Mike Rowe: America's Suffering From 'An Epidemic Of Fatherlessness'
Is he right?
Mike Rowe: America's Suffering From 'An Epidemic Of Fatherlessness'
Is he right?
>On Tuesday, Mike Rowe, host of "Returning The Favor" and "Dirty Jobs," took to Facebook to defend fathers and fatherhood in general, pointing to the growing discontent with having a strong dad in the home.
>In the post, Rowe highlights a comment by Angelina Jolie he suggests echoes the sentiment of too many people in our culture:
>A couple years ago, when Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were getting divorced, Jolie was quoted as saying, "It never even crossed my mind that my son would need a father."
>I was struck by her comment, and I remember wondering how many other Americans might share her view. At the time, I didn’t think many. But today, I’m convinced the number is significant. I'm also amazed at how quickly fatherhood has fallen out of favor. Can you imagine a celebrity - or anyone for that matter - saying such a thing just twenty years ago?
>Rowe then cites facts and statistics about the negative effects of a fatherless home.
The facts seem pretty clear.
• 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes – 5 times the average. (US Dept. Of Health/Census)
• 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
• 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
• 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes – 14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
• 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
• 43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]
>Is it really so surprising to learn that a majority of bullies also come from fatherless homes? As do a majority of school shooters? As do a majority of older male shooters?
>Rowe goes on to ask readers to "consider the possibility that this thing we like to call 'an epidemic of bullying,' is really an 'epidemic of fatherlessness.' I also think it’s reasonable to conclude that our society is sending a message to men of all ages that is decidedly mixed":
>Think about it. On the one hand, we’re telling them to “man-up" whenever the going gets tough. On the other, we’re condemning a climate of "toxic masculinity" at every turn. If that strikes you as confusing, imagine being a fourteen-year old boy with no father figure to help you make sense of it.
SJW, soyboys, manchildren, yes. Alt-right, no. The shift further right is a reaction to women and soft men being manipulated to shift further left.
>Naming the Eternal Single Mother
He's right but nobody will ever support him. It would be a PR nightmare to support the idea of a strong family unit
Virgin Bill Nye vs Chad Mike Rowe
Why are you giving up on hope already? It´s not like strong famillies are racist.
Oh, wait, blacks. Fuck.
he's not wrong
I'm looking forward to the return of toxic masculinity. Toxic feminism was way worse.
its not issue with blacks being offended, it s women. Black who arent democratic puppets have largely accepted that have a stable family is what the black community needs most. Women are offended by the fact that you need a man to raise a family, and single mothers are an influental voting block. Women would much rather maintain the delusion than fess up to the fact that ttheir mating choices are whats fucking up America so they can keep getting gibs and be perma victims . This is the eternal vaginas doing
>43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]
Holy shit
America is going to be ground zero when it comes to the collapse of family institutions arond the west, the social, political and economic ramifications of that. Thats pretty much Africa tier. Theres never been a stable long lasting nations with a single motherhood rate of 40 percent.
Based Mike
Can vouch, product of single mom. Thought I was set after joining the Marines but that was in a sense more coddling. Now 24 unemployed, living with grandma in law with like 30,000 in consumer debt, no friends/no
connections. All that's left is waiting till I hate myself enough to grill some ribs in my salvage title car. Not even sad about it, there's alot of other pieces of shit just like me just waiting for some balls to kill themselves.
Nice way of saying government support of welfare mothers is immoral.
He's not based at all. He's been caught shilling for jews on the history channel here.
Fuck off
>They made being a father illegal
>Then economically incentivized fatherlessness.
Oh? Are you on vacation in the Cuckerlands, Mike?
>Muh European ancestory!
You're all mixed mongrels
The breakdown of the family unit is what destroyed the black community. They want to do it to whites now.
>no argument
Just admit you're a faggot defending a jew enabler on a romanian pasta tossing forum.
>and you're probably a disgusting kike too
I'd say here's a better (but not extensive list) of our biggest epidemics:
1. multiculturalism
2. niggers
3. non-nuclear family promotion
4. lack of physical health / appeal to the physical form
5. lack of purpose due to schooling + the above
Being a mix of European countries is still a mongrel soup as Europe is not a singular thing with the same people you retard
And the fathers that do stick around usually do more harm than good.
Ahahahaha Is this literally your only defense when being called out for worshiping a jew slave? You have no rebuttal, dumb nethercuck. No one was even talking about european heritage before your random autistic spergout. Go take your meds, faggot.
Maybe because men are told every second of everyday that all they are is toxic masculinity
More importantly, when has he ever been wrong?
Don't kill yourself. Kill your enemies. Front Towards Enemy, devil dog.
I don't think even Africa is that bad.
shill paid to shit up threads
This would be an amazing celebrity death match.
The statistics are for single parent families, not "fatherless". This reaked of fallacy and it sucks that Mike Rowe is the one pushing it.
Deluded cunt that doesn't want to accept the fact that Mike Rowe is literally a (((History Channel))) good goy shill and was caught doing a segment for them that defends the actions of traitorous Jews, the Rosenbergs.
Seriously, learn something before you post again, drooling moron. Rowe only has any platform because he's made his dues with the kikes.
>single parent families is American!
Good goy.
>Is he right?
no shit he's right.
that's what you get for letting women use their wombs as government ATM machines.
81% of single parents are mothers, retard
Who are you quoting?
>celebrity talking politics
shut the fuck up and make more tv
Wtf I hate men now
>"It never even crossed my mind that my son would need a father."
That's because your Hollywood father raped you and pimped out to other Hollywood pedophiles so your idea of normal healthy father is a bit FUCKED UP
Mike Rowe is right, but when men are pushed away from society and then further told on the internet how scum they are, it makes the problem worse.
He mentioned the "man up" thing. He's right, western society wants to have it's cake and eat it too on the backs of men. Men should only be told to "man up" in a legitimate way.
I've seen the worst of how western society is with men and I don't like it one bit. Men are not blameless, but the solutions to all of this are so far out of reach for us that it's no wonder so many become blackpilled.
It is not relevant. The outcome of groung up without a father is the same as growing up with one. The problem is that single mothers doesnt get enough support from the government. That is why some children get problems.
Mike's point is that the home needs a father. My point is it could do just as well with two mothers. It isn't the father figure that makes the home, it's that raising a kid is healthier if it's done by two people.
Why are men leaving homes?
>Single mothers need more support
Also this.
>Men knock up women and then leave
>Can't tell them their pieces of shit
>Wahh society hates me
>rapists with anger problems
so niggers
"Man up" is nonsense
>Just walk into that courtroom, tell the judge you're not getting divorced. Look him right in the eyes and say she doesn't get custody. Give him a firm handshake and let him know there'll be no alimony payments. That's the problem with you Millennials, you don't know how to pull yourself up by your bootstraps
This is pretty good bait
>woman gets pregnant by a man
>not married
>is told everyday how single moms are the strongest and best people
>is able to live off welfare and tax dollars
>decides this man isn't good enough for her
>takes kid away, father gets 2 weekends a month plus has to pay child support
>mom is free to do as she pleases
>can't call these women terrible pieces of shit
>wahhh why is society falling apart
>Why are men leaving homes
The vast majority of divorces are initiated by women
>On the one hand, we’re telling them to “man-up" whenever the going gets tough. On the other, we’re condemning a climate of "toxic masculinity" at every turn.
based mike rowe
ya know, we always talk about the negative effects of fatherlessness on kids here on Jow Forums. but we never talk about the effect of childlessness on fathers
i have a kid that i dont see. i've never admitted that on here before because i know you'll all call me a nigger and blame me for it. "why dont you fight for your kid" etc. thats what people always say
what am i supposed to do? drag my daughter through a family court battle? get stuck with child support payments i cant afford and start living in my car? women have all the power
but i'll tell you guys one thing. losing a kid hurts really bad. and no i'm not LARPing. i never even met my own dad either. fatherhood means nothing in my life. and i am 100% white. if i wasnt anonymous i wouldnt be saying any of this, but i am so fuck it. say whatever you want idc
but boys, heed a gen x'ers warning - if a woman ever says she wants to settle down and start a family with you, dont fall for that bullshit. the minute the placenta breaks it will be like you dont even exist to her anymore
Jesus you crayon eater, get your shit together. You get paid to go to college, go do that.
unironically based as fuck
Dude, just don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. It’s so god damn easy. Here’s a personal example. An ex broke up with me because I was training a few days a week. I wanted to have a schedule and keep my life organized a bit and this retard was thinking that just because we were “together” she could start changing stuff. Nope. After that she was the one trying to come back. The current one tried to do the same thing but pushed back once she saw that it’s not how it works. Never let yourself micro managed by some cunt and you will be good. Sure, a few control freaks will break up with you over this but that’s a good thing.
I said men aren't blameless, retard. Encouraging a culture of debauchery has led to broken families and people leaving their duties. But this is just one aspect of the whole thing. If men weren't constantly shit on in western society, they'd feel more up to fulfilling their roles.
I think "man up" can be used in rare instances. It works wonders when used properly. When it's used against young men online to shame them into doing what they don't want, it doesn't work.
But when it's used in the way say Jordan Peterson does it, against a young man who's a homeless drug addict, it does. I've seen it.
I'm not afraid. If a woman wants me to do something I don't want to do, the answer is always "no".
>Tldr; stop trying to start families
Fucking faggot so what is no one ever supposed to get married again? No one is supposed to start a family? Fucking mgtow bs
Being traditional is a bad thing? Since fucking when faggot?
"Tradcuck" is used to describe fake traditionalists, not real ones.
Back to lurking then, apparently 8 months isn't enough >_>
Honestly I've heard stories of boomers murdering their wives during divorce proceedings to protect themselves and the kids. Minimum sentence for premeditated homicide is usually given out for crimes of passion like this, so it's a few years short of a decade served.
Any evidence of that?
The answer to the woman question is this. We need to
1. End the welfare state: EBT cards, food stamps, unemployment, etc. As public safety nets go away, private safety nets like family and church will be strengthened because of necessity.
2. End public education, aka. free babysitting and indoctrination of anti-family and anti-chastity values
3. End alimony and severely limit child support
4. Make your right to vote dependent on your income so that women can't continue to loot the public treasury
5. End subsidies for college/university, subsidies that aren't gender-neutral. Women don't even like college. They just go because they feel that's what you're supposed to do.
Notice that all these issues are PUBLIC SPENDING ISSUES. The roles of provider and nurturer have been taken over by the state. I'm convinced that unless we end all these public spending projects, society will continue its descent into degeneracy. But it's basically impossible to dismantle this system, and that's the main problem of democracy.
Really, our best hope is for a massive hyperinflation to knock out the entire western world for a couple decades. I'm serious. Things will only begin to get better once the money is cut off. Also this is why it's so important to end the central banks.
My brother knows a guy who got a bitch pregnant with triplets. He's like 21. Let's try to make things better for the next generation at least.
Families with fathers who are obsessed with video games are families that have no fathers. I have lived with the example.
Even today when I suggest repairing something he goes "That's dangerous, just buy a new one"
So you're saying fatherhood is a Jewish psyop?
everyone in Hollywood has to shill for the Jews these days
would you rather have him sip the koolaid and just spout muh jews?
as soon as he did that he would be jobless and hated in that community
Can blame those kids one bit. Too much estrogen makes me want to kill myself even now.
Public education has been a good thing, its being carried out wrong but it has allowed more people to claw their way into a better position.
It's gone obsolete.
Let mothers teach their children how to read and write during the day, let fathers teach them how to use the Internet after he comes home from work.
School is redundant when you know how to internets
>Implying that online classes are a good thing
>implying that parents can teach well rounded education
What would make them bad?
A lack of personal social interaction?
A lack of exercise?
Children wouldn't be sitting behind the computer 12 hours a day, they have too much energy for that.
The same mothers who're staying at home to teach them reading and writing can take them grocery shopping, where the kids can meet all their mates.
That's a good hour or two of exercise a day, every day.
>An Epidemic Of Fatherlessness'
kids are best raised by liberal nannies, mom goes to work, keep men out of raising kids altogether
The lack of socialization and the fact they don't really have to learn the material if taken online.
Grocery shopping would not be a good place to meet mates, as it is unreliable, kids need to be able to have consistent social interaction, with other kids as it teaches them to interact with people that arent exactly the same in work ethic or interests as them
Single mothers are human trash factories.
Depends on what they want.
If for instance a child develops a deep passion for space travel and really wants to become a rocket scientist, he will need to learn physics, chemistry, mathematics and a greater understanding of English.
For example.
The problem with typical school curricula is that it's too general.
A bit of atmospheric science, when all you want to do is study law and become a lawyer.
A bit of physics, when you only give a toss about history.
And once you're done, you have no deep knowledge of anything and struggle to find a job, because employers require someone with deep knowledge of a specific thing. To then go to university to acquire that knowledge just means you've wasted 8 years of your life learning irrelevance.
That's why you send your kids to teamsports.
There they develop the necessary skills to work together and produce something.
Could be team crafts, weekend workshops, what have you.
Those facilities are already available.
The point of teaching all the useless crap is it allows for a more well rounded understanding of the world, i agree that it could specialize more but kids still need to have a basic understanding of physics, history, science, etc.
Mike Rowe is a real american and you should support him.
>School is too general
It really isn't, imo. Every kid should be literate, able to do high school level math, and have a basic understanding of history/government. Also, science are good.
>Kids should specialize
I agree 100%. However, that is an issue with the Western university system. They throw in "gen ed" classes as cash cows. Someone aspiring to be X should have a fast track option, however it should be after high school.
Hes 100% right but watch him get torn to shreds in the msm because "no sweetie women can have 4 kids from 4 different fathers and they dont need to be around because women are strong and dont need no man"
Niggers stole all the wives kek.
Wow, respect.
In addition to this, some fathers that people do have are garbage. My father worked a normal job and all that, but he never did anything father son with me or my brother. Camping, hunting, fishing, building things, car maintenance. In his free time he would sit in front of a TV and ignore the rest of the family. A few years back he quit his job and has been working 5 hours a week. Never received any guidance or anything from him growing up. Not sure if anyone else has had something similar happen, but I literally knew nothing about being an adult when I moved out. Didn't even know how to check the damn oil in my car.
This so much. I used to work in a department where the majority were women and it blew my mind as i got to know most of them because they all had the same story.
>pregnant super young to a guy who was way older who was in prison
>end up having 2 to 3 more kids with other guys who were either in gangs,just got out of jail,or currently awaiting jail sentence
>those guys want nothing to do with the kids of course
>for some reason as the kids get older they have all sorts of problems in school from fighting, cursing at the teacher, cursing out the mother
>mother always says I dont know what to do I give them everything they want and never tell them no or disicpline them
I am not even remotely joking when I say at least 20 different women I got to know and talk to had that exact same story. And of course they want you to feel sorry for them because "I'm a good mom I dont understand why this would happen to me"
no matter how much you want to die, there's someone out there that deserves it more. You need Jesus and an honorable Christianity you find on Jow Forums, one that loves their enemy, but will still blast the fucker if he threatens their family or their people.
>He's been caught shilling for jews
It's mandatory for shills to claim everyone on the right is a jew or jew puippet. Look for a bunch of "mike rowe is a kike eceleb" threads for the next two weeks.
Not as cash cows, as propaganda.
In Dutch University you still need to take a humanities course even if you do physics, and you know what they shill?
Diversity, multiculturalism, and "if you disagree you're Nazi".
Looking at market developments and automation, I reckon that people must start specialising at a far earlier age, say 10 years old.
The world is suffering from blaming everything on everyone else.Grow up and take responsibility for your actions in life.
In my opinion it goes both ways. But its so rare to see the single dad parent. I could throw a rock out my window and probably hit 2 single moms walking down the street.
I can relate to that.
My father did exactly the same, except he'd give an outdated and irrelevant lecture whenever I made a random comment at the dinner table.
The negrocentric single mother culture is not turning out as well as the capitalists thought it would.
>Dropping birthrates
>Men not entering the workforce
>Let's just import more 3rd worlders
HOLY SHIT!! user i thought I was the only one. I know this feel too much. My dad was around in that I could see him visually but he never talked to my brother or I, and never even attempted to bond with us. And my mom constantly made excuses for him. Nothing like being 8yrs old trying to give your dad a hug having him push you away and then your mom saying "if that bothers you remember its your fault not his" my girlfriend tells me all the time she doesnt know how I came out normal. My dad didn t have a dad growing up and I guess he decided to keep the ball rolling with us. I got a lot of other great "ghost dad" stories if anyone is intersted???