Has it been corrupted by physics for the past 100 years? The answer is yes.
Has it been corrupted by physics for the past 100 years? The answer is yes
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Scientists act like they're a community but it couldn't be less true.
See? I told you
Okay, that's fucking bizzar.
How did you get that modern science has been corrupted by physics?
Physics is a field of study.
Science is corrupted and always has been by idiots who don't understand science.
Dark Matter & Dark Energy are NOT scientific hypotheses. You can't falsifiy them because if you look and don't find it, you explain it by saying "they're dark, and not supposed to be found".
String theory is just warmed over fake hidden variable theory. It doesn't predict anything that Quantum mechanics and the Standard Theory doesn't predict.
People who aren't scientist and saying something retarded like to LARP about a community.
"Muh Global warming is agreed upon by the scientific community!" = Bandwagon fallacy.
you mean (((biology))) ?
>all jews and other asians of many kinds
and you wonder why it's going down the drain? it's a business at this point, science has been raped and sold as a slave
Physics is corrupt: milesmathis.com
The physics is super corrupt: milesmathis.com
physics is a meme
sociology >>> physics
Jews ruin everything. Fake physics is pushed so we don't develop tech to threaten deep state niggers.
Who's this guy?
Did you know they put a tiny Jew inside every one of these? Millions of them everywhere. It's an invasion nobody is even talking about.
Goblin Jews?
Yes, tiny little goblin Jews. They make it so you see a round world and numbers and stuff. Gas all telescopes.
its not just physics
The academy itself is corrupted , science is not a field or fields. Science is the use of scientific method , testing and observing something and ''something'' is very broad. People think that STEM is science, while this is true but they do not represent what science is. This is teached less and less throughout the schools , the education system rather dictates and makes you a robot. Systems like peer review both hinder and accelerate this process. Systems like those form a wall that can be controlled and obviously controlled by ideologues. So corruption happens and even science a represantation of the truth around us can be subverted to a propaganda masquerading itself as progression and unity. Despicable and disgusting , people's choice of ignorance only adds more to it. We live in information age , ignorance is not a consequence but a choice. They have the internet at their disposal and it has all the answers they seek if they look close enough. Yet it is too hard or unneccesary for some reason, they rather be asleep in their own confined conscienceness.
>science is not a field or fields. Science is the use of scientific method
word is bond
sounds legit
trips of truth
I work with scientists (actually called "researchers" in practice), on a daily basis; I write their patent applications for them.
The thing that has fucked "science" is not the people themselves, but the federal research grant system. Grants are dispersed by governmental bodies, such as (in the US) the EPA, NIH, NSF, and others wherein the grant is specified to go toward scientific research in a specific field. In many cases, this is "to further research the effects of climate change."
Well now you have an idea that researchers are more inclined to find reason for ON-GOING research related to the field. So when the first grant runs dry, they reapply for more. But why not study something else?
1. It's a sure fire grant; they're already versed on the topic in the eyes of the agency.
2. The pay difference between being a professor and a professor/researcher is massive. Without a grant, have fun with your 40k/yr salary. Want to add another 120k/yr to that income? Get two grants, and then have a blindly stamped research paper at the end of the program.
Why the fuck wouldn't a researcher quadruple their income, and get clout? For truth? Fuck the truth, it isn't going to buy someone a house. That's the thought process anyway.
>the whole system is fucked, it's not just "science," it's grant program structure.
have you been following my "science hate" threads? are you into philosophy of science generally?
I wouldn't say physics is the problem these days, but rather the nonsense that all resources are being put into. Rather than hard science things goes to study shit like gender studies and all such drivel. On top of that you have all the shit science in any field, often with political leanings. IE at my masters like 70-80% of the things you could resaerch were fucked up shit like that, I just wanted to tear my hair off. It's a problem that polticians come in, and they "order" some study to fucking prove their political points. I would say that many of those were political, and not real reasearch.
another thing is that today, so many are taking these degrees, people that frankly are too dumb for the field. So they hide their incompetence by simply researching nonsense instead of the hard shit, it's really sad. I was going for a phd at first, but I couldn't stand the situation. research to please some faggots political shit, be it "climate change" or whatever.
So you basically had a couple of guys that researched real shit, the rest nonsense, and yes most of them were ofc women. After this many years in school, they still couldn't code, and maths and shit were to be avoided at all cost. sad
Onpy sane post in this thread.
yes , I am into both into the philosopy of it and am a biology undergraduate. The professors make me infuriated. Some are cool but the ones that forget their student years and treat the next generation like garbage are the biggest hypocrites in the whole world. No human being should be expected to learn from a 2 hours lecture where the professor basically reads the presentation he memorized. The only times you are actually learning is when you ask something unusual or requires proper explanation. However , they can't have that because the ciriculum needs to proceed and they ''need'' to ask useless and pointless questions , testing our ability to memorize a thousand page book in just a semester. Science requires quality over quantity , if this means they need to change the whole academy in the needs of the younger generation. They will die , their work must be continued and we need properly educated individuals. They are desperately trying to apeal to more people. In order to get their own research done because more people means more money. They won't sacrifice the money to ensure the continuation of science. So we see that %90 of the papers ever published weren't properly peer checked and somehow just slipped through. Fuck this shit , I fucking loved biology and now I am thinking to drop out because you basically can't do something they are not intrested in. I can't just simply become an astrobiolog by graduating from here. No , I am expected to have my life goals in my early teenage years , scored insanely well on all tests , had my entire shit together in college and just had the luck and the knowledge to know the perfect people to guide me in the direction I am going to. Sure I am salty but only the undergraduates realize this fact , it is immensely unlikely you are going to end up somewhere you like. So the fortunate minority will move on , kudos to them I hope they don't make the mistakes of their predecessors.
However , the void left by the passing of the said predecessors will completely shatter the university. They handed out diplomas to everyone and made any mildly intellectually intresting job require a degree. Now we'll see the consequences. Fucking jews man , anybody failing to see the bigger picture is a fucking retard. Requirement of diploma sky rocketing while the academy corrupts itself with marxist and idelogue propaganda, wow what a fucking coincedence amirite. I'm not even counting the other coincedences that followed this.
>Fuck this shit , I fucking loved biology and now I am thinking to drop out because you basically can't do something they are not intrested in.
I was you yung nigga, at least I learned some Popper etc. College is a scam but contrary to popular pol belief it isnt entirely useless.
I wont tell you what to do, but Ill tell you even if you major, you wont find a job easily with biology, or that job will require your full engagement and change of place which wouldnt be the problem if the whole SCIENCE scene wasnt as cucked and antiintellectual as it is today.
You can join our cruzade against the modern world.
They pay it's atrocious and you will be insulted on a regular basis, but if we win we change the world.
I just need a degree to get off the ground. Then I can go around working in whatever until I'll find somewhere resembling a home.
>I just need a degree to get off the ground.
if you see a solid opportunity before the degree, dont doubt, take it.