New clear-bubble thread. Post your req. and keep it alive until I get to yours

New clear-bubble thread. Post your req. and keep it alive until I get to yours.

Attached: 1534831445327.jpg (929x929, 254K)

this one please

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Attached: Screenshot_20180822-131751_Facebook.jpg (598x1146, 246K)

And send it to her ;)

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Attached: h.jpg (600x400, 42K)

Hard one

Attached: 24021_369893153726_505083726_3678302_6080120_n.jpg (720x540, 81K)

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Please and thnx user!

Attached: Screenshot_20180810-065626.png (522x512, 252K)

Please, I hope it works

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HOw is going to work if her tits are not in the pic...?

what exactly is he supposed to bubble here? the shoes?

Attached: 1535018796155 copy.jpg (598x1146, 80K)

I would still like to see

To see what?

More skin

them please?

Attached: 19228838_1311764175539905_1970685476788502528_n.jpg (1080x1350, 201K)

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god, you are simply stupid

Attached: PSX_20180818_003318.jpg (1440x1729, 357K)

Your ruining this thread. Why are you arguing? It's not like your request isn't going to get done because I requested this. He said post your request and that is what I did. Plus, that's the only pic where she's showing so much skin. The most she's ever show. I'm not stupid. I'm just horny for her

Attached: 1535018923219 copy.jpg (480x854, 96K)

her pls!

Attached: 1.jpg (501x638, 86K)

her please! got a couple more if needed!

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I'm hoping for a miracle here. Thanks for making this thread!

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This one Thorulf, please

Attached: screenshot_2015-07-02-09-26-26.png (480x854, 135K)

Attached: 25015432_139802963385717_8779949747675856896_n.jpg (1080x1349, 92K)


Attached: 1535019384187 copy.jpg (1080x1350, 143K)

OP how do you do this?

that's one good looking chick

Damn, you are good

This is exactly what I needed. Thanks for this!

Attached: 36914574_230331964267565_1635750080071860224_n.jpg (1080x1080, 74K)

Attached: 1535019575620 copy.jpg (1080x1350, 297K)

This is so good Thorulf

Whew... slow down, folks.
Taking a break. I'll be back.

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Kind of proud that the thread thumbnail is my exGF haha

Greatly appreciated

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this will be 2... sooo double i love you and thanks? :D

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This one please

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Is this one doable?

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Plz OP

Attached: 32947501_403615203435782_3780438413031768064_n.jpg (1080x1080, 711K)

Please o please

Attached: 12308787_10207993032488950_1636490078355391843_n.jpg (720x960, 101K)

Or maybe?

Attached: 12728761_10208557128550999_2558508555532755868_n.jpg (720x960, 72K)


Attached: 1535030761887.jpg (1440x2147, 1.15M)

nice thanks! Could anyone do a see through one as well

Improved it a little

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thanks a lot man, great work

Attached: 1534856722730.png (640x1136, 754K)

please :)

Attached: 1534856762908.png (350x995, 638K)

Bump to keep it alivie, :)

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