X-ray request thread. My last one hit the image cap, glad you guys liked my work...

X-ray request thread. My last one hit the image cap, glad you guys liked my work. Drop your requests below and I'll do your x-rays whenever I can.

Attached: 1542997361701.jpg (1080x1080, 292K)

Forgot to add in my name so y'all know it's me. Also here's the last one I did off the last thread.

Attached: 120093428828819_20181123_160607193.jpg (1076x1236, 501K)

Attached: IMG_6129.jpg (750x1334, 130K)

Attached: IMG_6155.jpg (750x1334, 121K)

The one on the right please? thanks!

Attached: fsssd5.jpg (960x960, 89K)


Attached: 848DD9C2-334E-4D27-9BEF-FD676BF5370B.jpg (1536x2048, 340K)

Please o please Xray this girl!

Attached: 44722005_320771942076783_2109033535154606478_n.jpg (1080x1350, 128K)

Attached: E3186130-5B8B-4B7B-B4D6-997192DA3170.jpg (528x720, 151K)

Reposting for girl on left

Attached: hil erica.jpg (2048x2048, 435K)

Please do this bro! See if you can see anything

Attached: BA29CF1D-0605-4850-9B56-554D4ACFFAAD.jpg (1125x1317, 459K)

Message me on kik if you have a hot girl for rays

If its possible

Attached: Screenshot_20181124-002304.jpg (807x1086, 412K)

Everything please

Attached: DE06BD8F-9EDB-499C-9BD1-8E3DBEBC20DB.png (750x1334, 2.99M)

Attached: 42830662_208202866601109_3007869398158409728_n.jpg (669x639, 38K)

Another of the same girl either one please

Attached: AFE5949F-4909-4159-A9C5-561C0133A667.png (750x1334, 3.53M)

Please do her!

Attached: 9111C9D7-04A9-4F4A-AD5E-A8E76DEA633E.jpg (465x1118, 299K)

Attached: 14212736_10208644760254998_8778255222265868003_n.jpg (720x960, 102K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-09 at 8.58.31 PM.png (560x784, 679K)

Attached: 20181124_171143.png (1440x1443, 3.07M)

I’m hoping you can work with this user

Attached: 4BE92FB2-9F6E-4260-B913-B18D24E7C8C1.jpg (739x1134, 134K)

If not the first here’s another option OP

Attached: 5A6CDAC8-FF58-421C-ACEC-5749152EA53B.jpg (724x1160, 163K)

here you go :)

Attached: DAE441ED-D9F5-4323-BD41-022029015D5D.jpg (1242x1245, 1.33M)

Low quality hard to work with but I think it came out pretty good

Attached: 134926952031546_20181123_213542321.jpg (750x1334, 208K)

Attached: 2F8C8A6D-78E1-4394-A01F-3651B2CC7E29.jpg (750x1334, 204K)

Please! She is just begging for it!

Attached: 13 - Copy.jpg (1536x2048, 1.47M)

Idk if this will work

Attached: A37841A2-3575-4815-893E-66F07684BFE1.jpg (528x1138, 306K)

Attached: 135869337386655_20181123_215124706.jpg (482x960, 163K)

thank you!

Please xray.

Attached: N.jpg (397x951, 131K)

Attached: 123423r24565d2.png (491x720, 389K)

Attached: 136589597938672_20181123_220324966.jpg (972x1974, 578K)

Attached: 136959270927906_20181123_220934639.jpg (990x1346, 551K)

Attached: 13335776_10209696082657976_471339187361129858_n.jpg (720x960, 54K)

If you may?

Attached: 499D496D-5B2C-4B69-8825-D29696F4654A.png (750x1334, 1.28M)

Attached: 38825204_254971905154002_7739335624905195520_n.jpg (1080x1350, 127K)

Very possible

Attached: 137546109834922_20181123_221921478.jpg (426x940, 160K)

Attached: 138159839851250_20181123_222935208.jpg (739x1134, 232K)

Attached: 2018-11-24 05.33.15.png (370x1124, 420K)

if its possible

Attached: 14292374_1183610348372756_6923725598053442999_n.jpg (1080x1349, 81K)

Attached: B3B1D7BE-2BEE-4D7A-9FA0-EBC2A2455A2F.jpg (750x908, 162K)

If possible

Attached: 8515DBC2-EDAB-48D9-A2D2-467DF4CD0312.png (1242x2208, 5.73M)

Please X-ray this

Attached: DBA7BFC1-11FE-4AAA-B5DB-854C67143670.jpg (750x736, 313K)

If you can do this would that would be amazing! Thanks for your work!

Attached: 9F926217-85A7-4C41-A8D4-59E6CBE26806.jpg (1024x576, 111K)

Would be very much appreciated thank you !

Attached: 789CF750-E376-416F-B586-59FBDE79318F.png (1334x750, 2.74M)

This one possible ?

Attached: Screenshot_20181107-201825.png (1080x1920, 1.19M)

This is my co-worker and I think she's really hot. I would love to see this X-rayed. :)

Attached: 13308162_10207823706923247_8384237966167062446_o.jpg (815x1285, 180K)

Can you try do this one? I know this girl.

Attached: 26991718_2128470690721428_1954693526967033160_n.jpg (948x960, 124K)

Please! This one! My sisters hot friend! :D

Attached: Fullskärmsinfångning 2018-09-06 084542.bmp.jpg (397x711, 87K)

I would die for this one to get x-rayed!

Attached: 20170412_124508.png (759x943, 381K)

Thank you thank you!instafap

Pls X-ray

Attached: CCDA1B34-556E-4D89-81D6-64404F36ED07.png (750x1334, 3.82M)

Attached: 1543059874561.jpg (750x1334, 387K)

die now

Attached: 1543049111819.jpg (759x943, 233K)

please user

Attached: 44656034_2232529860336570_7806857191987566744_n.jpg (1080x1350, 73K)

Attached: 1543048746855.jpg (815x1285, 477K)

looks like she only have 1 boob

Attached: 1543062730011.jpg (1080x1350, 278K)

Attached: 1543048970563.jpg (397x711, 151K)

no more pics ?


Attached: 5F05713A-1CA2-4459-81FB-24D05669FBB4.png (750x1334, 3.58M)



Attached: Screenshot_20181124-074911_Instagram.jpg (1076x799, 354K)

It would be awsome to see this get X-rayed. This is a girl in my class.

Attached: Fullskärmsinfångning 2018-09-14 230041.bmp.jpg (424x669, 86K)

Attached: C96FBF32-8B6A-4B1F-BFDB-3C29685BD854.jpg (1080x1080, 72K)

Attached: Screenshot_20181124-075159_Facebook.jpg (1018x1443, 654K)

Attached: 1543063886309.jpg (1076x799, 417K)

Thank you!

Attached: Screenshot_20181124-075503_Instagram.jpg (575x1057, 278K)

Attached: Screenshot_20181124-075525_Instagram.jpg (729x1079, 483K)

Attached: 69FFBFAB-2201-423A-9CC1-347ABE2AE138.jpg (750x1333, 267K)

Attached: photo nov 10, 8 34 56 pm.jpg (399x679, 81K)

Please X-ray or make her boob out

Attached: IMG_1238.jpg (960x638, 58K)

Please X-ray user

Attached: IMG_1239.jpg (720x960, 62K)

If other people than me keep trying to do shops in my thread I will stop doing x-rays. I am a jealous Lord. If you see someone like this, please bash them. Only I, Josh Gates of travel channel, will be making x-rays in this thread.

Josh gates please do the sexy blonde above

please do her if possible

Attached: CEBA214A-B768-460A-A390-7DFE47621C50.jpg (422x695, 164K)

Josh Gates here, OP and host of Expedition Unknown on Travel channel. Please remember if you like my work and want me to keep going to bash anyone else that tries to x-ray in my thread.

Attached: 16844889484771_20181124_081755354.jpg (667x834, 202K)

Josh awesome job can you do the one above that as well the one where her tit is almost out
Fuck the other guys your the man


Attached: 22046800_1569021149821862_6105856975073597014_n.jpg (509x960, 49K)

Josh hook me up

Attached: IMG_1251.jpg (636x892, 108K)

That's because you don't know what the fuck you're doing.
Here ya go bud, actually done right this time. And colorized so it's better to jerk it to.

Attached: 18351445010238_20181124_084301910.jpg (1069x1342, 483K)

Really harsh light and low pixel quality. Find a better one and I'll work on it in a bit.

I've gotta get some stuff done everybody, keep the thread going and remember not to allow anyone else to x-ray while I'm gone or I won't be coming back.

Also remember to watch destination truth and expedition unknown on travel channel where you can see me, Josh Gates, traveling the world in search of adventure.

Thanks you too for trying

What about this one

Attached: IMG_1252.jpg (635x934, 83K)

Attached: 33713022_176384326392555_4613206539929387008_n.jpg (1080x1350, 140K)

Attached: 27891977_749645361898200_7615487081829105664_n.jpg (1080x1080, 109K)

Can you give this a shot ?

Attached: Screenshot_20181124-104710_Facebook.jpg (659x614, 236K)

Attached: 1528366990930.jpg (765x956, 225K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1543070374200.jpg (540x960, 36K)

Attached: PicsArt_11-24-10.17.32.jpg (1014x1708, 189K)

Any chance of this ?

Attached: Screenshot_20180709-030437.jpg (978x1084, 261K)

Attached: 20181107_202253.png (1080x1346, 1.66M)

Possible ?

Attached: IMG_20180611_170631.jpg (1136x640, 102K)

Don't thank him for trying. People like him trying will make me stop doing it. Shame him for trying.

Please do this little hoe

Attached: 45742191_259443848086269_7941296330171744256_n.jpg (1080x1080, 114K)

Possible with the pattern Op ?

Attached: 20170720_005959.png (688x904, 716K)

Please, lord and savior Josh Gates, X-ray her, perhaps?

Attached: B8AE020C-B557-4775-8648-53D0D3FF25B2.jpg (1125x1395, 932K)

Attached: B07CEB83-EE81-4F2B-A95D-B187BCE94466.jpg (925x1224, 746K)

Attached: 0FC6AD4E-7324-40E7-B4B4-89EE60AB8EA0.jpg (984x1196, 1.01M)