Anyone got any good tips and tricks with nude shopping? Right now the way I do it is taking the girls face and putting it on porn pics as best as I can. I usually make the finished result black and white since I can't seem to contrast the colours for the two images properly. I used for my shops. I will post the pics in abit. I could use some advice for future shops. Thankss
ITT: Nudeshop tips and tricks
Heres one I made a while back
Pretty much it.
Any tips on how to actually shop a pic like this with her clothes removed, tits and pussy and all?
not that bad so far, but let me give you some tipps:
first of all, use the right tool for the job. get a copy of photoshop, cs3 or higher is fine. is amateur hour.
learn about the following techniques for nudeshops as well as faceswaps:
1. layer masks: to blend images together
2. adjustment layers: to correct colors, brightness, exposure. i mostly use "color balance", "exposure" and "vibrance".
3. clone brush: sometimes you want to remove small parts of an image (eg bra straps), for this purpose you clone adjacent areas of the image and reuse them where needed
Thanks pal. Im an amatuer at this so its crappy ahaha. I'm mostly a noob when it cones to stuff like this so I can't see myself spending money on something I'm only gonna use to fap for. Know any free softwares that are prety decent in terms of nude shopping? Also I have tried the cloning tool but sometimes when I use the skin around the bra strap it looks like it doesn't match :(
In Piratebay you can download a photoshop version for free
GIMP is free and probably better then, but I have no idea what the tools are called.
Also Photoshop CS2 is free, as far as I know, and should also work. But no guarantees here, I never used it.
when you clone an area, make sure that you a) use a soft brush and b) always clone to a new layer, this way you can adjust the cloned parts separately (again, with adjustment layers)
WnB you first cut a selective area or you are just paste the other pic and change the opacity? Not OP here
Not 100% sure what you mean, can you elaborate?
In a nudeshop you just cut paste a photo change the opacity and play with color to match or do u do sth else like in a faceswap where you delete a selective area and blend the images together. Because this it doesn't work on some nudeshops I tried the colors where fucked up
OP here. Ahh okay I see. I'll pribably download GIMP tonight and figure it out over a few bottles of brewskis ahaha. Thats actually pretty smart to do the cloning on another layer so you can do adjustments. Also softer brushing makes the cloning less obvious no?
OP here. Yeah I can never get the color eight so I just Black and white it.
It's pretty easy to blend colors in a faceswap but you need photoshop I don't know how to use the other programs
alright, i made a quick tutorial. I hope that helps you guys :)
Fuck WnB. You are doing Gods work. Gonna try this method on and Gimp
as far as I know, adjustment layers don't exist in GIMP, you'll have to work on the image layer directly. i suggest to copy your image layer every once in a while to have "checkpoints", if that makes sense
Is there any android apps that can do those things?
There is an android version of GIMP, but I honestly can't imagine to work with such a sophisticated tool on a touch screen. Could work for small adjustments, but for most parts of the process I described above you have to work very precisely
I have a stylus and mouse for it. Is it called gimp
you could try AndroPainter, it's a gimp derivate
Thanks. If you get could x ray these it would be greatly appreciated. . Also can you make a tutorial to cumshop?
I'm honestly not very good with cumshops, but there are tutorials out there you could watch
and I won't do another shop tonight, I'm too tired. another day, bro
Not faceswap related, but might help elsewhere...
>if you want to morph features learn a little about anatomy; legs, hips, butts, boobs, etc. are rarely perfectly round.
>a lot of the time you can get away with just scaling specific body parts with the scale tool instead of the morph tool. this helps keep image grain consistent (though it'll be slightly larger obviously). You'd copy it to another layer and mask it appropriately.
>if your computer can handle it, double or triple the images resolution before working on it. Shrink it back when finished. The scaling process helps hide hand drawn lines/features.
>when using the morph tool; set it to a low strength and use multiple strokes to get to the desired shape. Remember to slightly move the body parts "interior pixels" as well.
>also morph a duplicate layer and then mask the edge. You can fiddle with the masks value curve afterwards to get the edge sharpness you want. This also hides/cleans up warping in the background.
>When doing photobashed xrays you can typically get away with just colouring the shirt's breasts slightly towards a skin tone and bashing in a couple nipples with appropriate lighting/alpha. The shirt already has shading on it, in a lot of cases the breasts shading would be identical anyways. If the clothing's colour is close to skin tone change it (desaturate it, hue it, whatever).
i use gimp, and a script tool called resynthesizer. you have to work with the picture you have as opposed to copy and paste, so it obviously requires some artistic ability, but it can yield good results. i can tell you more if you're interested
Use the image's lines to your advantage. [pic related] has a scaled head, widened hips, re positioned shoulders, and scaled breasts. Literally all of it was done with either the scale tool or the move tool (no morph). The edits where hidden my using the image's own lines; such as the lower edge of her top, the waist of her pants, her jaw line, the outer edge of her hair, etc.