
Is it possible to x-ray this picture?

Attached: 39385073_1784221818294210_5377510946803548160_n.jpg (1080x1080, 102K)


Yes, it is possible.

Attached: 1537396421265.jpg (1080x1080, 411K)

Nice! Thank you very much.

All I can do

Attached: IMG_4843.jpg (1080x1080, 470K)

Please user! You did great work! Tey on my cousin please

Attached: IMG_4544.jpg (540x720, 85K)

Bump please

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Great job! Fake Xray right?

It is artistry. So yes.

What you mean it is artistry?give her a chance too?

Attached: IMG_3084.jpg (1610x2848, 606K)

I paint it on. I don't use clone tools or anything. I just take a good look over and try to visualize where and what the nipples may look like, add colour and shading, put in beauty marks stuff like that.

It is a great work actually,seems so real. Thanks GammaRAY!!

Attached: 1537455925278.jpg (1610x2848, 1.45M)

Wow thanks again! I give you mi KIK in case you can do some over there: locura0897 you do an amazing art eork!

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You are such an artist man! Thanks a lot!

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Great work again!!Thanks a lot man, your doing it so real!

Attached: ff.jpg (482x538, 54K)

Maybe this last one is most difficult because she is not looking front?Anyway I apreciate your workand effort!

Attached: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg (251x563, 53K)

Think this is the last one for now.

Attached: 1537461881030.jpg (482x538, 133K)

Thanks a lot for all of them man!


Attached: girl1.png (679x906, 607K)