Show me ur skillz ...
Can u nudeshop her?
I'll try, could take some time
I spent a lot of time in Photoshop but still didn't figure out how to make realistic boobs. I usually go with healing brushes and mix something up (don't even ask). How did you do this?
It's a combination of techniques: First I try to reuse as much material of the original image as possible to vaguely outline the parts (I use the clone brush for this). Then I blend in the donor image and adjust the colors and lighting (mostly with color balance / saturation / exposure layers)
For the donor image I look for one with the right angle and shadows. Colors don't matter, it's easy to adjust later with said correction layers.
Awesome man, I finally got it, you really explained it thoroughly. Thanks bro!
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, to be honest. I'm not very good at explaining these things and english isn't my mother tongue. However, you're welcome :)
Lol no bro, I mean it. I learned a lot about blending options, layers, healing/clone brushes, I learned how to create realistic cum and have fun with drawing it using a brush, I figured out how to handle lighting.. but I couldn't figure out how can I draw/make a boob and nipples after I use the clone brush to get rid of the clothes. Now I finally figured it out through your answer! Thanks again :) p.s. Lol, boredom does a lot of weird things to us
Whoever made the amazing nudeshop. Could you please nudeshop her?
>boredom does a lot of weird things to us
yea, tell me about it
Actually whoever nudeshops this, youre a true mvp
he would be my hero too, because it's very hard to get a good result for this one...
Here's my request if anyone want's to be this user's hero...
You think she would be hard to shop? Because I really dont know. And ive been praying for her to get a quality shop one day
Please someone anyone
OP here - thx man u r the best!