Bat Attack
Where's the outrage?
didn't she get shot?
wow a screenshot.
at least link the video, faggot
dumb nogs
the sisters haven’t been arrested—hope they’re id’ed
Well, it was a nigger on nigger attack so, nothing of value was lost.
victim not black
Watch the whole video, the victim is white, in fact the nig brings up race towards the end
She is at heart.
Too bad she didn't knock some sense into that coalburner.
stuff like this happens like every day over there
The victim wasn't a nigger
Pic related
These Wakandans are so beautifully empowered. So sophisticated. So civilized and ahead of everyone else. Such glorious kings and queens. We can learn something from them. I am deeply inspired.
No, she was a nigger satan, so what if she was a white nigger, she is still a nigger.
You heard her speak. Have you seen her? She burned some coal at least once if you look at her kid, plus she did cut the other nigger off.
Her speech
Her attitude
Her actions
All point to nigger
It was a nigger on nigger crime
And they wonder why people hate them
I only care about autists
victim did everything wrong
don’t get beat down unless it’s police—you can sue their ass and retire
Kid is white
The funniest part for people who have to drive around black women, is they cut you off constantly.
I mean brutaly cut you off, wont let you merge, will absolutely try to run you off the road.
It is ironic that they are so upset about being "cut off".
Also we know this was a hate crime, but white people are not allowed to be upset by minoritites blatantly being racist. Watch a hollywood movie.
Yep, constantly. In schools, in the street, at restaurants, etc.
>That's white in America
A nigger loving wigger. You lie with dogs, you get fleas.
Since when was blonde hair not white?
Whiter than you mohamad
>"You don't talk about black period. Period."
She thought she could get away with it if she made it about race. The white woman is actually denying it as if she's the bad guy for getting beat with a baseball bat
White's are far too subverted at this point to react
Listen to that lying bitch crying racism, after the cops show up. Americans haven been sold the biggest lie in regards to its black population. This group deserves zero sympathy for its current state.
>le 56 percent meme going too far:the post
That one is, but I saw a pic yesterday of her in the car and mocha munchkin in the back seat.
Still, her actions speech and attitude still scream nigger, and you know it
I wonder, if you showed Abraham Lincoln all these videos in his time, showing him the future basically, would he still fight against slavery?
Na-na Na-na Na-na Na-na Na-na Na-na Na-na Na-na BAT NOOD!
Na-na Na-na
Na-na Na-na
Na-na Na-na
Na-na Na-na BAT NOOD!
Why would there be outrage? The nigger is doing exactly what you would expect it to do.
Call me when a nigger lands on the moon and we'll have some outrage alright.
sick of these entitled damn niggers and brown folk acting like they own the world and can do whatever they want when they want to do, fucking animals. Want to know what happens to animals when they become rabid over populated and untamable they get culled.
Who cares, Whites commit 81% of hate crimes. Non whites are getting tired of your shit
Good thing racism is legal in the US. Not a cop in the country will arrest you for calling a nigger a nigger.
They will arrest the nigger for attacking you tho.
First of all, she did NOTHING wrong. Racism requires power plus privilege. As a minority she is disempowered and the white woman is not, therefore there is no racism in this act. Secondly, her people have suffered HUNDREDS of years of slavery. This is just an expression of frustration that had unfortunate side effects. White people need to just calm down and relax, just SIT DOWN and let black people take over. What are you afraid of? Treating them like normal human beings?
she starts yelling you called my sister nigger—like clockwork
Russian Spy assassination was an INSIDE JOB!
Fair enough, I'm not saying she isn't trash I'm just saying she's not a nigger. in one of the videos on her page of the fight the negress says "you shouldn't be talkin bout black people like that, racist bitch" then she says "I'm not racist, I suck black dick all day." Should have hit her harder. She's gonna ride this to fame.
No pity for coal burners
He would have started shipping them out sooner, he did NOT want them here. Had he not been killed, he would have vastly reduced the negroe in the U.S. So much so, it would probably be another century or two before they meet the same pop level as today, fuck that nigger Booth
>whites commit 81% of hate crimes
>former attorney general wouldn’t charge anyone but whites with hate crimes
Tell me more.
Cash me outside how bout dat!
Get the fuck out of here with the privilege this and privilege that bullshit also slavery was started in africa by BLACKS and still continues today by guess who? BLACK people! The slavery argument is tired and invalid
>>im not racist I suck black dick all day
>>not a nigger
user i...
Why do they rip up the constitution if they're protesting against stuff in the bill of rights?
The nigger is plague in man kind the missing link a walking abomination a vile remnant of early man. Every single hole nigger no matter age, sex or occupation needs to die not just in the west but the entire planet to remove the nigger gene from humanities gene pool would be the must glorious act of kindness to our future generations. Kill them all.
The bill of rights is a part of the constitution.
Plus optics, that big ole WE THE PEOPLE is well known.
Also, its fake...
Not being a nigger doesn't mean you can't get the rope bro
Im just saying, niggers come in all shades and sizes.
As Forrest Gump's mom says
"A nigger is as a nigger does"
>just SIT DOWN and let black people take over.
No thank you. I prefer to live in a civilized, white country, not Liberia.
>Treating them like normal human beings?
When they behave like human beings, they will be treated like human beings.
>her people have suffered HUNDREDS of years of slavery.
Her people are CURRENTLY being enslaved right now IN AFRICA BY AFRICANS AND ARABS. Please address your complaints there. Blacks in America have been coddled and subsidized by white taxpayers for over a century. She owes us a giant "THANK YOU".
God in hell you are stupid. Did they teach you that drivel in Marxist school?
she didn't even mention anything about black's happening...they're behaving like Jews!!!
>uebermensch getting cucked
aww cry moar faggots
no one cares about your shitty thread, go back to sucking off shitskins sven