Makes you think!

Makes you think!

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That's my line.

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Father is free from all the stress of taking care of his kids and working.

Shooter has to suffer for years, unable to kill himself and go through prolonged years of isolation which lead to mental insanity.

I'd rather go through what the black man did than what a school shooter has to do - from killing innocent people to living with it in isolation for sixty to eighty years.

If only niggers could get the whole "Put your fucking hands up, and don't move!" thing down they would stop getting shot.

Their hands look like guns in the dark, just saying.

> school shooter puts hands up and surrenders
> nigger breaks into cars, runs from police and then charges them waiving a metallic object
Not hard

So a man standing in his own backyard is more of threat than a guy who shot dead 17 people with a fucking gun and only god knows what have with him? You're blinded with hate.

If he's a nigger, yes

He ran into his own yard after being chased there by police. Let's be serious, niggers gun, niggers get shot.

Those 17 people were shitty bullies who deserved to die.

No one in the school had weapons to shoot the shooter

RESISTING and not following directions will got you SHOT DEAD

just go to the nigger thread that's probably still up. you people genuinely CANNOT understand. a muslim attack every day is more tame than niggers being around

The nogs getting shot are hardly behaving innocent. American cops are known for their loose finger, why would anyone provoke them further instead of following their damn instructions.
But i aint listening to damn cracka orders


>prolonged years of isolation
>which lead to mental insanity.

Lol. Prison aint shit but a change of scenery. If anything it breaks the cycle of insanity.

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He was probably holding a sweet innocent orphan baby he had just kissed with whimsical love kisses that cure cancer, and was about to go jack off his dick that grants wishes to the pure of heart, after serving admirable at the local mega-charity before they shot him too, huh.
That's what they did with Treyvon and Mike Brown and Rodney King, at least. As everyone know. They were just going about saving the entire earth from everything bad before they were death murdered by the satan police.
I'm sure he was just another pure, sweet, innocent black gentleman, as they 19/20 times always turn out to be. The best our societies have to offer. This was all a fucking lie and go to hell.

>American cops are known for their loose finger

>Tfw every interaction with a cop you've ever had is polite, cordial and helpful

I'm not even huwhite

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This this this this this this!!!!

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No, it goes like this
>commit horrible crime
>cops show up
>surrender and get put into custody
>go to trial
>cops tell you to put down the object
>scream its not a gun and charge them so the hood doesnt think you a punk ass bitch
Don't really understand what you want them to do here? Shoot the school shooter even though he is in custody and no longer a threat? Let the charging guy get into stabbing/attack distance because racism?

What the fuck was he doing creeping around in his neighbours yard breaking windows in the middle of the night?
Why did he hop the fence into his yard when the cops came?
He was doing some dodgy shit, that's for sure.

You mean ill have to go from sitting in this room alone all day to sitting in this room alone all day? Gee. However will i cope?

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but what if they have to crawl while holding their hands up at the same time and their shaver goes off

niggers are more dangerous than pitbulls

I guess the black dude has a shitty Nokie that deserve to destroy then. Fucking kraut logic had me laughs


You come patrol Sacramento then.

dodgy shit, maybe, not shot dead 17 teen kids. Fucking bong's mentality stuck on that old victorian era.

If you think you can do better, come do it.

Oh im sure you had. They dont have to behave like sub humans, just because they shot them.
Still, the stats dont lie. Chances are higher you would be shot by an american police man than by a german one

I'll admit American cops are not well trained when it comes to stressful situations so they are really trigger happy and paranoid when they feel their life is endangered. Cops will always put their lives first.

Two kinds of police groups got involved: one had tools and training , and managed to apprehend the shooter, the other wasn't as trained

> explain to me how six million Jews can be murdered without struggle but a black father holding a cellphone in his own backyard is murdered in cold blood?

> explain to me how a great white shark can just eat a seal whenever it wants but a black father holding a cellphone in his backyard is murdered in cold blood?

> explain to me how you just can't beat the fever for the flavor of a Pringle but a black father holding a cellphone in his own backyard is murdered in cold blood?

I love this game!

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Cruz didn't shoot anyone. He was dropped off at school by his adult caretaker, who is now suing him for the $800k inheritance he was going to get because his adoptive mother died a few months earlier. The shooting was most likely carried out by the 2 rogue SWAT guys who went off the grid and were later caught.

Enjoy your stay.

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As anyone should, I don't blame them. It's okay but not great pay for a thankless and shitty job. I've had plenty of problems with cops, but they've all been procedural other than jail guards.

I wasn't comparing the crimes. I'm just saying that the events leading up to the shooting make it understandable as to why he got shot.
If you were a cop and you were chasing down a potentially armed and dangerous suspect, who when cornered by your unit in a pitch black yard, doesn't respond to orders, and reaches for what could potentially be a gun,
what would you do?
Too late, he already shot you.


this, obviously


And your mentality is stuck in pre-critical thinking mode.

>shooter surrenders and follows orders

>nigger runs and doesnt follow orders

This is trump’s America now


I don't know but this sounds like a great reason to give up your guns.

It's fucking simple. Put your hands up, don't make any sudden moves, obey the officer when they give you a command and don't resist and the worst that will happen to you is some rough treatment and maybe a verbal insult or two. They should show the scene from American History X where Norton gets arrested as a tutorial for how to get arrested.

This is the huge problem of telling young black men that the police is out to get them and just want to kill them, it makes them fear for their life in every interaction they have with a police officer which just puts them further at risk. If the guy getting arrested is tense and panicky then that puts the arresting officer on edge and that's not an environment conducive to good decision making.

Who gives a shit if some normalfag NPCs get shot?

Black people don't know how to surrender.

It's not just black people who get shot

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because nothing about their story makes any fucking sense.
like apparently he ate lunch at a subway and came back?

No it does not

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t. Courtney Cox

People need to understand that white supremacists have infiltrated our police departments, its not some coincidence all these unarmed minorities are getting blown away.

Makes me hide thread

Out of all the nigs getting shot had it coming and maybe only one was not justified. I'm not even sure about the existence of that one because I should remember which one was it.

>This is the huge problem of telling young black men that the police is out to get them and just want to kill them,

Look up Tamir Rice. Video is still up I suppose

No matter how you put it, Police is out there to get black man.

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The nigger that pointed a pellet gun at police officers that didn't know it was a pellet gun?
Why the fuck would that be your example? The cops did nothing wrong in that shooting.

He could probably fuck a German policeman in the ass and get away free

Obviously cops are more racist in California, maybe we should use this opportunity to try to drive a wedge between drive a wedge between California law enforcement and the community.

Maybe if we do so maybe they will be more inclined to follow the law if you get my meaning.

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Fathers aren't running around causing mayhem at 4am. The nog may have impregnated a boon or two, but it wasn't a father in any sense of the word.

Cops are jaded from dealing with nigger bullshit for years

He literally threw his guns away before leaving the school

Is this about that nigger that got killed after he smashed the window of a car of one of his neighbors and then cops killed him?

>Makes you think!
Dont listen to these privileged mother fuckers, be proud of your African race, you dont have to take order especially from white devils in uniforms. tells your brothas not to take shit from these cops. treat them like the animals, they are when confronted and try to scare the coppers away by flailing your arms and shouting will usually run off the pigs

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If you like niggers so much why don't you move to a country that has them? A few hours being mugged near Copacabana Beach would be enough to change your mind.

Stuff like this and the globina memes is why I love you, Jow Forums

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But, you get your ass destroyed.

It is about presenting as a threat to the police, not having been a threat to you or me. The 17 people shooter did not make a threatening action towards the police. The black kid did. It really is that simple.

His brother did say he was 'just about to turn his life around'. So, yeah, what you said.

Its almost like surrendering to police and following orders works.

The best part of that if you noticed after the Saint Traytray episode was all the black mothers going on TV and talking about how they would have to have 'the talk' with their kids about this.

"Sorry little nig, but when you commit crimes and the police show up you need to do what they say." As if this is some sort of terrible shocking burden for them.

Said a lot.

Didn't the police shoot him thirty times? Seems like an emotional reaction to me. Cops do need better screening for emotional imbalances before they're handed guns.

They shot at him 'approximately twenty times'. If you watch the video you can see that most rounds likely missed.

It was two cops firing, so that is ten rounds each. Happened over the course of a few seconds.

Tell you what though. If you can go through the video and point out EXACTLY which bullet it was that ended the threat I will consider the 'cops are imbalanced' argument. Until then, after you begin shooting you fire until they stop moving.

Warning shots and wounding shots are not legal in the US, if you do anything else other than kill the person you are shooting at then it is deemed that 'you were not really in imminent threat' and thus should not fire. Off to jail you go.

Because the school shooter complied with the verbal commands.

Niggers are worse than school shooters

even 56% people are generally smart enough to not get killed by the police.