so Jow Forums... hero or villain?
So Jow Forums... hero or villain?
national hero
Treason is treason, no excuses. He should have taken some other route to fix what ever he saw in need of fixing.
I wouldn't have run to Russia.
did hollyjew sensationalize him?
jew/goy villain
It's not a bad deed to betray evil.
He gave us the truth, he is doing god's work
>betraying the jews is bad
This Russian has sense. Now pressure your Government to nuke Britain please.
It's not ok to weaken your country and sacrifice your people's security for betraying jews. There're other ways.
Russian Spy assassination was an INSIDE JOB!
>sacrifice your people's security
You're not damaging your people, you're damaging the faction that you know is the enemy of people.
Fucking this
Well to be honest a retard. Now I could be the retard because maybe his leaks where more than mass surveillance, but anyone with a room temperature is know or would figure it out. Now his life is ruined and I feel bad for him. He also could be just a character and they've become so drunk on their own farts that they don't care if we know and he serves as a warning.
>so Jow Forums... hero or villain?
Were we able to root out corruption in out government because of his efforts? Hero.
Was our national security compromised directly by specific information he divulged? Did anyone die because of the information? Villain.
Little bit of both I'm afraid.
>Microsoft share point admin
>never graduated college
>kicked out of the army for shin splints
The only thing of value he ever did was get a TS-SCI security clearance and he fucked that up.
National hero. History will be kinder to him than current generations.
>he should've let the government continue to unlawfully surveil people and abuse that power
go lick a boot. Telling people was the only thing he could do, he tried to report up the chain and nobody did anything. He gave up his life and his citizenship to tell the people the government was up to some shady shit.
I wonder if you realize how this will look in the history books.
This was the moment when we entered the death to privacy age.
That blood is on the governments hands, not his. Think of it like the government is committing an armed robbery and Snowden kills the robber but also hits a bystander.
None of that shit ever would've happened had the armed robber not been a such a goddamn slav
hero, obviously.
anyone thinks otherwise is just shitposting at this stage
Fucken traitor. This entitled arrogant cunt should die a miserable death in Moscow. It was all for attention delusions of grandeur.
probably a russian spy. i mean i don't normally like agreeing with liberals or neocons on the russian thing but... yeah
Did nothing, even the Simpsons knew about mass surveillance.
If you're willing to give up freedom for security you will have neither.
I'm a realist there is a reason why the anglosphere is top dog, and why everything outside of it is shit tier. I don't want some faggot ruining a good thing.
CIA spy subverting NSA.
Fake and Gay
Soft reveal.
Fucking traitor
The interesting thing about snowden is that the united states is clearly violating its own constitution. Period full stop.
Now the citizens cant sue the government nor can the courts review this obviously unconstitutional programs because an alterntive court system has been set up (which rubber stamps everything)
Its tyranny pure and simple. And Snowdens revelations have not stopped it.
When Americans and the elite became stupid enough to lose their faith in God, they also lost an essential component of freedom. Faith.
When Lincoln fought the civil war he famously said "we must have faith that right makes might." This is a truism. That the american government is neither a democracy not a republic, but a civil religion ehich requires faith.
They have destroyed that religion, and destroyed the faith it required so that they could institute communism, ethnically replace whites, and destroy the middle class.
You cannot have a government without faith. It is that simple.
Traitor. Give him a fair trial and then execute him.
chaotic good