
not doing all
post pics of girls
preferably in thin or tight shirts, that makes it easier for me

Attached: alejexrae.jpg (1500x938, 849K)

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anything here?

Attached: 40285211_319999795401548_8281418582798106624_n.jpg (720x960, 89K)

hi man!

Attached: 59122_494452680635454_1753391692_n.jpg (588x931, 348K)

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Can you attempt

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hi I need this please

Attached: 32920047_1637104349741749_5952216457642246144_n.jpg (700x946, 371K)

Attached: B1.jpg (960x720, 81K)

tight, white and revealing already a little

Attached: Capture.png (523x683, 720K)

Xray the bday girl

Attached: Screenshot_20180831-181305.jpg (979x1368, 877K)

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Attached: Screenshot_20171220-022608.png (1080x1920, 1.34M)

I mean, they are pretty close already :p

Attached: 1915468_10205981598725662_626633232590438058_n.jpg (903x922, 443K)

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Attached: Screenshot_20171220-021609.png (1080x1920, 1.53M)

that's awesome! thanks!

Attached: 1521074402262.jpg (1200x1200, 168K)

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Please so her OP

Attached: 20180608_023519.png (1080x1273, 1.57M)

thank you!

Attached: 1532602000104.jpg (1080x1349, 115K)

Attached: hbjnsrdgjncfhgjjvdvyb.jpg (523x683, 206K)

Wow you're great with black OP, think you could try her

Attached: Screenshot_20180625-113344.jpg (458x795, 264K)

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Attached: Screenshot_20180625-020712.jpg (1062x1797, 532K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180531-001457.png (1080x1920, 1.23M)

not bad. Is it possible to make the whole dress a bit more transparent ?


Attached: Screenshot_20180827-211852.jpg (978x1358, 658K)

Attached: IMG_20171022_203054.jpg (1024x1024, 105K)

OP here im going to take a break ill be back tonight sorry if i didnt get to yours

Can you pick up where you left off ? Theres some good ones above that need your skills. We'll keep it alive til you get back

Her please. Total MILF. Mom of 2

Attached: FB_IMG_1534783640625.jpg (640x1315, 59K)

Her on the right in the white shirt please

Attached: FB_IMG_1519833073610.jpg (960x717, 108K)

Not trying to ruin your thread, but those are called fake-rays. Also she looks like a prego.

You doing any ?

Any chance?

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Attached: F04C337C-26A7-45E3-93D9-BBBE73C779BD.png (750x1334, 1.45M)

desperate request
I dont know if its possible but I think it is

Attached: 39327540_919190848265615_7716443779929997312_n.png (362x1229, 959K)

ummm how did you get that pic of the girl in the black top i know here in real life wtf?!

Damn small world

The girl on the right, can just cut everyone else out, want a better look at those nips and panties

Attached: ac28.jpg (960x960, 181K)


Not OP

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Not OP

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Not OP

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (362x1229, 143K)

lol your correct they are fake and she does look a little prego my bad xD

also i was going to domore but im drunk af now so i dont really feel like it
ill make another thread soon
OP signing off!

Not OP

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1500x938, 336K)

Any chance you can do for me? I know there's a bra, I just want to get the shirt more transparent and see down to it

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (618x1131, 174K)

Fuck that turned out much better than expected, thank you sir!

Can you try this one?

Attached: 23.jpg (576x1024, 83K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at 11.21.21 AM.png (477x596, 412K)

Would you be so kind as to attempt to x-ray this please?

Attached: 39790072_2199120990345152_4206569756582477824_n(1).jpg (1080x1080, 80K)

Attached: 35999692_165899720945918_5907698984180252672_n.jpg (1080x1350, 87K)

Is this possible?

Attached: A9ECD744-1A8A-4837-AB69-35B01CC719FB.jpg (1242x2020, 408K)

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I wish i was that tattoo.

On the left

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my friends mom

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Please sir or madam

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so fake her

Attached: White Dress (2).jpg (450x600, 27K)