Rate my cock R4R
I'm gonna need to see more
It is a nice dig you have
How big is your cock
This is my cock.
18 cm big and full condom
Fucken nice! Did it feel good draining those balls?
Got a full slow motion vid but to big to post
I need to see that! I need to see it! We can have some fun
Is it webm? Please find a way to post it. I need to see! Maybe shorten it a bit
Thats the best i can do
Yes baby! I like seeing you touch yourself. May I please get more pics of your cock?
Are you taking these pics now or are they ones you've had saved?
The last one is one i just took same with this one
Am I making you wet? Can you take one with your hand groping the shaft? Maybe a vid where you just jerk it?
Both of these are nice! I don't wanna stop playing yet! Show me more
Nice hard cocks
Yes keep showing me your precum. Can you put your hand higher on your cock? Like right before the tip. And I really want you to gripe it. Grab it hard!
Wow! What a nasty big vein you have. Would you like me to release all that tension?
Not quite long enough to get in my ass
Yes! That's it daddy. Keep obeying me. Now push it down! Hard!
Yes! Stroke it for me please! I wanna see your hand on it
I'd like to see you try! More! More! Let me get a better view
What would you like me to do if I was there? I'd do anything for you
Deep throat me while you finger my ass
Yeah. Keep stroking it for me baby. Stroke it more aggressively for me. Make me feel it!
Oops did I make you do that?
You wanna try and make a mess again?
That's a big man! You're making me so wet. Delicious cocks
Oh baby you don't know how much I want that. My mouth is watery just thinking about getting all that cum in my mouth
Hmm what should I do
Push it in! I wanna see it stuck in your ass
seriously? damn um... why are u all checking out eachothers dicks? idk... enjoy the cookie whoever loosea
they are old pics
You have anymore?
How can they be old when im taking them now
Post more
Mmmm, yes
Tell me how it feels
Any chance you can take another pic like this but also holding your cock
Yes, I wanna put it in my mouth. Can you push your forskin more down for me? Really push it down!
I feels so good stretching my ass out
Take a pic of your cock out of your zipper pants hole. It'll look so good!
Oh yeah! You know how to please me. Fuck! I wanna see you grasp that cock. Push your hand up, to your tip
Ill keep it in while i go out side for a cigarette
Now put it through your zipper hole or boxers
Nice shorts. You've got a nice tight ass! Would love it if you pulled down those shorts a bit
my tiny Cock
These are nice
nice dicks for cum
Nice cock, would love to take it for a test ride
Your dicks are small
yes very small