Brit/pol/ - RIP Jonathan Bowden

He died today six years ago

Thread theme: never apologise

Fuck links

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Other urls found in this thread:

first for slags


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Is that what he said to the parents of the kids he raped?

I picketed one of the speeches he gave in 2010. He told me to get a job and I called him a nonce.

Good times.


Shame I will never get a chance to see the man talk in the flesh.

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any evidence?
you sure told him

Wish we could swap him for you.

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form the vanguard
form, form the vanguard

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You know who is is trying to bait lil c and he'll probably take the bait. Gentle reminder to report off topic posts.

god bless this man. greatest speeches i have ever head

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Who's ur favourite tripfag lads? Mine's PreuBe.

you haven't heard any of Oswald's then

>dad went out last night
>came home at midnight
>go into the bathroom today
>his suit is in the bath, drenched and covered in mud
>trousers smell weird like he may have pissed himself
who /alcoholic dad/ here

Pube is what this general deserves.

I tried to make it through his speech on Marxism. It was so full of errors I gave up. I guess he sounds smart to right wing tools though.

Lads, how do we stop minorities aggregating in a vanguard way?

this general is cancer and you contribute to it by letting him back lmao. degenerate fuck.

what were the errors?

post slags

Not alcoholic but does come back home wrecked sometimes, his job requires a lot of socialising. He's getting a bit old for it desu.

death squads

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Who is this?

>Anarchist flag
aannddd.... into the bin your post goes.

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>his job requires a lot of socialising
does he work at a pub?

shitposting obviously

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>has a literal faggot on his flag

was he killed by mi5niggers?

hows ur degree going

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>I don't like admitting it but I largely agree on that too.
Same, except I don't mind admitting to it and am getting closer to the point where I'm willing to sacrifice my comfort and convenience.

>I think there's something to be said for fusing together technological progress and ruralism under a nationalistic approach to governance - elements of the 'Blood and Soil' - but whether that is sustainable I don't know.
His argument is that it can't work. But the distinction needs to be made between small scale technological progress and that of large scale organisational technological-industrial progress and dominance, because people take him to be calling for the abolition of all forms of technology, which is not what he actually said.

Probably, he died very unexpectedly. I reckon the establishment were terrified of him.

Wrong reply sorry, no he works in the city.

The most prolific pedophile in the uk

kek i was very confused for a minute

Nietzschean Credo -

Interview with Bowden -

Western Civilization Bites Back -

The "Pulp Facism" Lecture -

Race is Culture, and Culture is Race (short) -

Underneath the Mind (short) -

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Bowden on Ezra Pound -

Bowden on Martin Heidegger -

Bowden on H.P. Lovecraft -

Bowden on Julius Evola -

Bowden on George Orwell -

Bowden on T.S. Eliot -

Bowden on W.B. Yeats -

Bowden on Savitri Devi -

Bowden on Thomas Carlyle -

Bowden on Bill Hopkins -

Bowden on Wyndham Lewis -

Bowden on Robinson Jeffers -

Bowden on Hans-Jürgen Syberberg -

Bowden on Yukio Mishima -

Attached: Jonathan Bowden Works.jpg (3672x3024, 3.85M)

good ta, jan exams went well just got 3 summer ones left thats it

Conversations with Richard Spencer:

The Essence of the Left -

The Uses and Abuses of Nietzsche -

Nietzsche, On The Genealogy of Morals -

The European New Right -

The E Word (Eugenics) -

Creative Destruction (Libertarianism) -

Iran, Israel, and the Bomb -

The Homosexual Question -

The Iraq War -

Frankfurt School -

Feminism -

Democracy -

Politics, Politics -

Oswald Spengler -

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>spreading BNP special branch infiltrator lies

user, put it to rest now.


And we've stepped over the prospect of being sorry.

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WWII and Holocaust Revisionism -

Agamemnon and King Lear -

Manchester Speech -

European Culture: A Bullet through Steel -

Cultural communism, Conceptual art, and Stewart Home -

The Economic Crisis caused by Speculation -

The Real Meaning of Punch and Judy -

British Sculpture -

Bowden's 2005 Film "Venus Flytrap" -

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>Conservative from Tower Hamlets

Clearly a false flag.

just wrote a poem lads what do you think

Though warrior women
Bravely walk the walk,
Derivatives of disproportion
Draw heinous hypocrites
To their flock.
Where did all the laughs go?
Are you out there, Louis C.K.?
Once crucial conversations
Kept us on our toes;
Was it really in our interest
To trample Charlie Rose?
And what’s with this ‘Me Too’?
This infantilizing term of the day...
Is this a toddler’s crusade?
Reducing rape, slut-shaming, and suffrage to reckless child’s play?
A platform for accusation impunity?
Due process has lost its sheen?
But, fuck it, what me worry?
I’m a hero,
To Time Magazine!

I liked his commentary

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Nice, cheers user

Thanks for these mate!

Lemme guess: he talked about actual Marxist praxis and you thought “Marx’s version of Marxism doesn’t align with this. Could Marx be out of touch? No... it’s the revolutionaries who are wrong.”


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It’s possible. He was a bad boi.

Mi5 pls go

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>Of course you discriminate. You discriminate over who's your enemy and who's your friend. You don't treat people as all the same except in some universal ninnydom which only exists in the minds of people who want human nature to be different from what it is.

Fucking bang on.

One of my favourite excerpts from Bowden. 'Underneath the Mind'.

Please ask for my permission before saving my files


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>am getting closer to the point where I'm willing to sacrifice my comfort and convenience.

Good - and it's a positive trait to have. I'm not so sure how far I am capable (will should never an issue, or excuse, for anyone who truly cares) to go, but it is something to be worked on.

>But the distinction needs to be made between small scale technological progress and that of large scale organisational technological-industrial progress and dominance

Precisely. To use an incredibly crude example, something like a mobile phone can exist without the likes of Google having access to all of your conversational data, browsing history, etc... One does not necessitate the other, even if it helps to enable it. Too often the position is presented as black or white, with the inevitable goal driving those towards the Google side of the argument by preying on insincerity with regards to comfort.

And he was never against technology, only the rapidity at which it spread and disrupted societal norms - and even then not in a blanket fashion. Medicinal progress is wholly different towards the development of 'social media', or conveniences that allow for complete detachment from the outside world. They are not to be treated with the same disdain as they aren't the same. It's a very nuanced argument and he makes it incredibly well; which is why it's a shame it's often lumped as a, as you say, 'abolition of all forms' approach, which is probably only done to lampoon it and pigeonhole it with other fringe ideas.


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Start buying guns.

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Legend for our people. "Liberalism is moral syphilis..and I'm steppin' over it"


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fuck you op

UKIP: 3%


>Remainers Are 'Cave Dwellers' Says Jacob Rees-Mogg

>Mail's petition to give the contract for the UK's new blue passport to a British firm tops 185,000 signatures

>Crackers NUS Conference Occupies Itself

>Corbyn is a member of two more anti-Semitic Facebook groups

>'Is the EU trying to make Brexit impossible?' FURIOUS British MEP rips into Commission

>Why do politicians refuse to tell it how it is on immigration?

>What do people think about Brexit?

>Councils 'have no choice' but to raise tax bills

>'Youngest councillor' dies suddenly aged 21

>Maths professor works out it'll cost you £774 to fill up your Panini World Cup sticker book

From 'bites back':
"there is a natural tendency to kick .. and it's life affirmative to kick, and to traduce it and kick its bottom..." "and this will attract many people to our side"

1:09:20 or so.
Late 2016 in a phrase.

gonna get pissed tonight lads

Why did my post get deleted.

Bongistan is finished.

Enjoy your islamic prayer, cucks.

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I'm drinking beer and I'm gonna get vodka later.

At least use real figures, or real advertisements in your denigration of the country. Reality is bad enough, why the need to lie?

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bowden predicted everything about the new internet culture of the 'alt right' and other assorted internet counterculture movement

>"If you can tap these forces of—in some respects—codified irrationalism, if you can bring them to the surface, if you can bottle them, and if you can then add on reason and add in the discourse on Counter-Currents, you will tap the energies of future generations of majority Americans. And you will do so because it appears to be extraordinarily interesting. More interesting than anything else. More threatening than anything else. More shocking than anything else. And that is something that the Right should actually in my view heighten, in a civilized and persuasive way."

>"One should never lose sight of the reason that people are opposed to our ideas is because they are thrilled to be frightened by them. They are thrilled to be appalled by them. It is the political equivalent of Satanism to many people. I’m saying nothing that is at all original. And in doing so we actually make ourselves tremendously attractive at certain levels of consciousness—not to some Southern Baptist chapter, admittedly. But you make yourself tremendously psychologically appealing. You may not have a halo over your head but you are transfigured in a sort of dark and sepulchral light, which makes you deeply spiritually ambivalent to people who exist now. And that contains the prospect of growth and the prospect of renewal."

>"I personally believe people agree with ideas long before they moved towards them. They have an instinctual saying of “Yes!” They say “Yes!” to the idea before they completely have worked out all of the formula for themselves. The Counter-Currents of this world exist to provide the formula for people after they’ve said “Yes!” After they’ve put forward their first step upon the route to identity, and the politics of identity, and the religion of identity."

Fucking Germans

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>northern syria giving us shit about muslims

imagine being this mental

Bongistan YES!!

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>"The Marxians have marched through the institutions of the last 50 years because the doors were swinging open for them. They hardly had to kick them down because they were swinging open for them."

>"All the doors are shut to us. We must find ways to work our way around these doors and reconnect with the new minds of our upcoming generations."

>"One of the reasons that this will happen is that people in the Western world at the moment are chronically bored. There’s a boredom that has settled upon our people. You can sense it. There’s a spiritual torpor out there. And the most exciting ideas, the most threatening ideas, the most psychopathological ideas, the ideas which are beyond all other ideas, are the ideas which are in this room. They are the most dangerous ideas, and therefore they have a subtle attraction to radical and dissident minds."

>"Don’t forget that everything which has occurred in the last 50 years was once so dissident that the people in the 1920s—those who advocate the ultra-liberalism of today—had to meet in secret, because they were frightened of revealing what their views were to the generality, and to their own families, and to work colleagues. See how the entire notion of what it was to be “progressive” or “reactionary” or “unprogressive” or “traditionalist” or otherwise has changed around in a hundred years."

>"We are now the people stalking. We are now the people who are afraid of media revelation. We are the people who are taught to be frightened and ashamed of our own views. The whole thing has been reversed in a hundred years."

>"But there is a natural tendency to kick; there is a natural tendency to kick against the system which is in place. And politically-correct liberalism is an enormous target to be attacked. And it is fun to attack it. And it is life-affirming to attack it. And to traduce it and to kick its bottom and to run ’round and to be chased by it and to be opposed by all these po-faced zealots and that sort of thing."

>"It’s entertaining, and that’s one of the things that people have to realize that will attract many people to our side. The bloody- mindedness of it, the useful cantankerousness of it. Everyone likes a rebel up to a point, as long as they’re not personally and they’re not adversely affected by the consequences of such radicalism. And what we need to do is position ourselves in the way that the International Times and ’60s radicals did the other way around."

>"If we become the lightning rod for cultural revolution in the West, you will see, in the future, student movements that are loyal to the Right rather than Left, even if these terms break down and in increasingly group-based societies no longer have any meaning, as is occurring. But we still use them because it’s an affordable shorthand."

>"But never forget the thrill of transgression. Right-wing ideas are transgressive. And are therefore interesting, and sexy. Herbert Marcuse once wrote about the eroticism of the Right. Susan Sontag did as well. And the Right is more erotic than the Left, is more exciting than the Left. The Left is boring, the Left is extraordinarily grungy and erotically unexciting, you know, despite its prevalence and its penchant for decadence. There’s a degree to which it is not as radically outside the box."

my house is a good boy zone

kys no one cares about your reddit tier Tory shilling

>Good - and it's a positive trait to have. I'm not so sure how far I am capable (will should never an issue, or excuse, for anyone who truly cares) to go, but it is something to be worked on.
I'm in the fortunate position of having no family or friends and very few attachments to society apart from those that I've grown up with and become accustomed to largely out of convenience. I could quite easily walk away. I'm not afraid of dying out there. Most people aren't so lucky, and to detach themselves would be far more painful and problematic.

>Precisely. To use an incredibly crude example, something like a mobile phone can exist without the likes of Google having access to all of your conversational data, browsing history, etc...
If I understand you correctly, here, then I don't think a mobile phone would be a good example to use. A mobile phone would definitely be a product dependent on large scale organisation. You would need factories to develop all the parts, factories to assemble them, warehouses to store them, and you would need towers for the signal and perhaps even satellites. You would also need factories and warehouses to build the factories and warehouses necessary to assemble the technology. You can see how quickly it spirals out of control. The one cannot exist without the other.

I think a far better example of small scale technology to use, and it's one Ted himself uses, is that of a local blacksmith. When the Roman empire collapsed they lost a lot of their large scale organisational dependent capabilities, but they could still make metal tools because that knowledge and technology was decentralised, not reliant on large scale organisation, and therefore was retained.

>Jonathan Bowden

Who was he? Did you know him?
Sorry for your loss, chum.

Also why is there a photo of Russel T. Davis in the OP?

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are you a retard?

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Only the EU could have saved your shithole, bongs.
Now only nukes can.

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STOP Bullying

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bowden was a paedophile

>And he was never against technology, only the rapidity at which it spread and disrupted societal norms - and even then not in a blanket fashion.
He had nothing against small scale decentralised technologies of the past. He wasn't advocating a return to the stone age. But he was definitely against large scale organisationally dependent technologies that emerged post-industrialisation, because he (correctly, in my opinion) saw it as a Pandoras box that would wreak havoc and cause disaster.

>It's a very nuanced argument and he makes it incredibly well; which is why it's a shame it's often lumped as a, as you say, 'abolition of all forms' approach, which is probably only done to lampoon it and pigeonhole it with other fringe ideas.
Agreed. It's also used by people who haven't familiarised themselves with his argument to justify not having to bother trying. "Get rid of technology? He must be mad! Stupid terrorist! He killed people, he did."

Meant for

No, I am not, sunshine. I am nearly 90 years old and you should show some respect for your elders. I fought a war for the likes of you not to be speaking German so button up chum.

but i can speak german

>tfw you lose against britain but still managed to destroy it

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>but i can speak german

Well, sunshine, that was a waste of time learning it now we are brexiting.

You should have learnt Chinese instead.

There was more than one Jonathan Bowden in the UK.

>Earlier this year, the political activist and author Jonathan Bowden died at the young age of 49. It is fair to say that the last few months of his life were not happy ones. One thing he found extremely distressing was that he had been smeared as a paedophile. This came about after another individual named Jonathan Bowden, a teacher, was convicted of downloading what appear to have been indecent images of young boys. Incidentally, one of the judges who heard and upheld that conviction in 1999 was the very same High Court judge who laughed in my face at about the same time.

>Years after this Jonathan Bowden's conviction, the other Jonathan Bowden's political enemies found the case and distributed a smear story to the effect that it had been him. It may have been a similar act of malice that led to Lord McAlpine being similarly smeared. While we need not take seriously the ravings of David Icke about serving presidents or humbler British politicians kidnapping, torturing, raping and even murdering children as part of their Satanic rituals, it is fair to say that there does appear to have been a culture of cover up over matters which although falling far short of murder are still extremely serious.

that makes no sense but thanks

We've gone down the tubes.

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You should've learned urdu, cuck.

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Ace video, what a powerhouse.

>I don't think a mobile phone would be a good example to use.
>is that of a local blacksmith.

I chose mobile phones as they're symptomatic of our level of technological achievement and how it negatively influences a great many people. Blacksmithing is much less reliant on a supply chain, as you state; but then, if you limit the technology to that which can only be produced within a certain radius (or settlement size), that then implies a de facto cap on the level of technological advancement that a society can 'ever' achieve. It was a bad example now that I think about it and for what else I want to say.

But, I think the problem with defining that limit as something that can then be 'retained' knowledge is that it is far too loose of a definition to ever apply broadly across differing groups in society and at different points in time, at which point it loses its utility as a concept. It probably worked quite well in the pre-industrial age, when technology was largely limited to what could be mined in the ground or gathered at hand, etc... but today's devices can store almost infinite information on an almost infinite number of objects. Say there were to be some sort of societal collapse - and the internet went dead tomorrow. It is likely that someone in this very thread would have manuals on farming, agriculture, car servicing, whatever, saved to their hard-drive. Access to this information is then contingent upon having electrical power - this can come from a generator, or solar panels, etc... Not wider society. The generation of these ideas may have come from large-scale organisation, but ultimately the continuity is not dependant on it. This is then 'retained' knowledge, is it not?

I don't necessarily believe (or perhaps I do, but am yet to come to a summarised conclusion of why I do) there is any inherent limitation to the level of technology that a decentralised society can ever have. As long as there is access to trade, why not progress? (1/2)

You rich fucks will be dealt with soon

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