Jow Forums humor thread?

Jow Forums humor thread?

Attached: polbot.png (1748x883, 750K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1522097449315.png (500x576, 156K)

Attached: 1522045723031m.jpg (1024x768, 141K)

Attached: 714.jpg (700x9058, 2.74M)

The "N" joke makes no sense now because of the image compression

Attached: 1520592231374.png (1158x840, 207K)


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Attached: EA542BDD-E4A2-48DA-A038-8DED8E43AE97.jpg (1024x734, 119K)

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Attached: 1519618498270.jpg (657x369, 43K)

Attached: 67DAFF11-1834-431A-BDAD-2EB42A87CEB7.jpg (670x386, 44K)

Attached: 4chan whistle blower.png (753x639, 515K)

Attached: 6E11775B-5A0E-4B2A-BDC5-316C1ABE5D32.jpg (1287x890, 76K)


Attached: images(3).jpg (176x287, 10K)

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Attached: 1513936201979.jpg (600x500, 184K)

Attached: 1512636748707.jpg (600x437, 65K)

>/hm/s locker

Attached: images(24).jpg (268x188, 7K)

Attached: the pol experience.jpg (624x617, 58K)

Attached: 1517892628213.jpg (529x669, 81K)

Attached: 1497628172597.jpg (600x752, 69K)

TRUMP vs 100 ALIENS (Fallout 4)

Attached: Trump_its_afraid.jpg (1280x720, 433K)

Attached: 1497786710196.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Attached: 1517932009930.png (752x748, 610K)

Attached: 190913.jpg (636x720, 50K)

Attached: Pizarro gets a cold.jpg (504x395, 28K)


Attached: 1508491135376.png (749x701, 401K)

Attached: it dna results.jpg (600x245, 16K)

Attached: pol_transmits.webm (600x250, 3M)

Attached: pol_first_contact.jpg (780x751, 156K)

Would bang

milk truk just arrive

Attached: tintin arab leaflets.jpg (348x342, 41K)

Attached: 1514003867411.jpg (545x600, 49K)

Attached: 191423.jpg (4898x3265, 1.45M)

Attached: 1508702134588.png (688x279, 204K)

Attached: pol before and after.png (726x478, 828K)

Attached: volkswagon_tough.gif (357x233, 2M)

>the jews got another one

Attached: before_after.jpg (1484x1029, 387K)

Attached: 1516427481232.gif (240x180, 1.75M)

Lmao you dumb racist teenagers always make me cringe and laugh at you with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you losers ever will

Attached: 195383.png (1280x720, 262K)

So stupid

Attached: 1517877333332.jpg (640x589, 28K)

Holy shit I wish that was real

Attached: 1497263596570.jpg (640x360, 34K)

>most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you losers ever will

Attached: nigger_fast_food_PCB.png (840x875, 59K)

Attached: 1521213952058.jpg (416x381, 18K)

Attached: niggers_full_retard.jpg (332x152, 9K)

Attached: 1508492602891.jpg (575x647, 39K)

Attached: maximum_nigger.jpg (850x400, 58K)

>People are now new enough to not recognize this ad

This guy was a pretty good sport about becoming a meme. He did a lot of AMAs on Reddit.

Top kek

Attached: US Election 2016.jpg (500x622, 203K)

Lmao what a pathetic virgin you are
If you weren't born in privilege and were poor instead you'd probably just sit there and die like a pathhetic virgin lmao

Shouldn't you be at school or something anyways?


>when you check the date and the archive and visit the thread
>scroll down
>see your own post
>you harrassed a real whistleblower by shitposting FREE VIRUS at their link
feels good man

Attached: 1507671874710.jpg (414x658, 107K)

I'm not sure what's worse, this or the "gutter oil" the chinese make from sewerage. At least "gutter oil" doesn't interfere with the power grid.

Attached: 1511162695209.jpg (1079x396, 150K)

Fucking kek


Attached: 1511209853880m.jpg (1024x186, 49K)

>most poc
why are leafs statistically illiterate?

Don't save thumbnails dummy

Tits or GTFO

>If you weren't born in privilege and were poor instead you'd probably just sit there and die like a pathhetic virgin lmao

All you have to do is look at the history of european immigrants to the new world to disprove what you just said.

Exactly how can most poc be successful if whitey is keeping them down?

>t.Leaf posting

Neet virgin losers like you aren't exactly setting the bar high lmao

that's how they were posted when I saved them and was to lazy to search for HQ ones

Attached: 1511415301926.png (300x277, 168K)

I looked into this. Her slut mother cucked her father with a nigger.

Fun fact about Pol Pot.
His name stands for Political Potential. The commies wanted him to reign over Cambodia.

>pic, non-ant version

Attached: nigger_leadership.jpg (3904x1788, 722K)

Darned kids with their darned keks! Back in my day we shoveled snow sun up to sundown! And we loved every minute of it!

Attached: 7C7457C0-3486-49BB-A8FA-6205B8C72B2A.jpg (300x300, 57K)

In 100s of years time, the black hebrews will use this pic to say Queen Elizabeth was black kek


Attached: 1512151681510.jpg (580x402, 47K)

Attached: hrrhh.jpg (1024x1024, 100K)

im breddy old and i dont member it

Attached: WE_WUZ_KIKES_N_SHEEIT.jpg (697x709, 191K)

lucky check

Attached: 1512149538187.png (682x1065, 458K)

Attached: Right-Wing Death Scoob.jpg (800x531, 218K)

checked back :)

Attached: Cantwell Siege.jpg (800x560, 112K)

Attached: 15581.jpg (351x192, 26K)

way to obvious mate

Attached: 1509344089445.jpg (625x626, 31K)

Attached: Sangvill.jpg (950x529, 279K)

Attached: 1521838745211.jpg (960x830, 90K)

Attached: 42fbb3b6d21d260b9a3898a0aaed3244208e36e8b61c2d244007e18f8dc874df.jpg (303x545, 45K)

>He did a lot of AMAs on Reddit.
So... attention whoring?

Attached: 17952568_1871215869822762_2143084670962934120_n.jpg (547x368, 29K)

Attached: 1515585541968.jpg (350x550, 24K)