I have a quest for you ! I saw this pic and am sure there is something to do about the reflection in the tap... Could some master try to find it out?
Appeal to all Photoshop masters
how long have you been asking for this, surely you've moved on by now its been years
Actually I just saw the pic and am indeed very interested in seeing what's on the other side!
enjoy your fap !
Well ...
get some inmagination !
Well... Great.
Is there a way to get it cleaned?
No one ?
Anyone else think it might be possible ?
Isn't it challenging?
Up ftw
No one ??
Is it too difficult ??
Whatever you saw in movies, it's fake. That's now how image processing works.
You literally have no idea how anything works. You might as well commission an artist to draw something for you. There's literally nothing to work with except a pixelated shaded silhouette
Ah yes, the CSI enhance, def doable
Oh ! I really don't know how it works, actually. But thank you for educating me
What is it?
you must to be kidding me
lol this thread
How ? Why ?
Ok... But where does it reflects?