Fake request

Nudeshop/fake these girls please

Attached: img_3154_501031c2e087c30295000025.jpg (600x899, 102K)

Attached: 1512969722673.jpg (940x1408, 156K)

Attached: 201807281920441412_sbig.jpg (1370x1827, 239K)

X-ray/fakeray maybe?

Attached: 1516003564187.jpg (1080x1350, 118K)

Attached: 1532602000104.jpg (1080x1349, 115K)

Attached: 20181113_033936.jpg (404x898, 301K)

Attached: 20137202126136620867001_sbig.jpg (940x1254, 152K)

Attached: 1522636978519.jpg (1380x2070, 446K)

Attached: 1517712226780.jpg (1080x1616, 312K)

Attached: 1513560363762.jpg (940x1408, 184K)

Attached: 1512969649152.jpg (940x1408, 207K)

Attached: 201807111605052408_sbig.jpg (1370x1827, 1.09M)

Attached: 12501711_1520835481545430_1008170994_n.jpg (1080x1185, 87K)

Attached: 1530923756376.jpg (1370x1827, 207K)

Attached: 34a6346.png (1370x1827, 5.08M)

Amazing! Thx

Attached: 1522636533295.jpg (750x1334, 135K)

Attached: 1516000775047.jpg (690x1035, 130K)

Attached: 2016091821321934271867001_sbig.jpg (1380x923, 122K)


opless tanlines on the left!

Attached: 1542076786578.jpg (404x898, 416K)

Awesome! Thx user


Attached: 2016091421023938675867001_sbig.jpg (1380x923, 252K)



Any chance you could do right as well?


Attached: 2016525955348692822002_sbig.jpg (1380x923, 202K)

Attached: 201371219473610822002_sbig.jpg (940x1254, 191K)

Attached: 2013712193313720822002_sbig.jpg (940x1253, 208K)

Attached: 20159715584682822002_sbig.jpg (1380x1380, 280K)



... meh, it's something

Attached: 4anon.jpg (600x900, 177K)

Amazing! Thanks user!!

Love the cameltoe you made doc, so good


Happy already with all these fakes but guess I'll bump a little bit more to see if anyone else is interested in doing more

How in the hell did you do that user? That’s insane


Think it's good? I was iffy about it but I'm glad you like it — I do my fakes by "drawing" the body instead of copy/pasting another girl's tits on someone's body. It takes a bit more knowledge of anatomy and requires that the model is in a bikini or underwear. I'm definitely still practicing but I like the results better.

Can you try it out on a pic I have? And yes seriously it looks so much better than a usual shop it’s unreal

Post the pic, I'll give it a shot if it's a picture I can work with

dumb cuck

Lol yeah you sure showed me, you stud

Here ya go user girl on the right

Attached: C32EE28D-5893-4F66-ADA7-D36FA8B92B0E.jpg (750x789, 283K)



So what do u mean by "draw the bodies" u talking about actually artistic talent? Is there a tutorial u could link as in trying to do this nudeshop shit and im failing really bad it. Also could u give this girl a go she's so fucking sexy

Attached: Screenshot_20181113-223344.png (1080x1920, 912K)

anyone can make lefties top disappear? if u can make the pussy too thats fine, but tits!!

Attached: 1524997587232.jpg (960x640, 105K)

Not Op

Attached: 1542194350769T.jpg (960x640, 121K)

sorry i fucked this up. didnt counted that you will change the color of it, can you put those tits on THIS picture? anyway great job...

Attached: 1524997587231.jpg (960x640, 302K)

i'm another guy, but here

Attached: 1542203755755.jpg (720x480, 68K)

for fun

Attached: 0.jpg (1080x1350, 135K)