck about you thinking this woman is not to your damn liking. I know hundreds of men and women who like her appearance and style. One little puny human like you won't change a bit. GLHF in you hunt for those "sexy" girls
This is why i love this board
Here u go
Sir, you will win a big prize one day! Thanks user, you actually did a great job!
>Is there any summerfag who could
you wouldnt want a summerfag to do anything for you, because summerfag means they just got here this summer, have no fucking clue wat theyre doing or how anything works around here, & cant do anything for anybody.
like you or your trashy friend, for instance.
lol. dont quit your day job.
Lol someone is triggered. Just asked for a request in the request boards
also i forgot to mention, the initial post kinda explains what this thread is all about, and if someone is "new" to Jow Forums or Jow Forums but good at photoshop, then there's no problem.
I'm happy with the result i've got no matter if it's a damn newfag or not, so why bother?