Did the Shoah really happen or is it just a metaphysical thing the Jews want everyone to believe in?

Attached: when it never happened but it should happen again.jpg (900x1200, 611K)

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No. But I wish it did and we're gonna do better next time.

nope, even yahoo says so

Attached: Correcting The Record.png (874x650, 710K)

They do it for victim status.

it's a social engineering tactic, that if you say anything bad or critical about any one of them, you are painted as a complete monster (hitler), and shouted down with constant character attacks and ad homenims.

It's what they use to control popular opinion of them as a group, so that they can continue their nefarious nation subverting activities unopposed.

why dont they use the building of the pyramids was done by jews slaves argument anymore?

>Did the Shoah really happen or is it just a metaphysical thing the Jews want everyone to believe in?
It's a meme perpetuated by endless mimicry.
If or how it happened in actuality is of no interest anymore nowadays.

Jews were put in camps but most died due to starvation / typhus.

Were jews stockpiling their wealth while almost a million German children starved to death? Yes.
Were jews systematically targetted? Yes, among other groups.
Were jews rounded up? Yes, along with other groups.
Were jews gassed and turned into bars of soap? Questionable.
Did 6 million jews die? Questionable.

But most importantly: did jews deserve it?

YES. They killed more people than even the 6 million they claim with the Bolshevik Soviet regime. They tried to establish a similar regime in Germany. You can't claim to be a victim if you are an enemy in an armed conflict.

If you want to dispel the holocaust myth you shouldn't focus on the large amount of people that were killed. That is simply a fact and can't be justified. You should focus on that the jew was far from innocent and responsible for the bigger crime.

The best thing that never was.

To add to this the "Holocaust" didn't come out of nowhere. It was a projection to an event before that with a very similar name.

The Holodomor, Jewish Bolsheviks systematically starved and killed almost half the population of Ukraine. Total death toll is estimated between 10 and 12 million people. Jewish-centered historians claim the systematic starvation wasn't deliberate.

To add to the myth they added their own Gulags that they ran to the holocaust. The holocaust story brings together a lot of things that the Soviet empire was busy doing. It's utter projection.

Probably because Science and archeology has proven them wrong about incident. the people who work on the pyramid were Egyptians workers themselves. The Pharaoh would never allow foreigners to build what's to be a holy funeral tomb to the decendants of the gods.

I've noticed that people with far-left ideas pale in fear of being found out when Soviet malfeasance, including the killing of numbers into the millions is brought up. Anybody else?

The supposed worker's paradise ideas put into practice made things miserable for the populations who were subjected to it. Meanwhile, a person can see commie, far-left zealots in the streets carrying emblems o hammer-and-sickle, the same symbol that the commie tyrants used. Is that O.K.?

They called their countries "workers' paradises" but if that's so why build their borders where people couldn't get out of their countries? An Iron Curtain?

It seems like a fake advertisement for what everybody knew they were doing: going on mass killing sprees of their own populations, with numbers that were nearly uncountable.

>why dont they use the building of the pyramids was done by jews slaves argument anymore?

1. too old
2. no one cares
3. their current target isn't egyption, they are white.

>Did the Shoah really happen or is it just a metaphysical thing the Jews want everyone to believe in?

If a young man goes out in the streets with a flag with a hammer-and-sickle on it, when with the left condemn and disavow?

These symbols are symbols of oppressive tyrannies of the past, where many tens of millions were killed. And killed during _peacetime_ no less!

Of course, Democrats must condemn use of hammer-and-sickle by people of the far-left. If commie ideas led to terror and mass kilings before, it could happen again, and therefore everyone needs to make sure that it won't.

A country which closes its own borders to _keep_people_in_ is a disaster waiting to happen. Atrocities did happen under 1Sec Stalin and Chairman Mao during the 20th Century.

Adding Isai Berg considering you mentioned projection

Attached: Isai-Berg-gas-van.png (625x816, 182K)


>When Wiernik's profession as a carpenter was accepted, he was put to work constructing various camp structures including additional gas chambers.

>The new construction job between Camp No. 1 and Camp No. 2, on which I had been working, was completed in a very short time. It turned out that we were building ten additional gas chambers, more spacious than the old ones, 7 by 7 meters or about 50 square meters. As many as 1,000 to 1,200 persons could be crowded into one gas chamber.

>1200 people
>7 x 7 metres (49 square metres)
>24 people per square metre

Apparently, basic mathematics is something that Jewish-Polish carpenters lack when building anything.

>5 people per square metre (this should be the UPPER limit for standing/viewing spaces).

Attached: Untitled-61.jpg (580x394, 173K)

these shit threads again

If a commie countries murdered several tens of millions in the past, then it's time to put away the hammer-and-sickles today, in 2018. People who bring those emblems of terror and tyranny into the public spaces, for example during a street protest, need to be condemned by _all_ elected officials.

Why should a country close her own borders to prevent people from getting out? But the Soviet Union did that, the commie maniacs.

Tfw Netan means stinky in Maghreb dialect
