I'm sure we've all seen the pictures of women with their clothes xrayed to a certain degree. I've been fiddling around with gimp and have had little success, anyone got any tips on how to do it well?
Xray with gimp?
Works best with white clothing.
How i do
>make 3 layers of the picture
>leave the first and third untouched.
>color match the white clothing of middle copy close as possible to that of skin
>use burn and dodge to darken or lighten area as needed (nipples)
>make first layer partialy transparent until you are happy with the result
>blend fake by deleting border edges on second layer with a soft brush
I don't know anything about Gimp, but I usually just fiddle around with a contrast enhancement tool that has gama adjustment. Sometimes i also darken the nipples a bit if they're not visible enough and sometimes I lighten or darken other areas for effect. It depends a lot on the pic.
I am just an amateur.
I've seen other anons are better at it than I am. Maybe they can share their techniques.
GIMP here.
I usually don't work on images that reveal everything on first glance. But did it for the purpose of the topic.
I used do work with three layers, but today mostly get along with just two layers and the layer mask on the top layer.
I use the top layer's image to work on solors, mostly using the color curves tool; also often hue/saturation; other tools as required.
Last I use the layer mask to fade the enhanced section into the original.
I try to avoid burn/dodge. The image demonstrates what I can achieve with only courves and hue/saturation, two layer, one mask.
You know you nailed it when you get that wet tshirt look.
:-) thanks. I agree
How about something like this? I see some see throughishness on the shirt, but like what would you do?
tough. Noisy picture, fabric with structure, and the shading of the underside of the breasts is not consistent, it looks like left breast smalller than right; normally, would not attempt to do that
give up: No nipple location revealed even with extreme color curves, but a slight hint of her wearing a bra (good girl! ;-) )
I was trying to fiddle around with the pic myself and your right, too noisy, I've just started dinking around with this and I know there's only so much you can do but I just wanted to see what someone with more experience could do. And I'm guessing with black clothing there would be no luck?
Try this
Black clothing often reveals surprisingly much, I prefer black clothing for xray. I'm out for today
Try one
Wanna give this a try?
Forgot pic?
Not on GIMP but technique may be transferable
>make a copy of the area you want to manipulate as a layer
>adjust the levels on the area, usually twice to achieve best 'transparency'/contrast
>isolate the nipple(s) and adjust level to slightly darker
>Merge and adjust levels until happy
>Under image-adjustments 'vibrance', 'selective color' and 'shadows/highlights' can also help
Can s.o. please translate "level adjust" and "vibance" (from PhotoShop lingo?) into GIMP lingo?
I use an image editor called clothr on android its a bit crude but does get results and its very quick and easy to use
can you boys try this plz