Could we meme mass-refusal to pay the BBC TV Licence into being?

What do you think?
Britbongs have told me you can actually legally opt-out of paying, but that the vast majority of the public doesn't realize this. Could we change that with an information campaign?

The BBC was the inspiration for other public broadcasters in Canada (CBC), Australia (ABC, SBS), New Zealand (TVNZ?), and Ireland (RTR).

^All of these are Leftist cultural forces. Their destruction would be a wonderful thing for our countries. If the BBC falls, it will be easier for those of us in other countries to argue the era of publicly-funded broadcasters should be brought to a close.

What do you think lads, can we do it?

Attached: BBC Licence Idea.png (458x587, 282K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>oi lad yew got yuh tv loicense refusal loicense?

Lol do they have this for npr?

Is it worth the effort? Bongistan seems lost already

Kind of a non-issue now that you don't even have to break the law to be arrested

we should

how the fuck is this allowed?

Yeah I was thinking maybe compilation videos of those licence people trying to force their way into people's homes would be a good red-pill for a lot of people.

pic related is how much a loss of licence funding could scare the BBC

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2:04 in the video I linked
"I dun want nuffin to do wit yo peedofile ring mate"


Just let the BBC die already, it's a fucking disgrace

It won't die if people continue to fund it.
Come on cunts, there's been a lot of defeatism around here lately. We need the can-do spirit back.

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I do my part everyday aus bro, those cunts will never get a dime from me for a tv license!

It's amazing how just the camera alone can get many of them to fuck off.

Millennials don't watch or pay for tv. It will soon be on life support and incorporated into taxes
t. millennial

>ah don won anyfin tu do wiff yur pedofile ring m8

>Britbongs have told me you can actually legally opt-out of paying
You can legally opt out of paying if you are legally not required to have a TV Licence

The same way I can legally opt out of paying capital gains tax if I can prove I have no capital gained

However I have illegally opted out of paying by lying to the TV Licence folk by telling them I don't watch any live TV or use BBC streaming services

Any bongs want to chime in on how the licence fee works, and the legality of refusing?

As I understand it, the licence collection is outsourced to private companies.

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no the gov will just change the law meaning anyone watching netflixs or youtube etc also has to pay the BBC or some shit

>if you are legally not required to have a TV Licence
Interesting. So who is or isn't legally required to pay? (and if possible, what are the relevant laws)

>However I have illegally opted out of paying by lying to the TV Licence folk by telling them I don't watch any live TV or use BBC streaming services
And this works ok? Any troubles? What are the potential risks?

>It will soon be on life support and incorporated into taxes
I think it will depend which government is in power at the time. The "conservatives" may not be genuine conservatives, but they do at least enjoy cutting public spending.

A nice idea but most can’t be bothered. They’ll pay the small amount for an easier life, even if they disagree with it or hate the BBC. Only chance you have is by framing the BBC as a paedo organisation (not hard) and arguing it should be starved of funds on those grounds

>So who is or isn't legally required to pay
You must have one license for every house in which any live television is watched on any channel or streaming service, and/or where BBC catch-up services are used

i.e. you watch any live TV at all on your telly, phone or laptop, or you use BBC iPlayer

if you stream live from Amazon, you need a license

Interestingly I don't know how it works with Twitch

>And this works ok? Any troubles? What are the potential risks?
No trouble so far, just an email I've sent two years in a row to declare that I don't need a license (I do need one of course it's just a lie)

you can stream whatever you like if isn't broadcasted live on "TV"

I don't pay a TV license, don't watch the BBC or bother with its news.

It is a farce, none of my friends pay either. One guy says that he won't facilitate paedophilia.

I agree that people should refuse to pay, just as they should en-mass refuse to pay council tax until they shape up public services (which likewise facilitate paedophilia) and sort the fucking roads out.

you can legally say you dont need to pay the licence fee becuase you dont watch live TV (includes online).

the idea is that they say they'll check to make sure you dont (usually by checking you haven't got an aerial attached). Dont know how they go about proving you dont watch it online.

Ive legally declared i dont watch for years and have never heard a peep from them.

i'm 38 and moved out of my parents home at around 25, I've never paid for a tv licence,
fuck the bbc

>You must have one license for every house in which any live television is watched on any channel or streaming service, and/or where BBC catch-up services are used
Thanks for the info. So that applies regardless if the household actually watches the BBC. It's based simply upon the ability to receive the BBC signals?

>No trouble so far, just an email I've sent two years in a row to declare that I don't need a license (I do need one of course it's just a lie)

Interesting. So the challenge then becomes: how do we encourage more people to do what you're doing, but without technically encouraging people to break any laws. I'm sure it can be done, but it will require care.

Presumably spreading memes on twitter/other social media actually saying "You can refuse to pay and still watch" would be a problem (and possibly illegal in the UK). But information that doesn't encourage anything illegal, but still explains how to go about refusing to pay could be ok.

I don't really want to sit around for another decade waiting for their funding to start to dry up (and have them pumping their cancer into our societies for all that time). I think it would be better to actually start taking the fight to these public broadcasters, and as I say, I think getting rid of the BBC would have a knock-on effect around the Western world.

you should meme the massive uprising against the fascist regime that jails people for wrongthink while systematically covering up child rape

I'm in, gave up TV years ago, refuse to finance
fake news

end the BBC

here's some pasta from a previous user

Time to kill the BBCAnonymous(ID:3ZSJN3Rj)01/29/18(Mon)06:00:26No.158402402
We all know about the corrupt lying mainstream media, we all take for granted the reality that they are all in the pockets of the global elites, we are already immune to the propaganda, but the British public in general is still bizarrely in the thrall of the lying BBC.

We must begin to expose the rank dishonesty and blatant bias, so how can we awaken more normies on both the left and the right to the fact that the BBC does not have their best interests at heart and simply cannot be trusted?

Here's an article on a recent report that highlights just how biased the BBC has been on Brexit

But it's not only Brexit, the BBC is biased towards...
>Radical feminism
>Rape gangs
>White genocide

and is openly opposed to...
>White men
>Free speech

It's not only news and current affairs either, the BBC is deliberately misinforming kids about history and slowly erasing the truth about European history, they are pushing degeneracy and paedophilia too, there is literally no limit to the depravity

Let's get our heads together and come up with a campaign to turn the Brits against the most disgusting dishonest media organization in the World, that after all they are paying for.

Some ideas

>Meme war
>Poster campaign
>Blitz phone in debates
>Photo bomb live reports with banners and slogans

They have given us all the ammunition we could ever want, and the best red pill lubricant of all - the license fee, everyone is open to saving money right?

So let's do this.

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How do brits put up with this shit? This is literally no different from a local mob forcing you to pay a protection fee or else they'll beat your ass and smash your windows and car windshield.

Spineless pathetic brits probably just happily pay into their racket in exchange for government propaganda.

They dont care.
In the UK about 5% dont pay the propaganda tax.
In the UK about 5% have a criminal record.
Guess what the overlap looks like.
Now, to enter your home, police need a warrant.
Guess who doesnt need a warrant to enter your home?
TV license inspector.
Remember that overlap.
Guess who gets to "accompany" the TV guy when he enters your home (with no warrant).
Thats right, the police.
This is why they will never scrap the license fee, they literally dont care if you pay, infact its better for them if you DONT because it just means police can enter your home at any time without pesky paperwork.

Source: Me.
I worked in the TV license authority for a year on their billing systems. This was discussed openly by the senior management.

>It's based simply upon the ability to receive the BBC signals?
It's based on whether or not you watch live television.
Obviously they can't prove that you do without being in the house with you.
It's all a farce.

>So the challenge then becomes: how do we encourage more people to do what you're doing, but without technically encouraging people to break any laws
You encourage people to tell TV License that they only watch Netflix / DVDs / play xbox on their tellys. Get everyone to declare this so they don't need to pay the tax anymore. Everyone will naturally carry on watching live TV still anyway.

>I don't pay a TV license, don't watch the BBC or bother with its news.
>Ive legally declared i dont watch for years and have never heard a peep from them.

Good work anons.

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the "law" is
watching or recording live TV terrestrial broadcasts, or watch BBC iplayer
Why anyone would even want a TV in current year is beyond me

And (you)

you don't have to let them in unless they have a warrant

and surely all you have to do to is turn the telly off before they walk in

Nice digits!

Thanks mate. Reading through that thread now.

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>Ireland (RTR)

What is this?

>So the challenge then becomes: how do we encourage more people to do what you're doing, but without technically encouraging people to break any laws. I'm sure it can be done, but it will require care
you offer them to sign up to a free 'no tv license' database that will automatically be sent to the bbc every year so they no longer have to pester them to ask if they want/have a tv license

it would be so popular and useful you could probably find a sponsor to pay for any wages needed in finding new users by phone/online, maintaining the database/website and sending it to the bbc every year

it's the best solution: you campaign against bbc, hit them where it hurts and the end user doesn't have to worry anymore, simply sign up once for free and forget about it

The guy who let Saville butffuck kids with cancer at the hospital is in charge of the NY Times now.

millions of people already don't pay it

>You encourage people to tell TV License that they only watch Netflix / DVDs / play xbox on their tellys. Get everyone to declare this so they don't need to pay the tax anymore. Everyone will naturally carry on watching live TV still anyway.
Good stuff.

So what I'm envisioning so far is we create infographics that can be spread on social media giving people a step-by-step rundown of how to go about legally refusing to pay (basically to do what you and other anons here have been doing).

Then maybe get some of the British & Irish Youtubers in on it (I know e-celebs are not well-liked here, but they have their uses). Someone like Sargon or Dave Cullen could get a lot of people involved.

Possibly a hashtag, a youtube video, etc...

Anons feel free to chime in with thoughts, ideas, criticisms etc...

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You can opt out of paying anything. The secret is to own nothing. They're not going to spend time, money and resources trying to collect from someone they know has nothing worthwhile for them to steal. I haven't even filed taxes in like 15 years.

My mistake. RTE


We should.

>you offer them to sign up to a free 'no tv license' database that will automatically be sent to the bbc every year so they no longer have to pester them to ask if they want/have a tv license
Interesting idea. But how would we go about creating such a thing? (and would people trust it with their personal information?)

>millions of people already don't pay it
Good, but millions more would be nice.

Interesting titbit of information. I didn't know that.

It's not like we don't compulsorily pay for our communist propaganda network, it's just not as obvious.

That's probably banned there as a hate speech. Telescreens are mandatory for Airstrip One after all.

1. No you cant aboid paying.
2. There is a private members bill to reduce the penalty of not paying.
3. That bill gets bumped every time.
4. The government love its propaganda news outlet.
5. The BBC is not left or right. It has its own agenda to fuck up the country.

they are unlikely to get a warrant unless you play the game wrong
best advice, get rid of telly, stop paying

If you have no tv licence and want to buy a tv, DO NOT use your own name/address.
They are informed immediately and will send geezers.
If they turn up on your doorstep randomly, do not state your name and simply refuse entry.

>revoke right of implied access inspector needs a warrant now
> phone them and say you do not need a license as you do not receive live tv and do not want one

Stop lying

Boomers will keep paying till they die off

The man who comes to your door works for a private company you are under no obligation to answer ANY questions at all
What they do is illegal and the cops are happy to facilitate law breaking
fuck them all

sure it's an excellent time for destroying things, make sure you burn the appropriate incense and say the appropriate prayers so your requests will be granted with haste

I unironically do not watch TV. Haven't done so in a long long time.
I've had TV licence guys knocking here constantly, what shall I do to get them to fuck off for good?
Serious question.

Trump yoinked a massive chunk of their budget. Difference is that the BBC is direct funded, where as npr/pbs is embedded in the federal budget

>pic related is how much a loss of licence funding could scare the BBC
how do you know the stats aren't lying to you?

that bullshit could lose money and it would still be profitable, but you should do it anyway just to show them

if you
>revoke right of implied access inspector needs a warrant now

they will use that as an excuse to get a warrant
Implied access means your path or doorway that is all so you don't need to do that

>what shall I do to get them to fuck off for good?
mix DMSO with arsenic and put it on your doorknob or doorbell, make sure people you want to remain alive do not touch

haven't paid for 5 years.
never reply to the endless begging letters.

Hopefully the IRA will make a comeback if that happens, or hopefully you'll have another Gunpowder Plot

I have a pile of about 40 that I will give back to them if they ever actually do turn up
>unsolicited mail

Even if you invited them in to search every room they would do the same in a year or two to 'catch you out'
Maybe they would listen if you charged them your time to do the sweep.

> would rather have a cnn than a bbc

britfags don't realize how good they have it

> if you stream live from Amazon, you need a license
This is what BBC wants you to believe but in fact no one knows. Also, this is not important. The first step in not paying to the BBC is to stop watching normies' TV.

"Opting out" is a big mistake
If you think you're being clever telling them you're not gonna pay it, don't. Just ignore the letters and they give up eventually. Not received one for 4 years now.

I declared I don't need one as well and have never had them come around my house. I wouldn't let them in if they did. I've heard cases where they've been allowed into people's homes and have basically gone 'there's a smartphone, there's a laptop, you can use those to receive live TV'. Whereas these proles on council estates who film the TV licence goons can in most cases be sat there watching the damn TV and just tell them to fuck off and they get away with it.

> Guess who doesnt need a warrant to enter your home?
> TV license inspector.
This is false. BBC collector is a random dude. You just ignore him.

Only cowards and scared old ladies pay it now

>It's not like we don't compulsorily pay for our communist propaganda network, it's just not as obvious.
This is why I think the BBC - with it's licence fee model of collecting payment - is the weak link of all the broadcasters I mentioned. There, mass-refusal to pay the fee could actually make a difference. Here, the money is taken directly from tax revenue, so we can't opt out of it.

Lots of Right-leaning political parties around the world (in the countries I've mentioned) have made noises over the years about getting rid of publicly funded broadcasting, but they've never really had the balls to go through with it. That could change if the BBC falls. There will be renewed calls here and in Canada, NZ etc to say "Look, Publicly-funded broadcasting is a thing of the past. Look at the UK. It's time to draw the era to a close"

When parties of the Center-Right (e.g the Liberal Coalition here) see what happens in the UK, they might finally get the balls to go through with it. They need to first see that it won't deliver victory to their opposition (that's what they're worried about).

> to tell TV License
> Get everyone to declare
In general, you don't want to declare anything. If you think you don't need to pay, you just don't pay.

Top kek

>The BBC is Under Attack From Far Right Trolls!
>Show Your Support For Publicly Funded Television!
>Buy a TV License For Your Friends and Family Who Don't Have One Because They're Bigots!
>They Make a Great Holiday Gift!

>> if you stream live from Amazon, you need a license
>This is what BBC wants you to believe but in fact no one knows

It's on their website.

We Brits get railed on here for our Telly nelly licences but at least we can just not pay it, unlike Germany! It's a mandatory 'democracy tax' that they pay for government propaganda TV and it's all way worse migrant loving stuff than even we Brits churn out. Also I've read that if you don't pay it they send people round your house to let your tyres down (something about it being an overlap with road tax collectors). Only people on benefits get it for free, the rest of Germans all have to pay and it ain't cheap!

It's called Programming for a reason ffs.

>"Opting out" is a big mistake
>If you think you're being clever telling them you're not gonna pay it, don't. Just ignore the letters and they give up eventually. Not received one for 4 years now.
So the challenge would then be convincing more people that they can do the same without the consequences they might currently be worried about.

>some British boobs just for you
>yeah she's a slapper, but still...

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fucking Jow Forums has ruined the acronym BBC for me. I can't look at the news corp without laughing

You can, but the government will then move the license to be paid directly on taxes instead.
It just happened in Denmark. From 2019 the danish equivalent of the BBC tv-license will be paid over the taxes where there is no opt-out

The Swiss just voted on this a few weeks ago. They rejected dissolving the manditory fee claiming the state run tv chanels reflected their national ideals. The vote was nearly 75% keep the manditory fee.

On which website?

What are you posting from? A public library computer?

better idea :
>cause mayhem in Russia
>Blame it on someone from the BBC HQ
>wait for russian nukes

Problem solved. you might even nuke some goatfuckers aswell

If they ever bother to come to my door my statement is thus

>No one in this property watches or records live TV or watches Iplayer

no you can't come in, no I wan't answer any questions or give you any names, now go away

>12 fucking capthcha fek

>The Swiss are the same as the English
Fucking Kraut bots. Go home to Merkel

Wut? You didnae like the black Achilles?

Cell phone at work.

So you own a cell phone. That is a belonging they could take

That's what I'm saying. BBC ("TV Licensing" is BBC) wants you to believe that you need to pay for everything. What is actually true - no one knows, because this has not been challenged in court.

Well form what I hear, the public broadcaster is much less popular in the UK. It seems to be a divide between Left & Right- with the Right being against it. Pic related is from a shitty tabloid magazine (Metro), so take it with a grain of salt. But it could reflect a broader truth. I'll look for more accurate polling.

>You can, but the government will then move the license to be paid directly on taxes instead.
Here's why I think that will be less likely in the UK. The Conservatives have long wanted to get rid of the BBC. If they are still in government when this happens, they are unlikely to switch to the direct tax model - their supporters would never forgive them. Plus they will have the advantage of being able to say:
"Look, large sections of the public don't want to pay for the BBC anymore. It's time it became a an optional subscription service, or is completely privatized"

The UK Conservatives may be fake conservatives in a lot of ways, but when it comes to money, they tend to be economic liberals. They love cutting funding, and the BBC has long been very unpopular within their party.

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Not if he hides it in his bum-bum. Who's going to want a phone that's covered in shit? user is literally Diogones.

Indeed. I literally don't watch television. Don't even have the ariel plugged in. Only used the downstairs one for the console and that was years ago.

So I simply don't pay it. Of course they send their threatening letters, month after month, scheduling "investigations" (no-ones ever called as far as I know), etc, but of course they go straight in the bin.

It's only against the law to WATCH television, not to own one. Same with paying the fee. Don't watch, don't pay.

>Ave yu got ah computey mahsheen in ur flat mate?
Pay your computer license.

lol tv license guy can't enter your property without your permission, he will lie though and try to get in any way possible, but just tell him he's being filmed. He has no legal authority, geez how old are you?

A mass boycott has already been tried, I think in the early 2000s. It coincided with a guy challenging the TV licence in the EU court for breaching the convention on human rights.
TVL were shitting themselves for a bit and started a "nice friendly BBC worth the money belongs to you campaign" which has managed to brainwash people to this day.

If you were going to try it again, you'd have to include info about BBC being privatized (which it has been for awhile), info regarding convictions (Include single mums with babies), quotes from BBC saying they could survive on a subscription.voluntary basis (in light of they regularly make in excess of one billion net) etc. You'll have to work hard to undo the brainwashing.

As much as I enjoy the odd episode of Countryfile, I agree. It's a bit much just to pay some presenter high wages 'cos they on TV.