After the Crusader States ceased to exist...

>After the Crusader States ceased to exist, the title of King of Jerusalem was claimed by a number of European noble houses descended from the kings of Cyprus or the kings of Naples. The (purely ceremonial) title of King of Jerusalem is currently used by Felipe VI of Spain. (Wikipedia)

Our little Princess Leonor will be the next queen of Jerusalem. Would you die for her, Jow Forums?

Attached: PrincessLeonorOfSpain.jpg (660x550, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope she's another Isabella

>Would you die for her, Jow Forums?

Sure. I don't really have much else going on. I finished my mixed tape so I can go anytime.

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>Would you die for her, Jow Forums?
Tough questions right here.

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post feet and ill think about it.

No, death to monarchs.

Meaningless title. Jesus is the only king of Jerusalem. The fact that catholic monarchs try to claim this just shows how out of touch they are with their religion.

why are male heirs so rare these days.. its weird.

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The only people I would die for are my sisters, or my future wife.
Everyone else can burn.

>Would you die for her?
Sure, give it to me and ill die for her but remember to not call me a pedosexual.

the jews

spaniards are white?

Males in general are becoming more rare, I swear. The majority of my family's newest generation are girls, and it just seems more girls are being born.

if she actually asked for Jerusalem, yeah probably

She's cute. Hope she's a good Catholic and not a left-wing degenerate.

The Spanish gov is in with the Jews according to the supposed hollywood producer yesterday. Take that for what you will

goddamnit I already have 230 fucking comment filters for the cunnybot on /tv/ don't make me deal with this shit on here as well

Attached: squashedhead.png (400x333, 132K)

Do you ever get tired of LARPIng?

Tell us about the mixed tape before you die, senpai.

I believe I would. Make me a knight.

Attached: 1518799751068.jpg (3463x1999, 1.35M)

>Hollywood producer
>Calling other people Jews


could you share those for a bro, bro ?

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Yes. Let's reclaim the Holy Land.

No. I don't give a fuck about the Spaniards, what makes you think that? The only things I'd die protecting are my immediate family and my dog.

this is the raw copy paste from my filter tab (Jow Forums x)
keep in mind that this definitely isn't all of them and the c*nadian running it adds new ones

You must the only muslim that cares about a dog in the entire UK.

What is the age of consent in spain?
Asking for a friend.

>Meds aren't whi-

Kill yourself pedo pollock

God we’re great.

Not quite, but the Spanish and Portugeuse are the closest to northern Europeans out of all southern Europeans. The ranking from most to least white goes like this: Iberians, Northern Italians, Greeks, Southern Italians.

Fun fact: It has to do with food availability. Nowadays, women diet all year round and want to look slim and fit 2 weeks after giving birth.
Now, women are more resilient towards environmental stressors (eg. estrogen = stronger immune system), so when the body thinks there is a starvation period going on because mommy's on a diet, the kid will likely become a girl because a girl has better chances of survival in such an environment.

I wouldn't die for some Cathocuck girl, Orthodoxy is the true faith.

Spanish and Portuguese are Celts, not Meds. They look very different from, say, Italians.

How can you retarded baptists actually use Jow Forums?

You have issue with Catholics but not anime shots porn.

>Orthodox capital: Conquered by heathens
>Rome: Never conquered by heathens
Catholicism is correct whether you like it or not.

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Nice try moorhamed

Hey Mate, I’m ignorant cunt, but what do you put these filter into to block these?

Asking for my lack of willpower and compulsion to fap.

>Die for a queen.

Attached: 19znwe.jpg (900x900, 59K)

You know Orthodox and RC share communion? As in, if I’m in Russia the RC church approves for me to go Orthodox mass. We are brothers.

And when we fully reunite, we shall bring the sword.

Well, they are of House Bourbon-Anjour, so the royal family is technically french.

This. I’m Galician, my dna is the same as Irish people.

I use a chrome extension (Jow Forums X, would recommend)
just copy paste them into this tab if you have it

Attached: Capture.png (888x577, 56K)

Cheers mate, hope it helps.
Didn’t realize it was so simple.

>Rome: Never conquered by heathens

Attached: FBI.jpg (1192x333, 83K)

yeah just remember when you see new ones you got to do it by comment because I'm pretty sure the bot changes the image filename and hash every time

Attached: Capture.png (718x318, 42K)

Both sisters look ike they're inbred

Deus lo vult!

I won't die for a Borbón.

Those were all Christians.

Carlist for the win!
reminder Felipe is the comfiest world leader

Attached: Felipe and daughters.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

What ethnicity are they, austrian?

you probably believe/create those 'how will x recover' threads too thinking they're genuine.

>You know Orthodox and RC share communion? As in, if I’m in Russia the RC church approves for me to go Orthodox mass. We are brothers.
Orthodox don't generally approve. Sometimes they allow it, not usually in USA

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royals are a mix of all European nations (fun fact: Frederick III of Germany is his Great-Great-Great-Grandfather on his maternal grandmother's side and also his Great-Great-Grandfather on his maternal grandfather's side at the same time because of incest lol)

Attached: Felipe Leonor.jpg (1200x730, 561K)

>Males in general are becoming more rare, I swear.
everyone needs to drink Damiana as tea, high T is result, everyone in the world is low T right now

I'm usually not a big fan of the concept of kings/queens, but Felipe looks like a wholesome guy.

Any opinions on him?

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He looks like Assad. It makes me like him.

You have no idea how long i've been looking for this image for.

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The only good thing commies ever did was lining up royals against the wall

have some GIFTGAS, Tony.

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Iberians are anyone from the peninsula which includes Spain and Portugal. we are cro magnon. We are not IndoEuropeans.

nice trips

>mfw shadman jumps on this bandwagon

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Ok, Pedro' Gonzalez Herndandez da Santa

What if they become hags in the future like Britan's Queen?


yes, we from the peninsula. you ugly Arabic fucks need to stop posting on this board.

Their mother is a normal spaniard

La creatura...

Rofl... Let's just forget the Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Vandals, Visigoths and Moors that took turns occupying the land for more than fifteen hundred years. Celt my ass. Anyway the royal Spanish family are Bourbon, which are French. Which is why that little puppy looks so alpine white while most Spaniards not quite.

>Anyway the royal Spanish family are Bourbon, which are French
maybe 300 years ago

you curly haired Moorish apes have some gall trying to call people 56 percenters. Anyone living in Spain today is an fucking inbred Pakistani chimp.

What do you expected old women to look like you fuking mongoloid?

Attached: Queen-style-1_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqUqaMI1z2EfHVoF5m3l_L25GgoArIYx7OX2MEDvL6Npw.jpg (450x720, 39K)

la luz extinguido...

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That's literally a Spanish native from Barecelona.

For kings to simply dispose them when they turn 25 and find a qt young Princess. Keep going until king is dead.

no ,it was a mutt from muttland

>we wuz Iberians
>Iberians are subhuman moslems


its a shame what happened to Spain a while ago, you used to be a very anti-catholic country in the beginning

Iberians all came to the west. Only you Arab and Moor mixers stayed behind.

So that's what Junqueras mean when they said Catalans are more genetical similar to French?

>spaniards are celts

>Irish and Scots are celts

>look absolutelyfuckingnothing alike

spainards white, lol...ever been there? Mongrel race of muds. Look like gyppos

Attached: spanish people.jpg (515x353, 301K)

The original Iberians are actually related to Northern Frenchmen. The same people who ruled over all of Europe.

>what is sunbathing

I despise monarchs with a passion. I also heavily dislike the french, but if there is one thing they did well, its beheading those parasitic fuckers.

Fun "fact" indeed nigger

Congrats on adopting the soyboy positions of the 1700s, seriously.

Tbf those dresses look typical Andalucian. To use these tanned women as representative of Spain as a whole is disingenuous. It's to be expected that southern Spain has more non-white admixture or is more suntanned or just looks swarthier or whatever. You don't compare Sicilians to Italians living in the Alps. Not to say Andalucians are just brown Arab monkeys, I still consider them to be European, Caucasian and white. But they just have a darker skin tone, no question.

And of course cherry picked examples are stupid. I could post a pic of that pale redhead Spanish porn star (forgot the name, no doubt someone else here will know it) but of course that wouldn't be representative of the Spanish people either.

Northern europeans are just depigmentated mediterraneans

>for destroying Europe
Sounds about right

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Actually this is not true.
There is more difference from West to East than North to South. Only the Eastern Andalucía is as white as central Spain, and Asturians are as 'brown' as Western Andalucians. Southerns can look darker due to more sunbathing, that's right though.
>pic related


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