Massive 40+ ship Chinese flotilla seen heading towards the South China Sea

Why is nobody talking about this?

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I dunno. What's it doing?

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Because it’s a routine exercise that they do periodically?

Would be a shame if glow in the dark niggers hacked their flotilla. Sadly they are busy posting Israel #1 on Jow Forums, collaborating with the eternal anglo and eternal jew to take out the POTUS and poisoning their spies in London to do anything against the yellow peril

Because the US is scared of China.

Found the aircraft carrier

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>Sadly they are busy posting Israel #1 on Jow Forums
That was literally all me. I think I hit 450 threads, by hand, in an hour.
Killing the 4th amendment doesn't make me very happy.

War games. They did the same thing last year. They like to show off their Soviet made aircraft carrier that can go in a straight line and then back again. Planes made before 2000 can also land and take off from it, I guess.

It's dick waving. The only point of going into formation like that is training and taking photos.

The only time anybody looks at tiny dicks is so Stacy and friends can point and laugh.

congrats son, you've got the job!

>South China Sea

oh no, there are Chinese the South China Sea? lol

it's their sea and this isn't news

>it's their sea
Nice try, Xi.

How's Vancouver this time of year?

Their space station is going down.
Better pick up the pieces.

sick ollies off the ramp

I-I'm scared, user. Hold me!

Why wouldn't the Chinese navy sail around in the local waters? Tell me when that fleet reaches the Caribbean.

>Soviet made aircraft carrier
Don't forget that it was decommissioned, bought by a Russian billionaire, mothballed for years, and then finally sold to the Chinese and "renovated".

Yep, and perfect timing considering the Petro-Yuan recently went online a few days ago. A direct affront to the global dollar hegemony.

that sound like fun

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Oh no! Other countries have militares drills too!
How can this be! Only America and #1$rael can have military drills!!!
Oy vey!

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>local waters

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Too early for Operation Anchorage.

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b-but it has "China" right there in the name!

George Foreman has his name on every grill but not every grill belongs to George Foreman amirite

Maybe they're looking for the New World.

>It's dick waving.
Doesn't sound like a game the Chinks will excel at.

Wasting fuel


Dick per capita, sure, but they still have everyone beat by cumulative mass of dick.

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>running low on fuel
>throw another log in the boiler
*Laughs in chinese*

>Chinese boats in Chinese sea
Its their ocean, they can do whatever they want in it. fucking dogfaces getting so bent out of shape over glorious Chinese navy.

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Let those gooks try to claim the China sea and fuck South East Asia. It's about time WW3 kicked off.

Nationalism will bring us victory!

I just use weed as the name of dump files on here to trigger boomers and newfags.

You forgot the doctor in the third panel.

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Because it's nothing but target practice?

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Imagine having to fly a chink made jet with russian engines off a russian made ramp.

>slopes on 4chin
>what a surprise

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IT'S WW48,003

>40+ ships
haha ok

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did I hit or miss?

Imagine having to be Chinese.

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Same shit they did last year when we did CARAT.

Whoopty Doo. Chinks forgot about EMP's and Anti Ship Missiles.

Let the US and her allies gather SIGINT, IMINT, ELINT, and combat tactics data so as to become future artificial reefs should China try something stupid.

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Remember if a Chinese person is bothering you on the internet, just reply "June 5th 1989, Tiananmen Square Massacre." Then the Great Firewall keeps them from viewing the page again.

kek. You seriously think this poses a threat? One Ohio class submarine has enough armament to take out there entire Navy.

china would destroy the us

How? Explain to me how the paper dragon would go about accomplishing such a feat.

a hivemind zerg army without fear of death vs weak soyboy white pussies? you couldn't even beat their dogs in vietnam

Do you actually think that is rare?

You realize China also tried to annex Vietnam and got fucked by them.

Sarcasm, right?

China would destroy YOU, nigger. Probably enslave you first. Look at Africa.

40 ships is a “massive flotilla” what a complete faggot.

Even Japan's navy is better than China's shitty one. Give it another ten years at least until it's decent

Battleship to b9

china is our ally. the black and yellow man will forever extinguish the line of the white boi

Dude, that's 10 times Larger than the Estonian Navy.

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US are still stuck fighting illiterate goat farmers in Afghanistan.

They will lose a war against China before it even begins.

Guys, there's a Chinese submarine looking through my window. Wat do?

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Jack off furiously to Beast Porn and look it directly in the periscope as you climax.

Pretty sure Trump made a deal that the Chinks can keep the South China Sea if it means that Japan can keep Senkaku

This took place days ago in retaliation to USA just coasting up next to one of their fake islands for fun. Quit baiting.Of all the fucking issues between china and USA navy is probably the single area USA cannot be questioned in.

thats just me, open up

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Pull out your sks and show em.

if nobody makes a big deal about them leaving port, maybe nobody will make a big deal about it when they don't come back

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You're not fooling me ping pong! PREPARE YOUR SELF!

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>Hmmm, perhaps I do sexually identify as an attack helicopter. That pic aroused me.

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what a qt, shame she'll get ripped apart by a manpad should shit ever hit the fan

>40 ships
>massive flotilla

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How many of those ships are actually in the Pacific though?

Hey! It's not that bad you racist!

there’s two carrier battle groups over there if I remember right

Japan doesn't even have a proper navy. At least China does

Lol look at his Id it glows in the fucking dark


>Because the US is scared of China.

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well they defeated the worlds strongest army so fighting china back in 1970 would have been easy as shit.

can confirm, its happening. a battleship with the insignia "SKY KANGZ" just flew over my shed.

Please tell me this actually works. The idea of that working gives me a rock hard boner.

China put them in power and trained/funded/armed them, the Chinese were battle hardened as well having just fought in their own revolutions and aided in Vietnam Korea and Laos.
The Chinese are a paper tiger trying to become a real one. The us is a real tiger becoming a paper one.

South China Sea literally borders China though

I don't see her twin

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how many VPNs are you using