
Can anybody please recolor this ass Pic for me to make this sweet bum more visible.

Attached: 36744788_224731651484193_5092179720821276672_n.jpg (1080x1215, 54K)

Bump pls

I tried but it didnt seem to help.

BTW I love that pic. Very sexy.

Yeah, that's why I would love to see it colored. :D maybe it's possible to lighten her ass a bit more?

It just makes everything to light. But them again, I am a rank amateur at these things.

No you're right there is no detail in the shadow to lighten, this is just a waste of the thread

Any more of her?

Attached: 1532439900177.jpg (1080x1215, 148K)

There you go. I'm doing professional work if you need some shopping done in the future.
[email protected]

Attached: 1532439900177.png (1080x1215, 956K)

thx. this is soooo perfect.

I could do better, close to actual colors but you know, it takes time. Anyway, I'm glad you like it :)

yeah, it is awesome work. no question. i bet it took years to get such skills.

Attached: 1532439900177b.jpg (1080x1215, 171K)


holy crap. you can see her bubble butt through it. fuck.

this random non prof shopper did a way better job lmao u pathetic

All he did was bumping saturation on the pic I made, so btfo.

If he wants to work on already colored pictures by playing with sliders, sure, it's great. He can suck my balls whever he wants.
I don't mind someone else taking over my pics and improving them. What I mind are faggots like you, who know shit.

Attached: a1527648422535.png (1800x1125, 2.19M)

Hope you don’t mind I cleared some things up and added more color. Hope you guys like it :)

Attached: 74C133FA-5AF4-4465-8EBD-1ED1852CB721.jpg (1138x1280, 266K)

Are you guys able to remove filters?

Attached: CC7D9F4A-B4A9-4BC4-854F-3D22DF2D701F.png (750x1334, 1.98M)

Awesome! I don't mind at all.

is it possible to get her ass crack more viewable? haha.

Attached: a1532462195270.png (750x1334, 1.17M)

Thanks! If you have time could you do this one too?

Attached: C9D4CD84-CC8C-4D1B-88E0-1CC158AAAB46.png (750x1334, 1.98M)

Would love filter and or improvements made to this. Pic is old but has me diamonds. Have more to give if this works?

Attached: 1532415972853.jpg (480x640, 44K)

What top color you want on her?

Fuck me i know her!

For reals haha?

Just whatever you think looks most natural.

Attached: 1532466493667.jpg (480x640, 172K)

So much better thank you, just wish the quality could be improved of shitty iphone cameras

Attached: DAEB66C8-69B6-47BE-92F9-DEB9103BA197.jpg (750x1358, 172K)

Attached: a1532464884699.png (750x1334, 1.39M)

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Attached: 860_1000.jpg (480x640, 42K)

Attached: 1532250979015.jpg (270x270, 7K)

cleaned it a little

Attached: 1532467435342.png (480x640, 495K)

Attached: 1532467726402.png (750x1334, 1.4M)

Attached: 35998475_667030116966993_3574419504836378624_n.jpg (1080x1350, 77K)
