“Yo dawg, I heard u like hot chicks, so I put curves on ya ho, so u can enjoy while u fap!”

What I do:
- bigger hips & ass
- bigger boobs
- thinner waist
- better face (tell me if u don’t want to)

What I need:
- visible body curves (naked or in swimsuits)
- no “busy” background (plain, unicolor is the best)
- a good picture resolution (I don’t shop poststamps)

I never exaggerate transformations. My goal is the result not to be seen as a fake.

Some previous works below as examples :

Attached: logo-retouches.jpg (512x512, 78K)

Attached: 6807118.jpg (2797x2112, 3.51M)

I also do a .gif sometimes

Attached: 6807118.gif (660x800, 555K)

plz bigger hips & ass

Attached: cal0lme.jpg (1080x1080, 286K)

increase her breasts

Attached: DCM_192.jpg (714x960, 59K)

Attached: tumblr_m4vw2kkUsR1qd5ic3o1_1280.jpg (1569x1170, 780K)

Attached: tumblr_m4vw2kkUsR1qd5ic3o1_1280.gif (533x800, 439K)

Challenging but can you give it a go? Thanks

Attached: 8E5AE2F8-B776-45D7-9F2B-45FAB6DE2E12.jpg (750x925, 129K)

Attached: sfgddht.png (720x718, 1.27M)


can you thin the one in red and make the one in purple with bigger tits and ass

Attached: 4899489489489.jpg (720x960, 136K)

Bigger tits on girl on right :)

Attached: DB7C88AB-7E1E-489F-A4EC-21423533C672.jpg (750x928, 161K)

Bigger assssssss :)

Attached: 57DBFB70-161F-4B1F-9501-E42C35B5E19F.jpg (540x960, 162K)

Attached: 524107_4299558010773_943236918_n.jpg (960x720, 111K)

Attached: IMG_20181220_102017.jpg (698x1242, 162K)

Attached: IMG_20181025_184717.jpg (750x1334, 109K)

Bigger hips please legs

Attached: BDB934AC-AC08-45E8-AD2C-74F1094C044F.jpg (584x960, 77K)

Attached: FB_IMG_1518644987735.jpg (960x720, 78K)

Hit that upgrade button

Attached: Screenshot_20180105-212029.png (1080x2220, 2.56M)

Attached: IMG_1704.jpg (3264x2448, 4.15M)

Not OP, but I'll give this one a shot. Thanks for the HD image makes my job a lot easier... But gimme about an hour. Maybe more. This shit can take some time.

Attached: 0020.png (1080x1186, 2.06M)

Attached: 1545493902285.jpg (714x960, 142K)

Bigger boobs please

Attached: monaabourjeily-20171031-0002.jpg (998x1774, 133K)

good job

Attached: 1545493902285.gif (595x800, 471K)

Attached: 1545497793704.jpg (540x960, 202K)

holy shit

Attached: 23332.jpg (765x888, 62K)

bigger tits and ass (i’m aware it’s a fake)

Attached: 4687748E-AC3D-4F2B-B5EF-F8FCE6E9D1A3.png (750x1334, 1.79M)

Thanks man :)

Attached: 1545498726174.png (1068x2220, 2.54M)

I haven't done much… she's already super hot!

Attached: 1545499375807.jpg (2448x3264, 3.63M)

I know this is a fake but I would really appreciate it, OP.

Attached: Screenshot_20181222-140440.png (342x608, 223K)

Yeah, that shit takes a lot of time… I'm curious to see what you'll do to her.

Girl on left, please, user.

Attached: taylorandkristen.png (370x657, 342K)

Same girl

Attached: Screenshot_20171129-124006.jpg (1440x1431, 1M)

last one I swear.

Attached: tayblackbikinibase.png (370x657, 351K)

Yeah sorry dude but I don't shop fakes

Not perfectly happy with the chest, but her legs turned out pretty nice IMO. Pretty sure her arms a needed to be fattened up a little aswell. To match the thicc thighs, I donno tho.

Attached: 0021.png (1080x1920, 3.3M)

AND you got rid of the text. Many thanks!

Yeah, that was the easiest part.

Bigger tits?

Attached: 0C9912A9-D924-4B70-88C3-B25CAF7E6D90.jpg (720x1280, 38K)

This one might be better

Attached: 8812D2AF-CF2E-4512-B065-95A76455A6C7.jpg (720x1280, 29K)

please do this one

I can't, it's too hard to do.

peggy bigger her fat milky tits

Attached: Peggy tits out.jpg (432x720, 127K)