What are Africentric math?
its when immigrants from Africa are immediately called "African Canadian" and can't into basic grade 10 math
if that Russian user from /sg/ ever reads this post, please nuke NB/NS please, I don't want to live anymore
1 watermelon + 1 fried chicken = 4 welfare checks
>There be 4 phones. Robert, Stuart, John and Tom each have a phone. How many phones does Jamal have.
>Answer: 4.
Damn it canada... Now I got coffee all over my screen.
they will teach how to fill out welfare forms
not a joke answer
>What are Africentric math?
it probably means neglecting the math curriculum of everyone but black people.
I can tell you're white, 1 welfare check = 3 watermelon and 2 fried chicken.
Many people don't know this but the first Africentric math teacher was Albert Einstein.
Forgot proofs picture
"I was always wondering, you know, why does a bubble take the shape of a ball? Why not a triangle or a square? I figured it out. If Pythagoras was here to see it, he would lose his mind. Einstein, too! Tesla!," he told Rolling Stone.
"This is the last century that our children will have to be taught that one times one is one," he added.
Howard studied chemical engineering at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn until he fell out with one of his professors over the answer to the 1x1=1 conundrum.
Howard studied chemical engineering at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn until he fell out with one of his professors over the answer to the 1x1=1 conundrum.
"How can it equal one? If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what's the square root of two? Should be one, but we're told its two, and that cannot be."
Uga + buga = duga
How can one have more than one one?
Wakanda math
>pedostache with patches
>greasy forehead
>nigger curls
>slanted eyes
is that the new face of america?
>Implied phenol, no actual bond drawn
Brainlet here, is that picture just 100% photo-op?
Who's fucking funding this
>If yo nigguh Tyreese haz one banana and he eat it, how many banana he got left?
Same as every "LOOK AT THIS SMART NIGGER" thing the media makes.
Pic related, leaf
It’s 1.41... etc
His idea seems to hinge around sq rt of 4 being 2 but sq rt of 2 not being 1
3 cause Trudeau forced you to work 15 hours a day to find this nigger
He has no king, hes playing white but the white pieces are on his side. How did the black bishop get where it is with that pawn placement?
Kang math. What's the square root of a fried chicken
Afrocentrism in Canada? I always thought Afrocentrism was a US nigger thing.
Justin Castro has no power over me.
Niggers been pushing the we wuz shiet for decades. Canada been immune but now after letting in all these dumb niggers you can learn why Americans need gun
Wow, don't apply your Euro-centric ideas about the rules of chess to that African KANG
nigger science is the next great big frontier
>read to bottom of page
>see pic related
lul my sides
>it failed because we didn't gots enough money fo dem programs
It is, but cucknada is UScentric.
They're using the Egyptian pyramids to teach trigonometry, according to the article.
IDK what else they're doing.
>An example in the Imhotep's program of bringing African culture into math is using the Egyptian pyramids to teach trigonometry.
>An example in the Imhotep's program of bringing African culture into math is using the Egyptian pyramids to teach trigonometry.
>An example in the Imhotep's program of bringing African culture into math is using the Egyptian pyramids to teach trigonometry.
hes playing checkers, user.
How do they work the unit circle into that?
Without even leaving the basis of his own logic, 1 would have 'no value'.
It’s ironic because 1 obviously has the value 1
Therefore 1 of 1 is 1
Wonder what part of this stumps him
>Wonder what part of this stumps him
the part with the 1
my school had a particularly militant Black History Month
We had related assignments in history and civics classes that counted towards your final grade, despite not being part of the curriculum or appearing anywhere in the topics we'd be covering as listed on the course outline or syllabus. The black history shit actually cut into our WW1 unit, which pissed me the fuck off. There was also an assembly featuring a dance, which I was suspended for skipping.
Just tell them we used it for slavery, soon enough they'll know everything about it.