Specifically talking about North Indians/Pakis/Iranians here, why are you guys mad that we are in Europe?
It's pretty much accepted fact that we all came from the Pontic Caspian Steppe, you fags went West, we went East. Now we're just coming back home to Europe again.
All Indo-Europeans came from the Steppe (modern day Ukraine)
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You guys racemixed for 5000 years.
Go back to Ukraine. I'm a beady Breton descended from Neolithic farmers. Fuck off horsenigger
I'm not saying you're wrong or that 2 wrongs make a right, but now your women are race-mixing en masse with subhuman niggers.
the language is still indo european and white. op is right, indo europeans are the same race we shouldnt fight
>race-mixing en masse with subhuman niggers
Where do you think you came from m8
here are a few reasons why you subhumans should leave europe:
>you are niggers
>you are animals
>you are annoying
>you are mudslimes
>you are worth less than dogs
>your food is disgusting and stinks
>your women are disgusting apes
>your kids are disgusting and should be gassed
>you are ugly
no fuck off back to where ever you came fron you nigger
Suisse, whoever said you were not le based was wrong.
You're a bunch of mountain niggers that my ancestors were too retarded to genocide.
I hope we're less naive now and wont commit the same mistake.
You can take the 100% aryannigger waifus then, we need pure(r) race too.
m8, Arabs were the ones who race-mixed with niggers before modern-day European women made it fashionable again. I don't know why you think the Indo-Europeans/Indo-Aryans who went east mixed much with niggers, if at all.
Even in South India now, there isn't much mixing with the Aboriginal types.
Racemixing in that case is relative (not talking about Dravidian substratum in Indians or Arabian in Iran)... Satem speakers did heavily admix with Uralic peoples from Seima-Turbino horizon as they derived their iron ore from the Urals. Although this seems rather inconsequential as the partial Ancient North Eurasian ancestey of the proto- Indoeuropean Yamnaya was the exact same Uralic component. We're actually Siberians, all of us to a certain extent and I would define the white 'race' by just that component. Our little excursion as steppe horse niggers does not change that fact.
Btw also the reason why genetically those crazy ass Finns ARE in fact purest white genes in Europe.
I was waiting for you to BTFO op
YOu guys were the first Mutts. YOu went south and mixed with inferior people. You are not our brothers anymore. Please just self-genocide yourselves out of existence. I hate you all
based autist
You mixed with niggers and became subhuman
>A handful of women
>A whole race of racemixed subhumans
As far as I know race mixed couples where the woman is White are extremely uncommon. 80% of mixed couples are White male Asian female, but even those are too rare to compare with a whole nation of degenerate scum such as yourself. Neck yourself
I'd say that finns have >5% asian admixture, so they are not the most white, they are the most nordic through.
>he fell for 90 iq muzzie bait
>Finns ARE in fact purest white genes in Europe.
DAS RITE!! Based Austrian geneticist.
Thousands of years of difference since you dumb inbred cunt.
not even a handful more like 2-3% kek
Nah there's just rampant inbreeding.
Holy shit look at UK and Canada
They need to fix their Poo 'N' Paki problem
Dude, during the Migration Period almost everyone moved and most of us are khaned.com rapebabies
You can't be serious.
what's that flag you're hiding, rabbi?
we are the same indo european race
It's a pretty major concern tbqh but I worry knowing the current government that they'd just respond by encouraging race mixing.
Hi mohamed.
Trying to larp as an ethnic sweden?
>t. semitic shitskin
show your flag
who the fuck orchestrated creation of this propaganda maps?
A lot happened since then. Indians and Pakis are differently evolved, ugly and less intelligent.
Back to iran reza
t. mohammad van molenbeek
>if you hate shitskins you must be one
Flawless logic, i truly am BTFO
Hah, thx!
Agree with that, always forget about Sami admixture...
Hey you are my favorite snowniggers ;)
Also do love sauna.
>Btw also the reason why genetically those crazy ass Finns ARE in fact purest white genes in Europe.
Nah nigga modern Finns carry Siberian ancestry.
Their Siberian admixture is not from Saamis, but from wherever their language arrived, Uralic language correlate with Siberian admixture with the only exception of Hungarians.
>b-but muh memes
True, already admitted to that.
Ah you were talking about THAT Siberian component! I usually disregard Saami as they came rather late. Always was under the impression that the Uralic component was still very close to the ANE in Yamnaya ... of course with some genetic distance but still.
Hyperborea was the Golden Age polar center of civilization and spirituality; mankind does not rise from the ape,
but progressively devolves into the apelike condition as it strays physically and spiritually from its mystical otherworldly homeland in the Far North,
succumbing to the demonic energies of the South Pole, the greatest point of materialization.
You call yourself geneticist, but seem to be completely clueless.
> I usually disregard Saami as they came rather late
Saami occupied much larger territory in Finland that they do now, Finns were restricted to very southern regions and their expansion happened very late in Iron Age.
>the Finnish population call
for a closer inspection, with the linguistic evidence suggesting that Saami
languages have dominated the whole of the Finnish region before 1,000 CE15–17
All the ancient samples from region cluster near Saamis and none near Finns only exception is one sample who cluster near Lithuanians/Icelanders.
>Ten of the eleven ancient individuals from this study fall on this Uralic cline, with
the exception of one individual from Levänluhta (JK2065), who is instead
projected closer to modern Lithuanian, Norwegian and Icelandic populations.
And ANE ancestry is inherited from EHG's who were around 75% ANE and EHG's were a major component in Steppe populations and it's not rocket science, that North-Eastern Europe was inhabited by EHG's that where the shared ancestry comes from. But the fact Uralic languages are correlated with Siberian admixture.
Thx for clarification. Damn I have not read that study yet, thx for sharing link, wanted to go for coffee break now anyway while my gel runs...
You don't understand, the asian admixture in finland was rather recent, and finns have possibly the most isolated "white" genes in the world as they were barely influenced by midle eastern farmers from the neolithic. and their descendants.
>Steppe (modern day Ukraine)
>we're just coming back home to Europe again
Why are you suggesting that Steppe is a part of Europe? There's no ANY division between Asia and Europe.
>you fags went West, we went East.
If your ancestor went East they had mixed with Pre-Indo-Europeans in Iran and India. They, as you mentioned, came from Steepe, not Germany/UK/Sweden.
>Why are you suggesting that Steppe is a part of Europe?
Because it's popularly considered to be part of Europe.
>They, as you mentioned, came from Steepe, not Germany/UK/Sweden.
Okay...so? That's not counter to what I was saying.
Listen up, pal
Europe isn't geographical term nowadays but psycho-sociological.
Indians, Pakistani and Iranians are different people, culturally speaking.
You can't call a your distant relatives' house as your home.
We are not a relatives because we could had a same Great-grand(x140)-parent.
You may be just a dissident of pre-Indo-Europeans who just speaks Indo-European language, just like me or any bong.
just accept bro, brown and white people are not supposed to live together, better stay in your own averaged country than larping in another's man land