Let's quit hating Sweden for a moment and let's celebrate some Swedish nationalism.
Sweden Love Thread
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>Let's quit hating Sweden for a moment
I cant its in my blood. You really think I hate Swedes because of the last 60 years of cuckdom?
No one likes Sweden?
>lets love sweden
>posts roxette
Kill yourself cuck. I hate sweden even more now
a half swed gave us the alaskan flag and its actually pretty nice. shame its wasted on us.
I do love Germany.
What's wrong with them? They had great tunes.
It's all ogre now.
I don't know why you Danes hate them other than their retarded multiculti.
danes hating swedes is a meme
no, fuck off muhammad
a 1000+ year old meme that is.
also the question is: why dont you hate them? The only reason I can see is that you dont know them like we do.
They are very pretentious I must say. They have an over inflated sense of self-importance. Very passive aggressive (more than us). Other than that very likable people.
Preferred Röyksopp
>They are very pretentious
>They have an over inflated sense of self-importance
>Very passive aggressive
oh yes
and on top of that they are greedy, low class, petty and the single most naive people you will ever meet. They make you autistic central Euros look like saints.
It's sort of an old joke. Denmark, Norway and Finland all have little brother syndrome.
Swedes barely every think about our little brothers and yet they can't go a day without hating on us.
It's a great running gag actually.
>post with meme flag
also if anything Denmark is the big brother. We are the oldest after all. Sweden is the rebellious hothead, Norway the good boy and Finland the weird.
>Swedes barely every think about our little brothers
I suspect there's a reason for that, Persson.
No one likes Sweden here!!!
Danes have historic beef with Swedes which is completely irrelevant outside of those two countries and Norway.
fuck this thread ,I'm going joyriding
This thread is pointless.
Koenigsegg and Saab airplanes that’s all I got
Sweden is gone. Why bring up the past?
so is your life
>You don't know them like we do
Pretty much.
Unless you're butthurt over swedish exploits in northern germany during the 30 year's war during the 1600s...somehow, or come from Lübeck and choose to reach even further into history and gloat about the northern 7 year's war from the mid-1500s there really is not much for a german to hate them over.
We're also in no position to point any fingers when it comes to letting in mudshits.
Yeah, like there's any nationalism to celebrate amirite?
koenigsegg, vikings.
Sweden took about two thirds of their country from them, they're still butthurt about it. And you took Schleswig, reducing them to the tiny collection of islands we know today.
Norway is the family punching bag. Finland is the depressed alcoholic uncle.
I knew a Swedish girl for a while. Super leftist. She went home with HIV from fucking a black guy.
I miss old Sweden.
Time is cruel, isn’t it, Sweden?
Based nature sorting out the chaff of society.
The power of the kike media in Sweden everyone
Have sympathy they're brainwashed
i LOVE abba, no joke
What makes a gay face so easily identifiable as such?
God damn.
they do make the best snus, if you are into that.
also Fjällräven makes pretty good stuff, beyond the squared hipster backpacks.
anything beyond that, they are the most cucked country in the world, suffering from Stockholm syndrome on a national level.
I sometimes wonder, is it because of all the jews we sent them during WW2...
we dont deserve any love until weve fixed our shit
Based black
>the non-gay faces were all ugly
really stimulates the walnuts
I rep true Sweden everyday.
It has (i refuse to say "had") potential to be the best country in the world, if they work on fixing their country asap.
Great culture and history, amazing music and really kind people, all swedes i have met are super kind and helpful!
Hope that on september (i think it was) you guys take your country back! Jag älskar Sverige :)
Also great taste on the pic OP
El abominacion senores...
haeng deg
ill do all I can to help you native Swedes.
Swedish chemical weapons program
max payne 1 and 2
Scandis in general and swedes in particular have a bbc cuckhold fetish ingrained in their dna, it is genetic. Minnesota, the state in the USA with the highest percentage of swedes, has a similar dynamic playing out.
You guys are defective because you are too nice/gullible/easily fooled, something is wrong with you. Seriously, the jews found the button on you to make you destroy yourselves and pressed it.
Let me guess
Eisenhower was a gay swede jew
whats wrong with em desu?
they make quality shit
the hate is mutual, nothing personnel kid.
>posts about cuckholdry
Checks out. Why the fuck burgers on this site post every time about this shit? Seriously it's an obsession at this point
I have been defending meds for their commitment to civilization versus the nords who long to suck the bbc, seems your wires got crossed somewhere along the way.
me cago en tu puta madre, pablo
So did Trump.
It wasn't that long ago that we stopped a 1000 year period (periodic, not constant) of warfare with the Danish people, so in some ways that animosity we had against each other lives on as a form of sibling rivalry. It's not nearly as well known as for example the French-British thing.
No, we took back 3 different regions that the Danes took from us. That's why Scania has such a aborted mix of a regional dialect as it has (Was owned by Danes for 600 years).
Yeah, the main issue is that most of the politicians have no interest in fixing the country. They are more or less all bought out by groups like the Bilderberg and that kind of Ilk. Doubt that things can be fixed by voting, if that worked they would not allow us to vote.
Why do Swedes pronounce the 'e' sound like in 'meat' and 'Sweden' funny? I listen to the way The Golden One and other Swedes say it and it...bothers me.
>brit with the hard hitting questions
This kills the burger
why are papists in babylon so mad about nords?
mutthurt from the reform king?
can i get a translation please?
papists in babylon?
I dont know what you are talking about newfriend
queries on pornhub per capita
........are you retarded?
You weren't blasted when we laughed at (((Catalans))) together.
Actually, we have a great respect for the Spanish, we just wish you kept your colony or sold it to us.
get rkt, my 245 was born in Göteborg
babylon the great is america
the worst civilization yet
>swedes love cuckoldry
The best car to drive your large white family around in
Bring back Carolus Rex.
That is all.
old and condescending term for a man whose wife is unfaithful to him
>denmark is the big brother
You achieved nothing, you lost 80% of all wars to us, most of wich you started. Your language is a global laughing stock. And you're obsessed with hating on sweden because deep down you know that we are the true big brother of scandinavia.
It's not nigger porn so it could be worse.
On the other hand, maybe Sweden is all just niggers at this point so it's irrelevant.
ahahahaahah, fucking burgers falling for photoshopped pictures.
they really are as dumb as you say
Best truck ever produced
Scania 143
Shut the fuck up, retard, you're turning us into Canada 2.0 with that shit.
if what you've done to your country is considered achievements, then I'd rather choose not to be "successful"
leafs are 52% you're 56%
>this level of damage control
The true danish spirit, prefering to stay safe and forever irrelevant.
I was just pointing out the fact that many americANOs post about this shit kek, it's curious.
As for nords vs meds i dont know where did that kind of rivalry start, i mean at least here we never had any major conflict against any nord country, it was mostly against anglos and our own neighbors. I think all of us europeans should stick together against (((them))), since we re all on the same ship afterall...
Nothing against nordics, actually quite the opposite, cool people indeed.
Feels bad man... stay comfy Sven!
1898 never forget... even though those colonies turned out to be shitholes, it's just more a matter of honor.
I do think many americans are bros with spanish ppl, but damn your international policies...
I give up on sweden. Just nuke us and let me die.
When studying landscape science we took a lot of trips around Sweden to look at natural and cultural landscapes.
There was also this longer journey we made from south of Sweden to Dalarna in the north.
I saw so much of my country that I had never seen before. Everyone should discover their own soil before country before traveling to another.
>Pic related
dude i have the best weed in the world and 100mbp internet connections
off yourself, good riddance.