What's the verdict, Jow Forums

Redpilled? yea or ney?

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Don't know yet, will wait until there is a proper game movie out.

I played it. The narrative was clearly there but they dialed it back after wolfenstein.
I the recurring CIA spook character is looking for a tape taken in a hotel room of "the big boss". He is a big caricature, reminds me of smith in american dad.
There are a couple other references to the president.
It's been pretty mellow. I have more issue with the actual playable content than anything else

SJW are mad because it wasnt the SJW shitfest "go there and kill trumptards and burn their bibles" that they were expecting.

Watch for upcoming games where the good guys are supplied arms by the government in order to fight terrorists.

its pretty fun game pham

fuck off to

How the fuck to these people think they're tolerant?

It's ok to be intolerant to the intolerant. Except muslims.

Has Ubisoft fixed themselves?

The state of gaming.
Asking about the game’s message.
Interactive propaganda.

It's an "othering" type philosophy. They don't view us as people, they merely view us as the enemy. So it's ok to treat us like we aren't even human.

How to train an army 101


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Pretty fun, soundtrack is really good. I wasnt going to play it but I saw some reviewers who were triggered because the story doesnt follow their sensitive PC agenda. Therefore, I had to play it.

Your country is spam

take your shitty advertising thread and stick it up your sjw ass

It's good. Joseph literally did nothing wrong and tried to save his people.

Multiplayer is literally halo 3 tier
Single player is everything they hyped halo 2 to be originally but never had the budget or technology to make. it also references skyrim in a subtle and classic way. makes it feel like skyrim 2 with guns.

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Target audience are young males (11-21)

Mission targets

- Psychological subconscious training
- Disable any empathy towards white people
- Release endoprhines for murdering white people (endogenous opioid neuropeptides)
- Prepare audience to genocide white people
- Ridicule Christianity/Spread bad feelings towards Christianity

Primary mission target is to save data permanently into the limbic system of the brain structure.
Make use of realistic quality graphic data to make it look like memories.

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It's fun. I'm pretty annoyed that there are like four weapons in each category.
>Multiplayer is literally halo 3 tier
Haven't tried multiplayer yet
>Single player is everything they hyped halo 2 to be originally but never had the budget or technology to make.
Like co-op? I never played gaylo
>it also references skyrim in a subtle and classic way. makes it feel like skyrim 2 with guns.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? It feels nothing like that

Pretty good. Soundtrack is so murica to ne at least. I think there's a jab at Trudeau too but I'm not sure. They're whining; polygon, forbes, slate, waypoint. Hurk Sr. is hilarious.

I don't want to fund Ubisoft because of their recent track record, but I would like too encourage actual good games if it really is. I guess they might learn...

In a functioning adult with a job, a family, and a life I enjoy. I don't play kids games unless it's something with my son like Risk.


Played it for a little bit felt like a console port aimed at 10-12 year olds. I got a refund on it.

dont know, skipping this one

Ubisoft is a majority female game studio. Nothing they create can be good.

What about white babies?

gonna download it later this year, same as with all ubishit vidya

redpilled af

Is any modern game really redpilled? Aren't video games just dopamine-fueling achievement simulators meant to satiate the lowest common denominators desire for accomplishment? I mean I like playing a bit here and there but it always see,some weird when folks here try to talk about how games are redpilled when they're all basically timewasting simulators that are the furthest medium from redpilled as possible.

posting anything relates to games on gets you banned

They can be politically I suppose, but yeah, it’s a soy tier time waster and a guilty pleasure for many I think

I almost feel culturally enriched.
The game is shite btw. The same old same old. Blow shit up.

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So videogames cause violence now, huh? Should we ban all games with guns?

My only argument against this, or rather along your lines, is that so many people sit and watch mind numbing shows all day after work. Some games do rewuire yoi to think and process while youre there so its more than just switching off and zoning out. This one isnt one of those games however, witcher 3 ior dark souls is more what i mean.

Grand strategy games really make you think

>Thousands of games dehumanising Muslims and Arabs - release endorphins when blowing up a mosque with an ac130.
Seems legit.
>One game sans WW2 or Cold War era killing white people
Fuuuuuuucking it's the (((Jews))) subconsciously shilling the anti white narrative
Fuck off.

All far cry games are trash and if you disagree you are either a nigger or a faggot

based pasta

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>Witcher 3 requires thinking
Please. It's an edgelord shitfest with protagonist being an apathetic animal.

We do the same though

Pretty much. What we need is mercenaries 3 with a new slight realism twist. Closest we got was ghost recon wildlands.

Doesn't matter - Ubisoft's lost too much credibility at this point. Far Cry 5 could be the most redpilled game in the history of mankind and it wouldn't make up for the dozens of shitty, pozzed games Ubisoft's already put out.

They're on my permanent do-not-buy list along with EA and Activision. The only chance these companies will ever learn to stop making shitty games is if people stop buying their shitty games.

Sadly, this wallet battle has been going on for a decade with no visible results

Ya ever stop to think that maybe the narrative is slowly shifting?

Killing Druggie religious fundamentalists (who aren't Christian. I'm not that dense) is no problem to me. I dislike any fundamentalists/zealots of any religion regardless of color.

Assassins Creed WE WUZ KANGZ was pretty gud in my opinion
>shitskins living in dirthouses
>romans and greeks only people with actual civilization
>egyptians aren't even black in the game
>a secretive sect who hold the pharaoh hostage is the main enemy
>women walking around breast-free like it's nothing
Also the gameplay is really good, nothing like the assassins shits before it
I only got it because I wanted to check out the ancient setting and it was 30% off and I expected a liberal SJW shitfest but I'm pleasantly surprised


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I can't tell if the game tried to subliminal redpill its players or of its trying to shill antiwhite propaganda. (((they))) are getting too good at this


They don't cause violence but they do cause desensitization to it.

A subconscious exposure to and acceptance of, violent imagery and contexts.

This poster is right.

>kids game


Crusader Kings II is the most redpilled game out there
Get some good mods and there you go, expelling the jews, crusading jerusalem and fucking the bitches at your court all day long
I once managed to fuck my daughter and she got pregnant kek
It's good being the liege

I agree with this post.

Gaming, good gaming that makes you think about your moves, reaction time, puzzle solving, can be quite good for the brain. And there's the rare game with an actually amazing story that can provoke thought.

Sadly these games are not the rule. Kinda like real life.

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garbage 'truth is in the middle' shit. it's not even appealing to leftists because of that, and the gameplay's no different from any farcry since 3. go play blood dragon again.

This. It's an experiment.

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>the only way to convince them to make good games is to run them out of business

Flawless logic there, have you tried just sitting down and talking with them?


so what is this Farcry about? Last one I played was Blood Dragon. Are you an ATF agent in Waco or something cause that would be fuckin' rad.

It's because too many fucking people talk the talk but don't walk the walk. They go on ranting about how much a studios games look like shit but then they're out their at fucking midnight waiting for the release of their latest Call of Duty or Assassins Creed or Battlefield or what-have-you instead of standing their ground and sticking to better games.

Battlefield 1 peaked at half a million on release and is down to about 50k less than two years later. Call of Duty WW2 sold like 14 million copies, but it's barely averaging 1 million players a year later. The people buying these games are abandoning them just as quick because they suck, but then they keep buying the next one and the next one expecting something different. CS:GO came out six years ago, went UP after release and peaked at a million players two years later, and is still averaging 500-600k today - that kind of says it all.

Cultural Marxism redefined friendship to mean co-conspirators and allies against foes rather than the old platonic ideal.


Having one or two big budget games fail won't sink a studio like EA or Activision or Ubisoft... but it might snap them out of their complacency.


>Paik and Comstock [18] examined effect sizes from 217 studies published between 1957 and 1990. For the randomized experiments they reviewed, Paik and Comstock found an average effect size (r =.38, N=432 independent tests of hypotheses) which is moderate to large compared to other public health effects. When the analysis was limited to experiments on physical violence against a person, the average r was still .32 (N=71 independent tests). This meta-analysis also examined cross-sectional and longitudinal field surveys published between 1957 and 1990. For these studies the authors found an average r of .19 (N=410 independent tests). When only studies were used for which the dependent measure was actual physical aggression against another person (N=200), the effect size remained unchanged. Finally, the average correlation of media violence exposure with engaging in criminal violence was .13.

>Anderson and Bushman [19] conducted the key meta-analyses on the effects of violent video games. Their meta-analyses revealed effect sizes for violent video games ranging from .15 to .30. Specifically, playing violent video games was related to increases in aggressive behavior (r = .27), aggressive affect (r =.19), aggressive cognitions (i.e., aggressive thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes), (r =.27), and physiological arousal (r = .22) and was related to decreases in prosocial (helping) behavior (r = −.27). Furthermore, when studies were coded for the quality of their methodology, the best studies yielded larger effect sizes than the “not-best” studies.

>An example is illustrative. In a study of children interviewed each year for three years as they moved through middle childhood, Huesmann et al. [31] found increasing rates of aggression for both boys and girls who watched more television violence even with controls for initial aggressiveness and many other background factors. Children who identified with the portrayed aggressor and those who perceived the violence as realistic were especially likely to show these observational learning effects. A 15-year follow-up of these children [33] demonstrated that those who habitually watched more TV violence in their middle-childhood years grew up to be more aggressive young adults. For example, among children who were in the upper quartile on violence viewing in middle childhood, 11% of the males had been convicted of a crime (compared with 3% for other males), 42% had “pushed, grabbed, or shoved their spouse” in the past year (compared with 22% of other males), and 69% had “shoved a person” when made angry in the past year (compared with 50% of other males). For females, 39% of the high-violence-viewers had “thrown something at their spouse” in the past year (compared with 17% of the other females), and 17% had “punched, beaten, or choked” another adult when angry in the past year (compared with 4% of the other females). These effects were not attributable to any of a large set of child and parent characteristics including demographic factors, intelligence, parenting practices. Overall, for both males and females the effect of middle-childhood violence viewing on young adult aggression was significant even when controlling for their initial aggression. In contrast, the effect of middle-childhood aggression on adult violence viewing when controlling for initial violence viewing was not-significant, though it was positive.

here it is medicore, as in they didnt do shit with their plot, and is worse than the other in gameplay,and probably story telling


It's pretty good. By the way gun owner types are portrayed positively in the game. The guy that saves your life in the beginning is a gun hoarding prepper.

Probably for the best. If we didn't have any exposure to violence we'd be total fucking pussies and the empire would fall quicker than it already is. We'd essentially become the UK or Sweden. Violence is the solution to an aggressor, not submission you fucking pussy.

If any of you idiots buy this game instead of torrenting a copy you're a brainlet

Also since this is basically a /v/ thread
Buy/torrent Total War: Rome or any of the many versions of total war (besides war hammer)

This game is redpilled and before each battle the generals usually say something like

"Come on men, these Eastern foreigners aren't going to kill themselves..."

>[spoiler]Prepers were right, Montana gets the nuke[/spoiler]
it's da American dream

It really won't. These games are built around focus groups. Not unlike the cars of today, they are strictly pandering to the status quo. Any motherfucker who read a couple of Seth Godin books and decided to start a game studio would buttfuck all of these studios.

The right violence is important. Militaries use pop up targets because they are useful for getting people to kill in combat. They don't use as much atrocity propaganda as they used to because that is useful for getting people to massacre civilians and prisoners. Training to kill the enemies of your nation and family is useful. Becoming more violent without direction isn't.

>116 minutes played

Thanks steam!

Ubisoft is a complete trash pile. The gun mechanics are so fucking bad. 5.56 rifles have bullet drop like a fucking pellet gun. It just isn't fun.

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Gamespots reaction was fucking priceless, these liberal children let this game into their bubble and it fucked them up.


It's more like you're a government agent in Waco, but then all of a sudden it's opposite day and the cultists catch your house on fire, then you have to put out the fire with random American patriot non-cultists caught up in the whole mess. The story is pretty ridiculous honestly, but the gunplay/combat is good based on what I've seen. Unfortunately it looks like they took the crafting out though, to dumb it down for the idiots like most mainstream games, which has always been one of the more defining aspects of the whole "survive and rebuild" Farcry-like genre.

You get 3 endings.
>you do nothing at the beginning, walk away, and leave the cult be (the best ending)
>you walk away at the end and kill all your friends because you're a sleeper cell now
>you find out the cult was 100% right and the world ends in literal nuclear fire
That third one is the canon one.

>injecting your faggy politics into your faggy hobbies

kek, as if we needed any more proof that trumpcucks are a bunch if effeminate, underage 98 pound pantywaists.

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>Jow Forums sees the box
lol Kill Whitey The Game
>first teaser trailer is released
pretty obvious they're making a normal game and not Drumpf-supporter murder simulator
>game is released
Multiple reviewers criticize it for not being Kill Whitey: The Game. Useful for benchmarking the soyboy levels of video game review sites.

Bravo, wasted on Jow Forums though.

Lol it only used to say various religions i wonder with what they come up with over 10 years

He meant Ubisoft when he said "they",
not women.

He was right all along. We just told ourselves to keep out eyes shut.

Do you believe it now?

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They're testing the gaming community reaction to various titles to understand how much they control the demographics mentality. Wolfenstein was a big fucking middle finger in the face of the establishment (and they had posters in every bus station in UK) and now they jump in the opposite extreme to see if we allign ourselves with the narrative implemented within this game

Damn that sucks. Going to pass on this one.
FarCry 4 was pretty fun. Gunplay was good and you get to kill mountain gooks all day. Still go back to it to capture outposts. Love that aspect of the game.

Its fun. People here flipping their shit over it showing fundies in anyway near a bad light are retards.

>Unfortunately it looks like they took the crafting out though,

So pretty much the only thing the previous ones had going for them is gone.

A breath of fresh air, I was getting sick of jungles.

>"mom they're talking about that video game you won't buy me"

How the fuck do you mistake reality with a videogame you homo


Anything in excess is bluepilled, agreed. Playing for an hour on the weekend isn't a huge deal, but spending four hours a day is.

>government agent
Sheriff's deputy ACKSHUALLY

>feels like skyrim
How though?

found the soyboy

>not teaching your kids risk at the age of 4
>not teaching your kids the entire western cannon by the age of 5
>not teaching your kids geopolitics by the age of 5 and 2 months
>not teaching your kids how to rule the world by age 7
The Jews are winning for this reason.

how long until discount in xbox store?
I might buy it for 20 USD max. Ubisoft are too fucking greedy with their games.

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give it 6 months and it might be down to $30