
> Be pathetic goatfucker on side of the road with your two nephews at 6am
> in the distance you hear song related

> it's getting closer
> You and your nephews get scared
> "Durka durka we should turn around Durka durka"
> You all not in agreement and turn around
> The song is getting closer
> you start running
> it's getting closer
> All of a sudden...
> "USA! USA ! USA! USA!"
> You turn around just in time to see an American soldier pointing his M1A1 at your face before dying with your nephews

Why are Americans so much more Alpha Chad tier than everyone else? Is it because of the growth hormones in our meat?

Attached: Americans.png (1142x984, 824K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fix that link you inbred fuck

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" pew pew, 'Murica "

Attached: Fatty-Fats.jpg (364x484, 95K)

Suck a fat cock

>i'd like a more polite war please

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Why didn't they receive medal of honors? They're fucking heroes

>stra8 up murders civs
>hurr durr muriica strongs

the mutting not only works physically but mentally as well , slowly but surely aligning the the jewmerimutt with one of his many "FATHERS"- the negro

as the le % sinks the murican becoems more savage and barbaric

>defends arabs
>German flag

The refugee crisis' effects can be seen even on Jow Forums

They killed Muslims in service of their Jewish masters.
He truly is an American hero.

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>mad because it's his family members

Fix it, nigger.

A real hero.

How much money do you make selling hash to native Dutchmen, Mahmoud?

That's right sweetie :3c
Keep thinking that sweetie uwu

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> You're not allowed to kill Muslims

Get fucked Muhammad. We will kill all the Muslims we want and you can't stop us.

Attached: STOPTHEHATE.jpg (860x484, 92K)

>Mindless killing
As expected from a 56%er.
Vid related average day in the american armed forces.

>being this proud to do Israels dirty work.

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It's super easy to tell who is a Muslim and who is a liberal cuck.

Anyone who gets mad about killing Muslims is a cuck

Attached: 640px--U.S._Marines_urinating_on_dead_Taliban_members_in_Helmand_Province,_Afghanistan_(July_2011).o (640x360, 47K)

>mindless killings
You mean exactly what refugees are doing in the West? There used to be a time where this shit bothered. Now I just don't care anymore.

Jealous that we're Mad Max and that you're just beyond thunder dome.

El atrocidad

If they're going to hold this guy accountable for killing civilians, then they should also hold George Bush and Dick Cheney accountable for getting us involved overseas in the first place. We shouldn't even be in Afghanistan. Israel and Saudi Arabia did 9/11.

you idiot goyim are the reason why refugees are coming to Europe.

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Since when is killing Muslims, doing Israel's work?

In ww1 we killed Muslims and that was before Israel even existed.

Oh but I forgot, you're a turkroach.

Has nothing to do with your "refugee welcome" spam, open advertisement of bennies if they decide to be trafficked into your country, etc.?

you idiot goyim are letting them in

It's hilarious how you dumb shitskins think any time somebody kills one of your kind it must be in service to Israel. No man, this is just for fun. We all hate you. We have since 700 AD. You will all get uprooted from those Western countries you parasite off pretty soon, like the weeds that you are.

Attached: dghhf.jpg (312x162, 8K)

Don't worry user, you're on Jow Forumsthe edgemasters here do anything to prove how committed they are to their pretend cause, because in real life they have no children, or at bare minimum are failures. The rapfugee crisis is real and they should be deported to their home countries, or stable countries in their region. It's wrong to go around committing murder of unarmed civilians though. Neither is good.

If Amerumutts werent bombing in the middle east in the first place no one would care about the refugees welcome leftists, which make about 1% of the German population including most media outlets.

But I understand, you are proud to obey your masters.

>so much more Alpha Chad

not for so long turd, we all believe that every afghani/iraqi/serb/vietnamese/russian/whatever will kill as much americans as he could

Russian Spy assassination was an INSIDE JOB!

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>We have since 700 AD
>Turd flag
>700 AD

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Nothing wrong with killing a terrorist. I think it's wrong to intentionally kill unarmed civilians. See: Nanking Massacre

>But I understand, you are proud to obey your masters.
If it wasn't the middle east, they would be replacing you with Africans. You're naive.

>us soldier killing Afghans for sport
I don't even care and probably nobody here does.

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to be fair you can't believe a word that comes out of a goatfucker's mouth. They will all lie or make up some bullshit in order to get free gibs.

And you are stupid as fuck man, why do I even bother wasting time here

>Nothing wrong with killing a terrorist

aren`t they freedom fighters anymore?

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I don't know why you do, you won't allow yourself to see truth.

Muslims are born to be target practice for the christian. It's in the bible, and the quran. Look it up. Muslims are destined to help us tighten our shot grouping.

Another great accomplishment during the raygun years.

You americans are such hypocrites. When serbs were killing muslims you called them war criminals and bombed their whole country but when you kill muslims you consider yourselfs to be alpha.

>no mention of "GET SOME!"

You had one job cunt, ONE JOB!... and ya blew it.

In world war one you were allied with the Arab Muslims you nong, that was until you (England mostly) gave some of the land which you promised them as reward for helping fight the Turks to Jews.

Why can't you accept that the bombing of Libya and funding of the arab spring by the US caused the migrant crisis everyone accepts that unless you're shabbos goy.

The Jew World Order rule is if Muslims are near Israel they are useless subhuman shit that must be exterminated, if not, then they are an important tool in the replacement of the white and Christian goy throughout the west.

This is why you never go to war. It turns you evil, and that evil spreads through the nation like blood poisoning through the body...

If you kill without remorse, you're an empty husk. Every time a hunter makes a kill, he should pray for the life he took. Every time I've ever killed an animal, I always feel for it.

When your soul is dead, you become a beast.

this isnt news to anybody

Why can't you accept that all the white countries should have just killed any attempted "migrants" trying to come into their countries. And that these war refugees are no different than any migrants from poor countries trying to get into rich countries, and they have to be dealt with the same way and if not it is only the fault of the host country that accepts them.

good question, you should leave and never return

>hurr durr we should kill everyone
>is too much of a pussy to show his flag on an anonymous imageboard

memeflags get the rope too

If they run they’re VC, if they don’t run they’re well trained VC.

>instead of killing them we should let them into our land to rape our women

Well I guess if everyone thinks like you, that's why you're in the position you're in.

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Dude you have no idea, it's not a coincidence we kill their tourists from time to time...
I personally harass their civilians ,whenever I meet them wherever I meet them. Men, women , children. Their bombers targeted civilian targets,schools,hospitals,trains,bridges so I as a civilian, target their civilians.

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And it's more than that too, everything else in your life becomes desensitized. Intentionally killing an innocent will basically break your brain. Unless of course you manage to completely segment your memory away somehow, maybe become a full blown psychopath...

>american "christians"
Holy fuck i hate you retards, even if they were muslim (or maybe they weren't) killing unarmed civilians is just terrible, you Americans have a serious misunderstanding of the bible or you guys are simply low empathy retards.

Agree, anytime you can take a life this easily you're just evil.

No it's not. Everyone in a enemy country is an enemy. Even if they don't want to be, they go to work and their taxes are used to pay for their armies weapons that are trying to kill you. Not killing civilians makes no sense. Also empathy for non whites is what lead to the current fcked up state of the western world.

noice. blood sport is the best sport.

>be american cannon fodder
>behave mongrellus
>get shot in night clubs and ran over by cars
>wonder why

Maybe you think that way. Me personally even though i dislike many Americans (not all) i would never kill some unarmed person. I would live in shame from god the rest of my life

but but religion of peace

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Old news.

>The great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, [...] can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro. American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings [...]. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking [...] is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.
- C.G. Jung

>Instead, besides its Puritan-Protestant component (which, in turn, as a result of its fetishistic emphasis on the Old Testament, possesses many judaized, degenerate traits), it seems that it is precisely the negro element, in its primitivism, that has set the tone in important aspects of the American psyche. [...]Thus, the famous Porgy and Bess by the Jew Gershwin, which deals exclusively with blacks, is considered in the US to be a classic work inspired by “American folklore.” The composer has declared that he lived for some time among American blacks in preparation for this work, Fitzgerald: American civilization can be called a civilization of jazz, i.e., of a negrified music and dance. In this domain, very singular “elective affinities” have led America, by way of a process of regression and primitivization, to imitate the Negroes.
- J. Evola

>muslims sneak into our nations pretending to be refugees and appealing to our good will
>start killing and raping everyone
>we go in full uniform and kill a handful of theirs
>w-w-w-w-wahhhh! hyuuman rites, muhmuhmuh civilians!
Underhanded and guerilla tactics are only okay when they're the ones doing it, huh? Don't expect me to feel bad. Here's to 1 billion more dead muslims.

Yes you should Goy. The Sackler family needs fresh opium to get white people hooked on scripts. American whites are funny, you fight in a war for Israel, get hooked on drugs that come from a land you invaded, and then destroy your own homeland in Europe. All in one shot....
*breathes in*

Hans is soviet rape baby

That's stupid.

>huuuur duuuur america is chad no. 1 cos we kill civilians
When niggers do this, you complain.

You're probably a pagan so i dont really care desu

the difference between a butcher and a warrior is the respect you show your fellow man in dealing death.
There is no honor, no glory in killing those that pose no threat to yourself. Warriors should meet with warriors, and warriors should know when they have won.

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>this whole thread

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>Bolshevik flag
>calling thread jewish
Someone needs to learn the history of the intelligentsia and the influence of the nihilist movement in russia had on the bolsheviks.

Implying anything of value was lost when those towelheads ate it?

The difference is we are cleansing the disgusting

Those posters you replied to lost their family members, show some respect

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Yeah because you would no about warfare, shut the fuck up faggot

Real Americans are long gone or in such peril...
Only they matter. I was going to say kill all Americans, but there's some real ones out there. Shit like you don't count.

The good guys fight when it's the right thing to do. Odds are irrelevant. The odds are always against you when doing the right thing.

there was a lot of this in the early days in iraq

it's terrorism

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Judging by the fact the oldest war memorial in the US has my name on it and the thousand year history of war my family led or was involved in makes it a very personal matter. Also a veteran myself.

lol keep crying over a bunch of dead muscum, Pathetic fag

The responsibility of warriors are to their people and often a people is part of what an enemy is wanting to capture as a resource. In honorable warfare. Never give in to a barbarian for they will likely kill the people even in victory.

Just shut up fucking queer go jerk ff the muslim subhumans you love so much. Get fucked

So what. If he has a little. Fun more power to him. Their are no civilians in a real war ww2 showed that quite clearly.

Our biggest problem is how nice we are. It makes our enemies think we're weak. I dunno if we should go full nazi genocide mode but a healthy dose of terror should keep the goat fuckers honest and in line.

When things are fucked and women are screaming you need to get there before they start laughing, before they give up. It's horrible to be too late, and it's hard to convimce yourself to do something, you don't know what the fuck is going on, but you do know. And you have to check, and go fast right into the shit instead of checking. You're never wrong to go to screams, but you're always outnumbered. People usually do shit things when they're supported. You go knowing you are going to get fucked up. Fuck the people on the other side of that. Spoilt.

If you think they are subhuman then you are a butcher for you don't think you fight men.

I want a trap regiment that moves between bases to fullfill sexual emergencies.

The only thing they did wrong was not killing more reporters you fucking leaf cunt

This shows a level of psychological deprivation that I expect from Islam.
This is not a warrior's mindset, its weak and brittle.

You are good goys not chad-tier.

I don't cry like you wimps. I don't fly a flag to hide under.

Yes but really there's no reason to be killing muslims in muslim countries. Just the ones in white countries. Seeing how easily we can inflict all the pain and devastation we do on muslim countries, kind of pisses me off that we don't do the same things to the ones in white countries. They could all be ran out so easily and they're the only problem.

You are the cause of the refugee crisis.

Sad truth, that the US military and resources were used like a mercenary force to topple a stable regime that stopped immigration to Europe. European leaders instead of seeing this as a threat are actively trying to replace its citizenry with lower intelligence roaming gangs. 5000 children in 2016 vanished in Italy, perhaps a sacrifice to their god Moloch.

You are able to live in America because of the killing of alot of "innocent" indians. It's just the way of the world. If you're weak, and someone is stronger and want to hurt you or take something from you, they will.

Still don't care

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