Ask a kenyan anything

Ask a kenyan anything

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Are you white?


And no idon't fucking know Obama or Lupita Personally.
Also i haven't watched Black Panther. I liked him in the comics but i think the film is being use by Hollyjew to push their shitty agenda.

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What's a typical Kenyan dish?

Is that picture real?

Depends on the tribe. But the most common dish... I say Roasted meat with "ugali" (it's kinda like corn meal porridge just harder.)

Nah just found it hilarious that facial recognition software can't distinguish between a fist n a face.

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Whats funny Mutt

Is it really a shithole?

What's your life expectancy?

Bout tree fiddy

Can't lie and say it isn't, but i think we've come a long way. We do better than other African countries, (well unless it's election time) I'd say we are less of a shithole than say, Germany.
>saw it, had to take it... Sorry

how long is your dick

do you wish you lived in europe or the us?

We generally live to about 70...
Muh dick is about 7.5

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check those quints niggers

Fuck no. I like it here. I've lived in Europe, didn't much enjoy it. I missed home, plus most of europe is turning into a shithole with all the imigrants...

Nice digits btw, I also think the US has too many issues for me to tolerate.
>I hate the LGBTQWERTY cultual erruption going on there and I'd probably end up spazzing out at some sjw

It's okay, no need to say you're sorry. We are on a decline since around 1998.

how do you anticipate the future of africa?

>Muttmerica is too much of a shithole for africans
I shit you not

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R u fast?

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Have you ever used a toilet? you filthy nigger cunt?

Some countries are growing, technologically and economically, I think the only way for us to finally better our selves is to wean ourselves off of donours and go our own way. And to stop blaming whitey for all our problems.

Fuck off Abo. don't you have diesel to sniff
I feel sorry for South Africa though..

Would you accept white South Africans as refugees?

how fast kenya run?

As long as they don't expect gibbs, we have many whites here. We accept them as Kenyans.

Fuck off subhuman. Don't you have a mud hut to build? Are you growing technically? did you just get a Nokia 3310? absolutely pathetic.

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I played rugby in highschool and fucked up my knee. Can't run as fast as i used to.

>Thinks he's allowed to speak to his betters.

Are you okay with China being in your country?

Is Kenya more developed than other African countries?

As long as they leave after, or not try to colonize us...

Do you actually think the insects will leave?

I'd say in some aspects we are. I wish we had our own defence industry like SA
I'm praying they do.

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Can you personally stop the niggers going to Europe and fucking it up?

I also saved ur flag, hope you don't mind based black man.

It's too late for Europe, whatever i do will be a drop of clorox on the giant shit stained bedsheet that is Europe.
>No problem ya cunt

what part of kenya?

Central Kenya.

yeah, but what city?

Close to Mt Kenya (Meru)
Meru town breh, it's not yet city status


How long have you been on Jow Forums for?

lol niggers

Do you know who Steve Tiloko is?
Also, did you know about that female lion who adopted the infant deer in the jungle and kept him against all odds and sacrificed her own life to save that poor deer?

Dude, I'm the fucking OP...

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cool. Thoughts on matatus?

are Kenyans into gaming and weeb shit?

you mean Steve Tikolo? the cricket player?

Yupp yupp.
I loved that dude.

They're shit and need to get off the fucking roads.

Biggest misconception, in your opinion, about political climate and life in Africa?

Alot. I game, fucking hate weebs though.

Are consoles cheap in Kenya? It isn’t like Brazil, right, where everything is taxed into oblivion?

About politics, i'd say the idea that a democracy is always good, especially in Africa is not a good idea. it may work in some countries, majority need benevolent type of dictatorships to prevent chimpouts.
Life in Africa is dependent on where you live and what you think is good for you. Want a simple no frills life? Live in the rural areas. Want a crime filled fast paced life? Live in the cities. Same as everywhere else, that is from a kenyan point of view.

how fast can you run?

i buy mine(console) on e-bay, and pirate pc games.Unless they're good, then i actually buy them.


I'm Japanese and my penis is over 8.5 inches, retard. Fuckin' 22 centimeters. How does it feel knowing you're nothing?

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I don't really care dude...

>I'd say we are less of a shithole than say, Germany.

You guys are more restrictive about what Africans come into your country right?

good for you though. Now stop playing with it and repopulate your weeb-hole country

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Yup, we deport muthafuckers like a muthafucker. Even our own countrymen.

I have to say you Kenyans give me hope for black people. You're able to build cities like in pic related, and you're crime rate is not overly high. And a half-Kenyan man even became president of the U.S. I wish American blacks would look up to you guys instead of the fictional Wakandans in Black Panther.

forgot pic

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Why aren't you getting big muscles and start seducing fat middle age white women in Mombasa?

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>I have better more fullfiling things to do.
Because I have a well paying Job as a Doctor.

Basketball-americans are poor, misguided people who have deviated so far from the midline of commonsense they should be another race.

I know, it's sad really. People look at how pathetic African-Americans are and they don't realize that some parts of Africa are making amazing progress in modernizing.

Also thanks, we gotta try

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fuck off nigger

>fuck off nigger
>Wagon wheel
Learn to poo in loo, then you can speak to me

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Kys nigger


yeah, sucks man

Hurts like hell when it's cold. Also, went ice skating when i was in Europe and predictably slid and fell on it.

what are the lyrics to this? I can't find the full version on YouTube but it's one of my favorite songs

In Africa, which woukd you expect to be more successful or stable, ethnically homogeneous or mixed with whites?

Go work, you lazy shit

What are your thoughts on Nigerians?

Did you grow up with Obama?

How are you on the internet? Do most Kenyans know how to use it?

lupita is cute

is Kenya balkanized? do you have dozens of languages and ethnicities?

Kenya has a nice fleg.

Also are you some sort of Chinese-Kenyan gentry type of nig or are you a full coal black sort?
Are you a NEET? Can you even be NEET in Kenya?
Which part of this climate map do you live in?
Are you a Kenyan Nationalist or something, or do you have a tribe that you're more inclined towards, or are you Jihadilly inclined nig?

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those cfb areas though... why does kenya have oceanic climates? are there mountains there? is that area nice?


Is the shit about average african having iq around 65 true? It always kinda seemed like bullshit to me, is average african really that dumb or is it all just a meme?

what do you think of your neighboring countries?

do you have food?

you sound like a decent guy
do you intellectually dwarf your fellow kenyans? are they all dumb as shit?
also what do you do for work?

Why are the males in your country so lazy?

It's more embarrassing to be white nowadays m8

I’ve met two Kenyans that go to my church. They really are based black people. The difference between them and African Americans is crazy. What tribe are you? The Kenyan I met said a lot of young men in Kenya have substance abuse problems. Do you find this to be true?