Just wanna take a minute and say Praise God! Praise Jesus Christ! Thanks Jow Forums for bringing me back to the faith...

Just wanna take a minute and say Praise God! Praise Jesus Christ! Thanks Jow Forums for bringing me back to the faith. :-)

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you're welcome, user

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I actually saw Jesus at the airport in Atlanta. Not even joking. It was really cool.

Happy Easter Jesus.
I am grateful for your sacrifice.
I pray one day we shall all see your face in paradise. Please use this board for your Glory

>Just wanna take a minute and say Praise God! Praise Jesus Christ!
I just did. What now?

I'll be visiting hartsfield-jackson in the summer, did you get his address?

>still participating in the jesus meme
y i k e s

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catholic server bkXHBgq

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1 Corinthians 15:55-57 (ESV)

55 “O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?”

56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.

57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke 24:1-6 (ESV)
The Resurrection

24 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared.

2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb,

3 but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

4 While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel.

5 And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?

6 He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee,

fuk u demiurge
dumb frogposter

>Year 2018
Since when, user? 2018 years since when?

We do not stand before GOD in our own righteousness, but in the perfect, spotless, and matchless righteousness of the LORD JESUS.

will i be saved if I'm not white?

Sovereign Over It All
If God would grant your eyes to see those supremacies of Jesus, you would have seen the outskirts of his supremacy. We could mention his in severity, his invisibility, his dignity, his simplicity, his complexity, his resoluteness, his calmness, his depth, his courage, on all of them, infinitely, admirable, and worthy of praise.

He is supreme in every admirable way over everything:

over galaxies and endless reaches of space,

over the earth from the top of Mount Everest 29,000 feet up, to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean 36,000 feet down into the Mariana Trench;

he is supreme over all plants and animals, from the peaceful Blue Whale to the microscopic killer viruses,

over all weather and movements of the earth: hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoons, earthquakes, avalanches, floods, snow, rain, sleet,

over all chemical processes that heal and destroy: cancer, AIDS, malaria, flu, and all the workings of antibiotics and a thousand healing medicines;

he is supreme over all countries and all governments and all armies,

over Al Qaeda and all terrorists and kidnappings and suicide bombings and beheadings,

over bin Ladin and al-Zarqawi,

over all nuclear threats from Iran or Russia or North Korea;

he is supreme over all politics and elections,

over all media and news and entertainment and sports and leisure,

and over all education and universities and scholarship and science and research,

and over all business and finance and industry and manufacturing and transportation,

and over all the internet and information systems.

As Abraham Kuyper said, “There’s not a square inch on planet earth where Jesus Christ doesn’t say, mine.”

And he rules that little inch everywhere in the universe. Oh, that God almighty would grant you to see and savor the supremacy of Jesus. That he would grant you to be satisfied with all that God is for you in Jesus. That he would grant you simply to trust Jesus.

hitler quads confirm honorary aryan

the Lord is my waifu

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We have two more steps to take in five minutes, we can do this. Step number three is seeing and savoring the supremacy of Jesus Christ frees from sin. Second Corinthians 3:18: “Beholding the glory of the Lord, we are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to the next.”

Do you see what that says? That’s a Bible verse, not a Piper verse. Beholding, seeing, savoring the glory of the Lord, Lord, supreme, glorious, seeing that you changed. All my life is devoted to just seeing. If I could just see.

That verse says, “If I could just see with the eyes of my heart, I would be changed.” One of the ways it works is this, little hearts, little souls give little lust big power. Big hearts give little lust little power because they look little.

“When you see the magnitude of Christ, temptation looks like the stupid suicidal insane little monster it is. When you see the magnitude of your treasure, your soul swells to get around it and you mark pornography as a powerless thrill. That’s the way it works. You don’t, you don’t just fight with saying, “Say no, say no, say no.” That doesn’t work. You got to see. Your heart has to get bigger and bigger and bigger so that this little temptation looks like the stupid suicidal insane little monster it is.

So that’s step number three, that if you see and savor the supremacy of Jesus Christ, you will be progressively freed from the bondages and the slavery of sin.

There’s one last step to take. And you will be freed to the sacrifices of love. Hebrews 10:34, the church had been persecuted, some of the Christians had been thrown into jail. The question was, “Will we now risk our lives to visit our brothers and sisters in jail?” Okay. This is really relevant to the hand outside, where you’re going shortly. It’s really relevant for freeing others by being freed yourself.

That’s the connection here. So what is that frees you to take risks with your lives, embrace suffering, embrace sacrifices for the sake of others. And I’ll read you the verse, make a comment, and we’ll be done. “You had compassion on those in prison,” make your application, “you had compassion on those in prison and you joyfully accepted the plundering of your property.”

Where did that come from? I want to be like that, and you want to be like that. I want to be kind of person who when I say I’m going to the prison even if it implicates me in their faith so that I experience the same thing they’re experiencing, I’m going anyway. And when your house trashed behind you, you sing, “Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also. The body they may kill, God’s truth abideth still. His kingdom is forever.” I’m going to the prison and I’m singing all the way.

Inheritance Awaits
So, now, where did that come from? Where did that come from? And the last phrase of the verse tells you exactly where it came from. “Since you yourselves knew you had a better possession and an abiding one.”

How did you get to be like that? You looked up to Jesus. You looked at your inheritance. You looked at heaven. You looked at an eternity of everlasting and ever increasing joy and you said, “That’s enough. I don’t need it now. I’ve got it there. I’m going here now.” That’s how sacrifices are freed by being satisfied in Jesus.

So I close. Louie, years ago, fifteen years ago began Passion 268, Isaiah 26:8, “Your name and your renown are the desire of our souls.” And he contacted me, and I read that verse, and we talked. And I said, “You don’t have to twist my arm to be a part of that.” Your name, your supreme name, your renown, your supreme renown is the desire, not decision. It takes a miracle for a desire to be born for a supernatural reality that you can’t see.

So I close with this benediction. May God almighty make the supremacy of the name of Jesus, and the supremacy of the renown of Jesus be your sight, be your savor. Be your satisfaction. Be your desire. And be your trust.

“When you see the magnitude of Christ, temptation looks like the stupid suicidal insane little monster it is. When you see the magnitude of your treasure, your soul swells to get around it and you mark pornography as a powerless thrill. That’s the way it works. You don’t, you don’t just fight with saying, “Say no, say no, say no.” That doesn’t work. You got to see. Your heart has to get bigger and bigger and bigger so that this little temptation looks like the stupid suicidal insane little monster it is.

So that’s step number three, that if you see and savor the supremacy of Jesus Christ, you will be progressively freed from the bondages and the slavery of sin.

Praise Jesus OP, may the peace of Christ be upon you, honestly you just made my day, now go out and produce everlasting fruit

>Thanks Jow Forums for bringing me back to the faith. :-)
What are you going to do now that you are fucking wrong?

Its Piper, not me. Grace and Peace to you and EVERYONE you LOVE, in JESUS' name, AMEN!


Praise him
Have a great Easter, Jow Forums

God is life God is good without Jesus the world would be dead

This is the real shit. Fuck that jewish religion.

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Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!

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amen brother

Me too, I was on a bad path for sure!

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Satan >>> God

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uhm... guys?

anyone else seeing this?

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Praise the Lord.

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what's wrong ?

I live in ATL. that airport is a disaster.
Also I’m glad you returned to the faith. I had a similar experience of people on this board helping me out

n...n... nuthin.

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Still not understanding it.

>Still not understanding it.

where do the nails go?

Hands and feet, so ?

>Hands and feet, so ?

Are you being obtuse on purpose?

Explain. Stop playing.

hidden swastika psyop.

You are retarded. I wanted to let you finish.

Jesus' Nails
QUESTION: Jesus nails - What do we know about the nails?


We know that crucifixion was invented by the Persians about 300 or 400 years B.C. It was among the most painful and excruciating form of punishment leading to death ever contrived by man for man (women were never crucified). If we trace the word "excruciation" back to its origins we find that it is inextricably linked to the act of crucifixion: Latin excruciatus, past participle of excruciare, from ex- + cruciare to crucify, from cruc-, crux cross (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

Contrary to popular notion the nails which held Jesus to the cross must have been driven into His wrists and not his palms. Jesus' nails would have been made of heavy, probably square, iron material, 7-9 inches long. Many great painters from the past have depicted Jesus being nailed through His palms to the cross; it is a medical impossibility for this to be the case. You may have to really work your mind to grasp the enormity of what was going on here. The weight of a fully grown man was going to be suspended by three nails.

Not all crucifixions were carried out in the same way; some victims were tied to the cross while others were nailed. Jesus was nailed. He was made to carry the cross-bar to the place of His execution. The upright post (stipe) was a permanent fixture. The crossbar (patibulum) was always carried to the location, not the complete cross as is often depicted. When Jesus got to the place of His execution, He was placed on His back with His arms outstretched. The nails were first driven through small wooden disks to eliminate any chance of the heads pulling through the flesh. The site of the incision in the arm was critical; the Romans had perfected the procedure, a very specific procedure. The legionnaire who had been given the task felt for a specific spot, the nail had to be driven in-between the bones of the forearm up close to the wrist while not severing any major arteries or veins. There is a space between eight small bones which is structurally suitable to permit a full body weight to be supported for a time. If the nails had been driven into the palms of the hands, under the extreme weight, they would have ripped out between the fingers.

>You are retarded. I wanted to let you finish.

I did finish... You telling me you don't see it?

Of course I do, but calling a "psiop" is retarded.

Gas yourself

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Praise Jesus amen

>Of course I do, but calling a "psiop" is retarded.

psychological operations are usually used as preludes to war, my friend.

This is retarded because everybody know that Svastika is a cross. The cross is a symbol found everywhere in the world.
That doesn't make Christianism Nazi, and the contrary.

I don't know... the nails and the lance.... kinda makes it, doesn't it?

I'm starting to think that it was buried in there the whole time by jews as a psyop.

Call it a hunch, if you want.

In French, the svastika is called a "croix gammée" so, it's openly known as a "cross".

Still, we don't know how many nails were used.

Why would jews push for a svastika/cross used by something that destroyed them (nazi)?

What's the point?

>Still, we don't know how many nails were used.

3. 2 hands, 1 for feet.

>Why would jews push for a svastika/cross used by something that destroyed them (nazi)?

controlled opposition?