What does Jow Forums think of Mormonism?
What does Jow Forums think of Mormonism?
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their clothes for their secret rituals are tacky as hell and they think tapirs are horses
Fake and gay
Right on the money
Fucking based. The whitest, most American religion there is.
I respect them (the ones that actually commit and follow their faith) for not being degenerate, being clean cut, dress traditional, act polite, generally well educated, upstanding, all that sort of good natured stuff. I could never follow their beliefs though, it's all a big hoax and completely bullshit.
Southpark nailed it.
Amazing EP.
Be nice to each other faggots
go to hell get the fuck off this site you cult frauds
They're not jews, let em be.
They're polygamous tradition and rural lifestyle is the future of our people. Well balanced, strong bodied/minded alpha males should take 3-5 wives and raise them wholesomely in the country for the sake of our evolution and quantity of babies. We'll be effectively superior to the hordes of boiled turds from the desert within a few generations.
I'm married to a Mormon girl - AMA
>polygamous tradition
Works for expansion because men have to go outside the group and bring in more women. Islam does this too. Stops working horrendously when there are no more outside women to bring in. Rape and murder always follows.
right, but we're less rapey than muzzies. It would be few men, less than one out of five. We would circulate the genes within whitedom, trips to europe and the Americas. Those who can't find a mate leave and search elsewhere for completion. We would find balance
It's totally fake and the church has way too much influence over members' finances and families but it's mostly white and by in large agreeable with my values. I might just ignore the whole not being true thing and wear some magic underwear if it means saving the country and establishing a defacto white seat of power in the western United States.
>sex cult
>marry n fugg 12 yo girls like a. certain prophet.
>t. not Christian
They are kind of weird but at least they take their region seriously unlike protestants
>and they think tapirs are horses
>White Christian Shariah
They're ok. Better than libshit degenerate scum for the most part. Not a fan of their kooky space theology though.
Weird ass beliefs; underwhelming temples that should be glorious but are instead Hilton-tier; make a shitload of white babies
overall: meh~
Vanilla Islam. Mormon majority communities treat non Mormons like shit. Thier organization is full of MLM frauds pretending and CIA niggers.
Joseph Smith is a verifiable con man and his book is an obvious fraud about a people possessing technology thousands of years more advanced than thier peers, harvesting non existent crops, and riding non existent horses. Laughable
It's just like every other religion, fucking stupid.
As a former Mormon Missionary and BYU student, I lose my shit every time peoole say this.
Moremons are all cuckservative Zionists who love interventionism.
Mormons have their own affirmative action policy called " Lamanite Scholarships" that pay every non-african black to attend their schools.
The holy books (BoM, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, Joseph Smith Translation Bible) are all steeped in occultism and plagiarism.
The Church owns ypu, by foisting "callings" on all members, that run the gamut from relatively small jobs like janitor or sunday school teacher, to 60 plus hour jobs like Bishop. None if these jobs pay one fucking cent, and to turn down such a calling is disgraceful. This is further compounded by the church's wealth, with wich they could pay their ministry like most other churches do.
This is before even touching on the occultism in the temple, the insane history, and the crimes of the "prophets".
It's a constantly-changing polytheistic cult about worshipping a Mason, that lies and says its Christian.
It's not even helping white birthrates. Mormons let in blacks and Muzzniggs into their folds all the time.
Mormonism was created by the Freemasons and uses their symbols.
Just another New World Order Pedo Cult.
you shut your whore mouth
The Mormons I have met have been awkward and nice and nice and awkward. All in all, Mormonism is baloney of the highest order, but it seems to produce nice and awkward people and I don't mind that.
Well their entire faith is based on a lie. I respect them for having many good beliefs and practices but Joseph Smith was a charlatan and a liar.
The Book of Mormon talks over and over about "horses" even though there is no evidence of horses on the American continent during the time period that the Book of Mormon allegedly takes place. Mormon apologists have tried to spin it so that "horses" can be interpreted as tapirs and the authors of the Book of Mormon didn't know any better than to call them that.
If you want some real Olympic-tier mental gymnastics just read any kind of Mormon apologetics. They are fucking retarded.
Friendly upstanding people when not building gender disproportionate societies. But mostly because they're brainwashed to think they'll either have their balls chopped off in the afterlife for being beta, or they'll become an immortal sex alien banging constantly to populate the new souls of earth.
Originally started as a blatant scam.
What is sad is that Mormon apologists are actually quite intelligent but that just enables them to do more incredible mental gymnastics.
Retarded and gay
.t nigger
Deport them along with the beaners
only jews and aethists would fight mormons, you have to be a cold hearted shitskin to hate them.
American Islam
Can't get past the fact that they support democrats and vote liberal. It's like seriously do you want to purposely destroy yourselves and your culture forever? WTF
Most do not. There's a reason Utah is one of the reddest states in the country.
The south park episode really nailed it though
Religion created by a 14 year old grifter
It's a cult. I knew a decent and intelligent Swiss mormon girl.
After she finished college and got her university degree,
she went directly to Utah to live there. After some time she
got married and stayed there.
I still wonder if she really believed this brainwash crap.
Joseph Smith. kek.
Anyways, live and let live.
amplifies the cultist aspects of organized worship even farther than most other faiths do, too much for my tastes
Was Joe Smith really that good looking?
Not a Mormon myself, but I mostly approve of it. Mormon's try to live degeneracy-free lifestyles and I think that is admirable.
I don't like it.
Orson Scott Card did nothing wrong.
If you want to sleep around you better do it the old-fashioned way and go behind your wife's/gf's back you goddamned heathen.
Are you really from Uganda?
>underwhelming temples
Used to live near this Mormon magic fortress in Maryland.
Mormons stopped polygamy in 1890
They are of the devil
The only GOSPEL
The U.S. Government forced them to stop polygamy, but it is still very much part of their doctrine and "celestial" polygamy is still practiced. I guarantee Mormons would still practice polygamy had they not been forced to stop, despite all their denials and historical revisionism nowadays.
Except for being a Mormin.
A member of the one true church? Not seeing the problem here
No I'm originally from England. But my wife is Ugandan.
A kind of kooky people, but a God-fearing one nonetheless. They're absolutely who you want to have around when Civil War 2 kicks off.
t. Native Utahn who moved back because I missed being around them.
>no longer mormon
>chance of supporting gay marriage 200%
Meet Warren
He inherited a mo-min sect from his father called The Fun-dy-mentalist Latter Day Saints
He, like his dad, believed in polygamy and had 70+ wives
Some of those wives were 12 yrs old
Not content cucking the guys in the church and giving them blue-balls.....he took all their money from multi-million dollar business's
Anyone who didn't pay enough coin was exiled and their wives married off like chattel to more prosperous men
They should just not try to twist it, the book says horses, there is no evdience yet.. but we dont know enough about pre historic people, they used to think areas of the Amazon did not have indigenous populations, and last week they found out there were millions through lidar.
*without terrorism
They sound heretic and dumb.
Does that south park meme of them being very nice people have any truth?
People seriously underestimate the mental strength and skills needed to be an alpha. Could you support 3 wives and 12 Children right now ? Do you have the mental fortitude to deal with even 2 women ? Most guys give up with one.
how did you pull that off? i've been dating a mormon girl for almost 3 years now and she's bringing up the fact that she wants me to get baptized as a mormon so we can get our temple recommends.
>tfw want to marry her but don't believe in religion
>already tried to sway her away from mormonism but no dice
Honestly she doesn't really believe it even though she regularly goes to the church and calls herself a Mormon etc. I even ask her to tell me her favourite verse from TBOM and she can't even answer me!
They are nice right now since they have so many white babies but they are so cucked that I'm sure this will backfire and lead to families having 15 mutt kids soon.
lucky you. my gf believes all the stuff, but yet she still consumes caffeine, we have pre-marital sex, we drink albeit very rarely.
she goes to church and all that and i go with her sometimes, but she keeps trying to push me to be baptized mormon.
i really don't want to do it, but she keeps saying "we'll be sealed together forever" etc.
be glad you guys weren't raised in Utah in a small lds (real lds, not that pedo fdls shit) town. it fucks you up. I'm a 29 yo virgin
I think there's lots of morons on pol.
Albino Jews
Tools of satan.
Did you know Joesph Smith died in a hail of gunfire while falling out of a window?
Literally Freemasonry pretending to be Christianity. It's a Mystery Religion cult.
>It's a Mystery Religion cult.
the mystery is that many of these white guys will fuck their own daughters for tight puss
With terrorism. Look up mountain meadows
They're nice to try and convert you. They're worse than Jews when it comes to money. Ever heard of a MLM?
A fitting death for the town pedo
This is what I heard from a former Mormon girl . Every daughter in the family got boned by the dad
lol no it’s all fat samoans
also the (((byu))) business school board is a bunch of church elders and open borders business men
morons are anti American and are now democrats
fuck morons
Cumorah White Horse
Westbury, Wiltshire
but they are
and they won’t let us be
(protties are jews they don’t know it...what do you think that makes mormons?)
>mormon shill cope: the post
if you don’t give me your land, daughters, wife, 15% of your month earnings, and three bushels of grain...we will kill or shun you and kill you
>As a former Mormon
good stuff right here bros
F A T. S A M O A N S.
speak up moron shills telll these noobs about your love of long lost lamanite brother fat samoans!!!! utah elders love 300 pound fat samoan pussy.
same seals, same terms, same fraud, same anti-christ roots...
preach it bro
it’s a shame they are all “english” lmao
wish they were more like you ...
Levitate Angel Moroni Brigham
oh dude it’s my favorite reading mormon shit...
crack open 3 beers and start reading BoM...it’s fucking hilarious
naturally the people trying to defend the fraud book are even more nuts
it’s comedy and best with 3 beers and a nice cozy fire at night...
morons, all of them. it’s funny but it sucks too.
yes the founding elders told people to bring all their shit west for land, but all they did was collect people’s shit, sell it for cash...and then buy all the land for themselves lol.
morons were left stranded in the middle of nowhere with nothing but some now rich cult leader...and if you decided to go back east and leave the cult...the cult will follow you on the trails and kill you to make sure you can’t tell people what’s happening out in (((deseret)))...
i wish i had more time for this thread have dank old mormon books etc
#browned for church shekels
As expected of a mystery babyon cult
nah if the average white iq is 110, then mormons are 100
no such thing as a mormon intellectual for a reason
bred to be yes men, or else...
The Jews of Christianity
moron are on team jew, therefore team atheist
you didn’t really think they believed in GOD did you?
AHAHAA AHAHAHAHA hahahahaha be sure to give your wife to that elder, mormie cuck ahaha ahahaha ahahahahaha
they are inherently anti-american from their core
they teach that they will help america die so they can (((save))) it...
go look into the utah war
they are fundamentally anti-american and pride themselves on that. it’s just a sex cult that stores food and money and has no allegiance to a party or the USA...
Lol you seem to be very devoted to hating the mormons I think I’m going to go join the church just to spite a fuck like you.
>mfw when cozy home life with faithful/loyal wife
>community of people that abide by standards of non degeneracy and support one another
All the shills complain that Mormonism isn’t logical, is a hoax yet you never here these same people (((the logical))) talking about how logic has reduced them to shilling for 4 year old boy to cut their dicks off and become (((women))) you are pathetic man lol.
>t. Future Mormon
>shilling anti Mormonism this hard
No agenda here folks just keep living in your jew culture of suffering and roasties it’s so much better then reading scripture. Oh ya and if you decide to bang up a Roastie and have a hold make sure to brainwash as early as 4 that it is a different sex.
I'm not a Mormon, I'm just impressed by how much power and wealth they've been able to aquire in such a small amount of time without fracturing.
>(((they're good with money)))
>Joining a religion to spite someone on the internet
>Seeing the obvious hoax that Mormonism is makes you an advocate of child genital mutilation
Please, leaf, stop embarrassing yourself and your country.
brigham young added it to (((church doctrine))) after joseph smith died
it’s all one big desert scam to take another mans wife and money