>Black surrogate child
>Cross-dressing kid
>18 million viewers
>Hit in Midwest
> hollywoodreporter.com
Why are American """conservatives""" so weak-willed. They are just the liberals of 10 years ago
'Roseanne' Revival
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I didn't watch it. I'm not a fucking idiot. Nobody here watches any TV that doesn't involve pic related.
>random nigger kid
Could they at least TRY to do something new?
just watched it holy shit its good
i havent laughed at a tv show in a long ass time since pre2000
roseanne delivers those antileft jokes perfect
Who the fuck watches tv?
you faggots better understand roseanne...shes playing 44444D chess with the liberals.
Lets think of ideas how they can write out the problem children in a tasteful manner that won't cause much uproar
Here, I'll start with the black girl:
Letter arrives at their house one day addressed to her. It's from her parents. They want to take her back to live with them. Short 3-episode arc where the parents show up and prove that they have their shit together while Roseanne is a little shaky and suspicious about them. At the end of the 3rd episode they take her away to her new home.
no one its digital now
I'm watching on a random stream right now
its bretty good. i can see why the left is freaking out and trying to get the right to hate it
its pretty funny and makes the left look like cute idiots with the right being the smart authority that need to understand the left are just idiots
>To all shills:
Shill, try to resist having a break down after you start to realise that you're going to get RICOed for having your personal payroll data connected to a company that is connected to sedition and human trafficking.
Can you imagine yourself rotting away in prison while getting raped in your ass and mouth every day until you commit suicide?
Why is it always some black kid? Why not some Asian kid or Hispanic kid?
>Hit in Midwest
lol every. single. time. lol
t la
It's a brainwashing show to slowly trick conservatives into being more sympathetic.
The only decent conservative shows made recently are last man standing and the ranch. They axed last man standing though im guessing not enough BBC.
The US is so integrated that by the time we tested the "just give Blacks a chance" theory and realized it failed, it became impossible to admit racial differences in intelligence, temperament and criminality. Conservatives in the US have such a hard-on with proving that the leftists are the true racists (a losing battle) that they go to lengths to prove they're not racist, as well. It's insane. Everything with BLM was race-based. Most of the US should have learned that Blacks commit more crime and kill more people, but we somehow came out of it with the claim that everyone can possibly still be equal if we try hard enough.
Roseanne is controlled opposition, they're trying to get conservatives to accept degeneracy bc Roseanne is playing "good cop" and saying liking Trump is ok.
I have to watch the first ep or so of every sitcom to check out the teenage daughters
Who does the niglet belong to?
you can say the same thing towards the left
my sister is a liberal
she's laughing at the show and learning how to understand the right isn't as scary as cnn is saying
I really think kwanservatives are stupid enough to think that by virtue signalling the left, that the left will adopt some of their principles or compromise. Which is laughable.
The ranch will die without its best character
Pick one
How many other mainstream sitcoms have a family member in the military? How many don't take place in LA or New York? Once you figure those things out you'll realize why it's popular.
it was wonderful
totally worth the watch
its called the overton window.
Ask yourself how many Trump supporters would be willing to watch a show sympathizing with gender dysphoria children 10 years ago.
Now ask yourself how many liberals would be willing to watch a show sympathizing with republican voters 10 years ago.
Youre getting caught up in the scheme, as the country gets dragged to hell further and further.
Rosanne Hebe is just mocking Trump voters, just like Archie was mocking racists. Jeez...it's like I'm being force fed the blue pill on Jow Forums these days.
>withhold all shows about working-class Americans
>give ONE show to them
>that show contains all kinds of Leftist ideology
>all working-class says it's best working-class show on TV!!!111
Gee. So surprising.
The memes are coming true.
Becky 2 still looking good
Not a random kid it is there bio grand kid. In the old series the boy did not want to be in a play with a black girl because he had to kiss her, that is who he ended up marrying
>a kike
Try again, sweetie
Just had to add a black kid. Fucking hell. Shoe horn it in there. WTF.
Were is the mother? What about little Jerry Garcia born in the final season? Did he follow his namesake and learn to play guitar and start a kick ass band, or has he gone full Fash living in the basement shitposting on Jow Forums
I like John Goodman
she the voice of Beth in Rick and Morty
You should go look up the videos of her talking about people in hollywood being MK-Ultra'ed.
I'm about to sit back and watch this with a beer. I can filter the degeneracy out enough to enjoy it, I imagine. She's one of the very, very few earnest liberals left, and I respect her.
bingo. I click the X before wallbanger can say "BREAKING NEW ALERT"
Roseanne? I have always thought she was on the right even when I watched her back in the 90's
Billions is decent
Exactly. Shills are mad that an openly conservative actress has a popular, smash hit show where she gets to play a Trump supporter and deliver one hilarious burn after another at her liberal family.
We all know what Roseanne thinks about liberals. Pic related. She's woke.
This is a huge victory over Hollywood liberals. How are they gonna spin it, well, they'll come here and bitch about it. That's what they are doing. How incredibly lame.
BTW for those who are ignorant of American life, working class, blue collar Dems and Republicans always used to get along. And working class, blue collar Republicans are fine with well brought up, hardworking, decent blue collar blacks. It's all about the culture.
Do not reply to troll threads.
Big dan always looks so butthurt in these photos and on kimmel. He wants to scream out DRUUUMMMPPPFFFF but he cannot
Conservatism is just leftism driving the speed limit
Normies. And we need as many of them on our side as we can get.
It's called a compromise.
Despite cultural '''''''''''''evolution'''''''''''''' I will teach my kids true conservative values, if i ever have any.
bullshit. the kike is just exploiting a gullible niche
I'd consider her liberal, personally, despite whatever term she might self apply, and I grew up watching her too. Though, I guess it might be that I consider anyone to the left of me personally to be liberal. For example, anything feminist (like women being allowed to vote), acceptance of niggers, acceptance of fags, etc. Any ounce of that, I consider someone liberal.
"Conservatism" has failed in the west, fake traditionalism has taken it's place and that too is failing.
Degeneracy can never be destroyed unless people are willing to admit it exists and has consumed the west, and most from what I have observed do not want to admit that,
She was always very liberal. And insane. Her personal life was sordid. Her siblings are gay. She made crazy accusations about her parents that she later recanted like "I was in a bad place and in an unhappy relationship". So that makes it okay to make rape allegations. The original show was also full of gays, dykes and kids being spoilt brats, allowed to do what they wanted with no repercussions. Her supporting Trump doesn't negate all of that. I don't know what people expected.
>you faggots better understand roseanne...shes playing 44444D chess with the liberals.
She really is, and she is winning.
>watching the electric jew
>living in a blue midwest state
i've heard her say the word goyim unironically several times.
yes, there are recordings out there of her talking about the goyim.
there really is no mystery here.
It was Chinese girls for a long time, but then leftists decided the millions of unwanted Chinese baby girls where lower on the social justice hierarchy pyramid than niglets.
You know right, that even Hitler had Jews he respected, who were in fact Nazis and who worked for him. If Hitler could find a passable Jew or three, I don't doubt that they exist. Look at Bobby Fischer, or Stanley Kubrick. It's just that they are such a tiny minority, about 10% of all Jews from what I've read. It's rare to find one with an influential voice but Roseanne is one, strange as it seems. Same with Kubrick and Fischer.
Stop shilling, people here aren't that stupid. Especially those who actually know something about Hitler.
i didn't think it was bad...oldfag here, show was good for learning how to back talk when i was younger.
i think cnn can rest easy, i doubt half tune in next week after seeing that shitshow. i knew it was going to turn off a bunch of people with that tranny kid and nigger.
they used a /tv/ meme too if anyone noticed...pretty sure the writers lurk
I'm just going to say it, I doubt most people on here have actually watched Roseanne before or understand why the show resonated with many people. The dysfunctional but overall loving family dynamic was what was appealing and even welcoming. So it being popular is no surprise
That being said of course it's pulling some ol'bullshit with the black and the twink and the cringy Left - Right shit.
But I doubt most people on here can relate when it comes to having a loving family.
I like how they were ok with the gay kid dressing like a tranny but told him to be prepared to get his ass kicked.
She's in Syria.. watch the show. both her and Deejay are in the military.
Which one?
I dont even watch tv. If you watch tv youre not a conservative. Or else youd try and kill yourself. Or take happy pills.
Notice how jews are shilling the shit out of this show as well.
I think this is a jewish effort to make right wingers more moderate.
>1 post by this id
Is this what you think we sound like schlomo? Its not very flattering.
Nice try but I think i'm going to stick to my anime.
Americans gave up civic responsibility, and parenting, for the idea that the neo-financial (corporate) system that propped them up, would continue in perpetuate.
>oldfag here
How many successful revivals has there been? This and Will and Grace? Twin Peaks was a disaster. Don't know what happened to Full House. Roseanne's success could inspire them to bring back Married With Children.
Nobody gives a shit about your boomer faggot leftist show.
>18 million viewers
How do we know this?
Ok gen z teenaged faggot calm down
>old fag
>thinks giving in to the (((idea))) of what an American family "should" be
>there was no "talking back"
>there was just the media promotion of niggardly behavior
>your parents were grown ass children
>at best
>if that was what they expected from you
Redditors and boomers, AKA all the newfags dragged in during the election. Any Jow Forumsack watching the electric jew or kikeflix doesn't belong here.
Redpilled post.
So does that mean in a year she's going to go back on everything she said for her base and be with her now?
Obviously its pozzed if on tv but it's better than anything in years for a sitcom.
Like J-Kwan?
mad about roseanne? fuckin g you are the shill.
Shes quite the shitposter.
They slid it.
Despite the rando black kid and the crossdresser (though some funny tranny zings by Dan), the show is actually pretty good, as far as current day sitcoms go. Pretty similar to the old show, which is great.
Which Becky did they use? That super hot Sarah Chalke or the random ugly other one???
There's no fucking WAY they'd bring back Married with Children. Al Bundy is a feminist's nightmare. Some of the greatest zingers I've ever heaved towards fat women throughout my life I picked up from Bundy lmao
Just watched it, ashamed to have retweeted Roseanne a couple of times.
I want to fuck that cute girl in skirt.
The first Roseanne series was written by (((them))), so this new abomination is no surprise.
So they're using the quintessentially conservative midwest show to define the new conservative midwest that has adopted liberal values. Hm...
uglier first one. Chalke will apparently be an upper middle class woman paying Becky to be a surrogate mother or some weird shit.
Shows were a fake audience goes "hahahaha" every minute are gay. Only boomers like shows like My Name is Earl and Two and a Half Men.
>All the same old cast
>Plus a few sjws and tokens thrown in because the jews wouldn't let 90s Roseanne see the light of day in the current year
Roseanne is a (((them))).
She was always ambiguous about the ethnicity of her sitcom family only that you know they aren't Jews because Jews love writing white families as totally dysfunctional. I guess they're supposed to be Irish with the last name Conners. Jews have a habit of trying to disguise themselves Irish. I suppose John (((Fritz/Kohn))) Kerry is the biggest example.
They still do that? What the fuck. How come "It's the current year" doesn't work on fake audience?
The Ranch has that. Pretty much all netflix sitcoms do. It's not a boomer era thing only.
Can anyone explain the Darlene character in the original series? She's a plainjane tomboy played by an actress who grew up to be gay. Did playing a character like that queer up the actress, or was the casting director an expert at spotting non-typical girls?
Because your parents are boomers, or even X-gens raise by boomers, who are selfish. That's the psyco-warfare ongoing, for all the times they made you feel selfish, it was them being that.
>So, how saturated was your environment of scented cleaning products, and bad food?