The main cause of school shootings in US: American parents don't spank their children.
The main cause of school shootings in US: American parents don't spank their children
You really made me think monkey boy.
More like drugs and MK Ultra... but okay.
I spank my wife. Is that close enough?
i don't think i'm the only nerd that wanted to shoot a school because of being treated as a worse type of human by fucking idiots
where did the bunda go?
American parents don't spank their kids.
Nigger parent beat their kids too much.
Always the extreme.
Sinful nature, people just don't want to admit they have one
I suppose parenting is one of the reasons why Brazil is such an hellish shithole
The main cause of Brazil: monkeys.
even the Japanese turn into Bunda Bunda subhumans in Brazil
thx for the pic, had forgotten what a boner meant.
American children get the shit kicked out of them by single mothers and their boyfriends... you have it backwards Brazilian wax....
mother+father+peaceful parenting=less school shootings
The main cause of school shootings in the US is that Americans circumcise their children.
That and race-mixing
Spanking only feeds the cycle of violence. Just look at Brazil.
Uma dilicia
The Cruz shooter was just mentally ill, no amount of spanking would have helped him. He probably had attachment and abandonment issues, and him getting buillied didn't make his situation any better. His current caretaker? is trying to get his inheritance money that his mom left him. I don't think that lady that was housing him gave shit about him. I would say lock the him up for life in an mental hospital only because what can you do for someone like that?
Kid do shit > parents spank him, teaching him a lesson by pain > his future is bright
Kid do shit > "Oh, darling, he's just young, he did'nt mean. Come here, my kid, hug your momma. I know you're stressed" > then kid don't understand the concept of respect and society manners > kill other kids in school as revenge for his parents that didn't taught him how to have balls
Sums pretty much the problem. When you see something evil happening, you act. When taking a unfair punch, you punch back (pecause a good parent would only spank his children when he's sure that there would be no other way). That's what spanking teachers. But to not spank creates a whole culture of pussyness. Boys afraid of everything that cultivate anger against society and use guns to achieve a statement against innocent kids.
In the start of the last century, spanking was a widely spread practice, all around the civilized world. Then, political correctness changed everything, and you guys also took the bait, which is sad.
Daddy left Mommy for porn.
Thats weird, because here in Boston, we have a huge Brazilian community. Most of them are from Minas Gerais, especially Belo Horizonte. The other Brazilians are from Curitiba or Porto Algrae. They all stick with their own and never race mix. I dated quite a few from Curitiba and they looked down on blacks.
There is no amount of speaking that can fix shit genes.
There is no good parenting that can fix people who have a natural tendency to violence.
Some people are just shit, the solution is to exclude them from society, not try to fix what was born broken
>Gets assassinated by two dudes on a motorcycle
>Gets dragged out into the jungle and dismembered
>Gets steamrolled by a truck
>Nobody cares
>>t. Brazil
Mommy can't spank her fatherless bastard, because the government SJW's control her welfare. Child abuse is their excuse.
I just literally never reacted to it so they all gave up after a short period. They just want to keep themselves entertained, so if you show nothing they fuck off.
Oh there is a huge cultural and heritage difference from people from the south of Brazil, like Curitiba and Porto Alegre, than those from the Northwestern states or huge metropolis like Rio.
People on the south just stick to their own communities and try to work hard, the same is true for people from Minas Gerais, but the rest of the country are mostly parasites.
Belo Horizonte, Curitiba and Porto Alegre are civilized cities.
>3rd world country
>((((first world)))) country
Most of your cities looks like they've been nuked yet you've never waged a war on your own soil.
>The main cause of school shootings in US: A
Ironically, your photo has a better answer than you gave. The main cause of problems in the world is women not offering up their brappers to men.
The main cause of school shooting is roasties not screwing the nerdy reclusive kids.
That's because we had to rescue and rebuild Europe, which is best known for starting and losing wars. Enjoy your Islam.
Pretty much. Although only when dealing with "unruly youth".
Starship Troopers had an excellent dialogue explaining the need for corporal punishment.
It's about 6 small pages, but worth the read
You make a convincing argument.
The Soviets beat the nazis with the help of the RAF terror bombings.
You just swooped in as a clean up squad to claim victory for yourselves and to prevent communism from spreading further into yurop so you could claim gibs and cuck Yurop for the jews.
No. It's the availability of guns. When I was a kid I used to wish I could shoot people who pissed me off but I never could unlike mutts.
Ahhh gotcha. Well that explains it. They work their ass off here and really take care of their property.
How can I trust you when you don't even know shit that even a 4th grade nigger knows? Holy shit dude go back to your fb meme group.
Yeah. Because of the kind of people who lives on those cities.
I don't know what you're thinking but I got spanked a lot
I used to have spankings based on the day of the week
Say it was the 11th, that's 11 spankings, the 26th? That's 26 spankings.
I remember in our hallway right in front of the stairs to go to my me and my siblings bedrooms there was a nail in the wall with a wooden paddle on it
Every household in Switzerland has firearms. Same goes for Norway, yet shooting incidents are nowhere near US levels.
It's just that Burgers are thin-skinned indvidualistic retards who can't handle banter so they snap and shoot you instead.
I believe unsedated cicumcision at an infant age is a traumatizing experience that fucks up your neurological wiring and impulse control. Maybe this also explains this aggressive mutt behaviour.
You're an inbred
Talking about trust in an anonymous message board...
Or maybe the fact that America is not a homogenous society
Or maybe the fact that cities are allowed to harbor fugitives with nonreprecussions
Or maybe the liberal agenda is to destroy and undermine our western values and create strife
Or maybe because there is a major drug epidemic in the US and the world
Now I have the urge to get on bestgore. Thanks user.
Pretty much this.
A great deal of the Jow Forums shooters are well behaved.
What turns them is social exclusion.
I would rather be in Detroit than in some brazilian favela, I can tell you that much.
No its because all your money is being pumped into your Jew-serving military
Not even just your money, but the money of your future 30 generations
Nigga why
At least in a favela you can shoot people to become ruler of the favela
In Detroit if you shoot a nog the whole city riots (assuming you are white)
sound off if you were spanked and didnt shot up a school
>At least in a favela you can shoot people
If you are a crook yourself with access to illegal firearms lol. Brazil is a country where poeple point guns at each other over road rage incidents and crooks have target practice on highways because lol (stories heard by both brazilians and documentaries seen on tv).
Don’t forget that la ogra de la cucaracha bullied Cruz. And the guy wasn’t right in the head already.
Check and see if they tend to be children of single mothers.
Spanking lowers iq, now I no why you are making this post
Explain why you think spanking has anything to do with school shootings.
lol then why you portofags keep leaving your state to live in SC?
Can confirm. I had my ass beat at least once a week never shot up a school.
Spanking lowers IQ, exactly what a POS communist cock sucker would say...
Beat your kid's ass before I have to.
> If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions — just let those run wild, until before you knew it, you’d have to have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door.
You're a nigger
It's a fact IQlet.
And low IQ is the #1 predictor for violent crime.
>Low IQ
Or maybe niggers make up the majority of criminals skewing the stats.
Correlation doesn't mean causation.
its not spanking, its no father and then mothers spanking, Americans use to spank their kids but it was only the men NOT women.
I was spanked and have been on multiple crime sprees. I'm going to court rn to ask to get off probation.
In Brazil you get sent to jail even if you kill someone that's trying to kill you.
We had open-carry rights like in the US for anyone with no criminal records during the Military "Dictatorship", but then the Freemasons decided to give us a "Democracy".
> Removing flag
It correlates with all races who commit crimes. It's just that, you know, niggers are stupider lmao.
Autistic coping mechanism to justify your own shit father.
No spankings, just got the belt if I was being an asshole kid.