F A S H W A V E thread
F A S H W A V E thread
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Get this pretentious shit back to lebbit and try to hook some normalfags. But for the love of God, get this shit tier ''art'' away from our ''movement''.
Holy fuck. How did I not know this was a thing..?
It's called FutureFash.
The (((Alt-Right))) version is this weird "Fashwave" which was actually the musical genre not the art genre. They conflated the two and use it to make ugly post modern shit and push (((Christianity))). Thanks to RedIce media they destroyed Futurefash and made it Alt-Right, just like KEK to Kekistan
/polder/ is present
inb4 that serb spams the fashwave edits makin fun of it
That's just ugly and Jewish propaganda
Go suck cum like Odin faggot your fake religion is obsolete.
Both of those were fucking beautiful
>Cybernazi was good but rarely makes music anymore
>Xurious songs mostly sound the same as each other but aren't as good as Cybernazi
>all other songs are ripped from other musicians who are probably liberals and overlayed onto fashy vids
Fashwave is fun but I wish there was more. Xurious is getting better but there's something kind of generic about his songs IMO.
Rockwell was not a skull mask faggot.
I tried
fuck you and your d&c bullshit. take your fedora and shove it up your ass you fucking faggot. the alt-right is a meme created by the spin doctors and talking heads who realized that racist, bigot, deplorable etc. werent sticking. there is no alt right. there are disillusioned constituents and a small handful of "e-celebs" trying to make a quick buck off of the folks who are bored with, tired of and pissed at the status quo. let the kids have their fun and take your 'i have a huge stick up my ass and everyone else should too' rhetoric somewhere else. like reddit or 9gag.
Idk what im doing
this is you. fucking puritan. you who'd burn down his house if his front door was crooked. suck a fucking cock you fucking nigger.