Atomwaffen Division

why are you not involved with them?

The Atomwaffen Division ("Atomwaffen" meaning "Atomic Weapons" in German) is a neo-Nazi terrorist organization based in the United States. Founded in 2013, the group's main base of operations is in Florida, but it has members in other states. The group is part of the alt-right,[3][4][5][6][7] but is considered extreme even within that movement.[4]

Atomwaffen encourages members to burn the United States flag and the Constitution, and to attack the U.S. government and minorities (especially Jews).[8] The group's membership is mostly young, and the Atomwaffen Division has been active on university campuses recruitment postering. The San Antonio, Texas, chapter is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.[9][10]

Atomwaffen has engaged in plans to cripple public water systems and destroy parts of the American electric grid. Atomwaffen has also been accused of plans to blow up nuclear plants to cause meltdowns of American nuclear energy sites.[8] The organization aims for a violent overthrow of the United States government by use of terrorism and guerrilla warfare tactics. Since 2017, the organization has been linked to five killings.[11][12][13]

>Inside the Secret Chat Logs of American Nazis

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Inb4 they're satanists

fuck off you MI5 CIA faggot.

CIA honeypot

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because i'm not a sodomite. now fuck off nigger meme flag

Same thread every day, wont work CIA

Also faggots had member who converted to Islam and then killed other members, who would wanna join such a cucked group?


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Same post, different day.

The answer is the same.
They are gayboy larpers. Who want to be terrorists. Worst cunts who help nobody.

Socialists of any kind should be slapped and laughed at

(((Atomwaffen Divison)))

that's why - they are "hey kid wanna blow up a federal buidling"-tier kikery

Only ape-men and muzzies commit terrorism, and that's how we want it to stay.

Like the ((( N S U ))) in Germany

Stop shilling your gay fucking honeypot.

>burns constitution and American flag
Deepstate confirmed

>Maybe if I post the same honeypot everyday eventually I'll get a newfag to join my satanist circle jerk desu

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They sound like islamists.
Why would anyone want to be an islamist like that?

this is the german ((( N S U ))) trio - don't they look....suspicious....??

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>atomwaffen? moar like attomaffeds am i rite

This is gay. Seriously, very fucking faggoted. Also...... CIA.

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W8, so why is this terror group not forbidden??

because it's not a terrorist group

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Good morning cia nigger, slow day?

But why does Wikipedia say so?

Why when you can monitor all nazi larping faggots and bait them into doing crimes. Same shit happened with some black muslim extremists in NY

wikipedia does not have a monopoly on truth

Jow Forums wants to be Nazis until it's time to do some Nazi shit

Because the FBI wants misguided youth to join and commit hate crimes, so their narrative of "le ebil nazis" is right.
The FBI doesn't want to prevent crimes; it's been proven that they want to incite violence and leverage the removal of rights.

>it's been proven that they want to incite violence and leverage the removal of rights.
i don't see a problem here. i want all guns banned and whites chased with machetes.
then the fun may commence.

Nazi shit gets you nowhere in todays political climate.

But unfounded violence is degenerate.

>But unfounded violence is degenerate.

only burger (i.e. niggers) do that shit. and strasserites too

>attomwaffen? moar like attomwaffbi am i rite

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Obvious honeypot is obvious

Because joining such a stupid group will not give me money, power, or bitches.

This is why Germans are going extinct, you've lost your warrior spirit. Look at all the Americans on both sides itching for a civil war, then look at Germans paying somalis to breed their wives.

when has against against water systems, electrical grids and being all-around asshole won over public support?
Jow Forums has a good going right now subverting young minds and hearts with funny memes
jew tactics are best tactics

>This is why Germans are going extinct, you've lost your warrior spirit. Look at all the Americans on both sides itching for a civil war, then look at Germans paying somalis to breed their wives.
Siege fag detected.

Reeead siiieege (3rd FBI Edition) by Rabbi James Hershel (((Mason)))

>when has against against water systems, electrical grids and being all-around asshole won over public support?

hitler knew that when he offed röhm

>Jow Forums has a good going right now subverting young minds and hearts with funny memes
>jew tactics are best tactics

Why would anyone want to associate with a movement known for its islamic converts killing their roomates or other members shooting up churches?
Theyre a spook op.

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>Oy vey goy, join to my (generic but "elaborated name in german) division to fight the goverment and the joos with my friend shekelberstein meanwhile you praise satan as your good. We arent controled oposition goy like the neonatsis skinheads, we are for real.
Stop posting this everyday rabbi

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Such a fucking faggot. Go kill few nigger gang bangers or your local mailman see how much support from whites you'll get. Absolute fucking autist.

You don't have any warrior spirit. You're fueled by blinded hatred that doesn't last long.

you bitch on the internet.
angela busses 3 million hajis.
who's winning here?

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most of the nazi larpers are not white

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I don't think the Germans have ever been warriors, desu. Sure they let out their anger in WWII but they still got their shit kicked in (Love you Hitler). I just can't remember any war that Germans won. They've been fucked by every invading force that's ever attached them. Maybe breeding out of existence will be good??

Also something interesting is that Germans haven't really had that big of an effect on our population. The majority of white Americans have at least 60% British Isles

It's called Atomwaffen because it glows in the dark.

They killed at least three people (two of their own but still).

Awww, is the wittle yuropoor scared? Daddy America will protect you from baddie Russia :^)

lol mi5 cia is so desperate to create actual white criminals. So sad.

There's like 3 wannabe Nazis and the rest are shills

No, you jumped on the skripal case like a good bitch cannon-fodder army you are.

I also wanna be an cute Atomwaifu.

Friendly reminder that each one of them lost his virginity 7 years later then the rest of us.

Aww whose a wittle biter? You are!!!

>doesn't know the NSA, ATF, and FBI are so involved in militias that they are arresting each other

Why is it always Florida? Feds need to be more creative with shit like this.

They are antisemites. I am not involved with antisemites.

For the record, the sudden and saturated appearance of Atomwaffen threads is directly correlated to the more aggressive attempts of the IC to entrap anyone who is serious about protecting their communities.
Do NOT join/reply/engage with Atomwaffen, they are literally federal agents. The killings they are linked to were arms dealing sting operations gone bad.

măcar ai citit Asediu?

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Have they done anything noteworthy other than spending a considerable amount of energy into cosmetic larper bullshit? Cool logo, name and tacticool gear please, San Diego's comicon is that way.

>join Autismwaffle
>get v&

Don't the feds have actual crimes to solve instead of trying to entrap weebs on the Internet?

>two of their own

Oh boy sign me up


Nice try, glow in the dark nigger

You're like Dunning-Kruger: The Person. I can't even imagine what kind of shitskin demon you look like.

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Reminder that weev is shilling for them, and tons of people linked to TDS and TRS are members and low key pushing for that shit
They need to be purged

Those 5 clowns in OP's pic can't even agree whether to pose with AK's or AR's, so I doubt they could even organize a car pool.

Every tactical team understands the need for compatible mags and ammo.

And stop whining about entrapment faggot. If you are the kind of person who decides to go along and blowing up buildings or killing people because someone proposed it or you decided to do it on your own and started to talk to everyone about it you deserve to get arrested and sent to jail
It’s not entrapment it’s a damn public service whether they are Muslims or Atomwaffen or whatever

Have you killed enough cats to get you secret satan superpowers yet?

Ironically, even SIEGE says that LARPing is not a good strategy.

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Wrong. Awd and ironmarch before were and always will be actively purged.
t. Someone who knows
Take off meme flag and show star, schlomo

NSU murdered like eight shitskins over a decade and most of their associates evaded arrest or even detection. Almost until the end, authorities thought it was Kurd v. Turk bullshit or organized shitskin crime. Nobody realized it was serial terrorism. And they offed a cop! I can't see how that's a honey pot.

That being said, AD is a little goofy with the whole Satanist thing. If it were a joke, that'd be hysterical, but it seems like it's serious.

I like the logo, though. And a lot of their imagery/branding.

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>Hello there, fellow white nationalist. Have you considered joining our brand new organization, the Aryan White Power Deutschland Schmetterling Blutwurst Uber SS®? Our goals? Well, we want to blow up stuff and kill people, because something something the goverment, stop asking questions. Just take this rifle and do something crazy.

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Like you've ever gotten your dick wet outside of a bathtub.

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>Atomwaffen has engaged in plans to cripple public water systems and destroy parts of the American electric grid. Atomwaffen has also been accused of plans to blow up nuclear plants to cause meltdowns of American nuclear energy sites.
So, the plan is to wipe out all the mutts and start repopulate the land with fellow members?

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>5 foot
>200 pounds
America is truly the most disgusting thing in all creation.

>Nobody realized it was serial terrorism. And they offed a cop! I can't see how that's a honey pot.
It's not terrorism if you don't klnow it's terrorism.
If you don't know it's terorism nobody is afraid!

Da hod dann koaner Angscht! Wenn koana woasch das es de bäsn Nazis war'n hod koaner Angst!

It was a shill operation to blame (((Nazis))) in the end.

And the cops name was (((Michele Kiesewetter))) her collegue who survived was named (((Martin Arnold)))). Kike Pawns in a kike game

You can lie as much as you want you satanist faggot we know about your taquiya bullshit and how you infiltrate all extremist movements pretending to be one of them only to push your siege bullshit

I'm in a relationship since like 12 years, fucked around 25 girls before. Not everybody is an obese permavirgin like you.

So youre just obese then?

>Ive fucked tons of women I’ll let you know!!
>t. degenerate
nein means لا achmed

The only "Nazi" LARPers here are either lefties trying to make 'the chan' look worse than it is, or three-letter fags baiting with honey pots.
Atomwaffen were originally going to be those "violent right-wing protesters" that were going to.cause all sorts of shit when Hillary won, & was going to be grounds to attack gun rights. That didn't happen, & before they could be used again, Florida happened, so they just went with that (wasn't a false flag, but they had all the dominos in place already). This group isn't real, anyone who joins now is fucked, especially when they do decide to use them. I can only imagine the project they've got cooking now.

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Based mexibro.

>tfw being german
>tfw getting WoW:BfA Alpha access
>tfw naming my hunter "Atomwaffe"
>tfw getting reported and banned from alpha
I hate those fuckers. I hope FBI murders them all.

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>I just can't remember any war that Germans won.
oh lord... the ameri ejucashun strikes again

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Prussians took a giant shit on everyone back in the day when they felt like it.

Germany as a state isn't even that old, it was barely a country when Hitler was born

Fucking cancer. Gb2 reddit.

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the logo is 666

At what point does this become Spam, also isn't recruiting for a terrorist organization illegal?

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why are these fagots being shilled so mcuh recently?
theyre manipulated by satanists, aka kike kabalaists. noone is going to join your shitty larp club, fagot
> why are these fagots being shilled so mcuh recently?
theyre manipulated by satanists, aka kike kabalaists. noone is going to join your shitty larp club, fagot
why are these fagots being shilled so mcuh recently?
theyre manipulated by satanists, aka kike kabalaists. noone is going to join your shitty larp club, fagot
> why are these fagots being shilled so mcuh recently?
theyre manipulated by satanists, aka kike kabalaists. noone is going to join your shitty larp club, fagot

If this is how you recruit for your faggot LARP group, you're doing it wrong. Now FUCK OFF!

>burn the United States flag and the Constitution
They are no better than leftists. Now stop making this thread.

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