Mayor demands White Privilege checked

>people on this forum would unironically deny their white privilege
Check your white privilege THIS INSTANT or I will call the special forces on your racist asses for microagression and HATE SPEEC!!!!
Vid related, this leftist cunt burst out in tears because people refused to check their privilege - and its powerful!

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Omfg, she actually said she was shaking.
My sides, my fucking sides

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Good find user


Fucking women.

Bump, this a great video I want more anons to gaffaw with me

Nice catch

KEK. Thanks for sharing.

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Dumbass mayor can't even form a coherent sentence explaining what bauman did wrong

Fucking lmao, this is what happens when women are in charge of shit.. crying and finger pointing when someone disagrees.
Thank God Hillary didn't win, the US would probably be overrun like the UK
>inb4 it already is :'(

Minnesota is primarily descendants of Swedish immigrants.
The state has imported hundreds of thousands of Somalis to keep the state deep blue.
Swedes even generations removed from Sweden are still cucks

shes literally shaking guys...

she looks legit insane

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That the mayor or the one that triggered her? And holy fuck I had to suck my own soul back in.

the one that triggered her

just finished watching, the delusion of this woman is fucking repulsive
been seeing that a lot in arguments lately

She has one of the major signs of infection of the leftist virus. Her eyelids are open well above her irises. She is fluoridated and deranged beyond belief.

bump so everyone can see this. Indoctrination startes with the feeble, the weak minded, the easily swayed, the lazy and the children.

Why are the men so cucked in this? Where is the united front calling her out on the bullshit?

>that one dude raises his hand to speak and the cunt barks NO
pretty sure she runs the show

Even if she runs the show surely it is possible to at least tell her to calm down. The ensuing stream of angered tears would be so incredibly salty.

>surely it is possible to at least tell her to calm down
fired and accused of mansplaining

So... she ain't white?

isn't that the giantess from the harry potter movies?

>You're out of order.
>And you're out of line!

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These marxists need to be slaughtered. Good for that woman for not taking the mayor's PC shit.

she should move to an African country and see how far complaining about black privilege gets her